Veritas, Week 8, Term 2

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School Camp Next week the Year Six students and staff will be sejng off to the Woodman Point Recrea-on Camp. The purpose of this camp is fundamentally about developing the leaders of the school. The school camp builds confidence, resilience and responsibility, turning students into empowered, inspiring leaders. It is a very exci-ng -me for our Year Six students. During the camp all the children will learn from the unique experience of community; sharing, working and living as a team. Being inter-dependent with peers affords the child an opportunity to make new friends, to view each other out of the context of school, and to witness and appreciate the different talents of others. School camps expose children to different environments that they would not normally experience in daily suburban living. Out of this they build personal competencies such as self-iden-ty, self-worth, selfesteem, leadership and self-respect. Camps help develop self-esteem as children learn to try different ac-vi-es in a suppor-ve and friendly environment. Professionally trained, outdoor instructors help children feel secure and capable. The provision of a supervised, posi-ve environment that has safety as a primary commitment assists all children to grow and to flourish. Students par-cipate in ac-vi-es they have never experienced before and are rewarded with a sense of accomplishment and self-worth. Camp is therefore a wonderful experience for all children as they learn new skills and develop a sense of autonomy and trust in their decisions. The aims of the camp are: • to develop within the students their leadership skills. • to build and develop new friendships. • to build personal competencies such as self-iden-ty, selfworth, self-esteem and self-respect. to par-cipate in ac-vi-es that perhaps students have never experienced before. • to develop new skills and develop a sense of autonomy and trust in their decisions. Staff members aeending the camp: Mr Daniel Silla, Miss Sophie Keeffe, Mr Frank Colangelo, Miss Melissa Myles, Miss Kate Witkowski and Mrs Lauren Jenkins.

Celebra*ng our Grandparents We know that our grandparents have much love and wisdom to share with their grandchildren as they have had a life-me of experience. Besides being the keepers of family tradi-ons and history, grandparents provide grandchildren with examples of hard work and family loyalty. Grandparents’ stories contribute to family iden-ty by sharing knowledge about rela-ves, important events, family tradi-ons, the grandparent’s

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