IJIFR December 2016 volume 4 issue 4 Section 1

Page 95

ISSN: 2347-1697 International Journal of Informative & Futuristic Research (IJIFR) Volume - 4, Issue -4, December 2016 Continuous 40th Edition, Page No: 5845-5853 once in a week and occasionally by the saltpan workers as it is evident from the table -4. Green leafy vegetables being the cheapest and nutritious protective foods were used once in a week and occasionally. Difficulty in preparing breakfast because of their busy schedule and unaware of the nutritious food identified were the reason for the low inclusion of green leafy vegetables in their daily diets. Table 4 : Frequency of consumption of green leafy vegetables

Green leafy vegetables

Frequency of consumption

Total Percentage


Alternate Once in a Occasionally days week Agathi 0 0 0 108 (54%) 108 54 Araikeerai 0 0 12 (6%) 168 (84%) 180 90 Drumstick Greens 0 0 24 (12%) 136 (68%) 160 80 Amaranth 0 0 4 (2%) 76 (38%) 80 40 It was noticed that agathi was consumed occasionally by 54 percent and few of the saltpan workers never consumed other greens except drumstick greens. Most of the households had got drumstick and drumstick leaves from their own backyards or from neighbour's trees. Very few women purchased drumstick and the greens from the local vegetable market. It was also noticed that the saltpan workers were avoiding greens during nights. According to Pandey and Neerubala (2013), increased household income was associated with higher intake of iron from meat, poultry and all animal sources, but in the present study, low income decreased the purchasing power of households. It could be seen from the table -5 that all the respondents consumed onion, but 20 and 7 per cent of the families consumed onion daily and alternate days respectively. About 36 percent of respondents consumed it once in a week and 37 percent of the saltpan workers consumed it occasionally. Most of the saltpan workers were utilised roots and tubers such as potato, carrot, yam and radish once in a week and occasionally by 56, 26, 18, and 24 percent respectively. Table 5 : Frequency of consumption of roots and tubers

Roots and tubers

Frequency of consumption

Total Percentage


Alternate Once in a Occasionally days week Onion 40 (20%) 14 (7%) 72 (36%) 74 (37%) 200 100 Potato 0 0 36 (18%) 112 (56%) 148 74 Carrot 0 0 14 (7%) 52 (26%0 66 33 Yam 0 0 24 (12%) 36 (18%) 60 30 Radish 0 0 0 48 (24%) 48 24 The table - 6 provides the details of frequency of consumption of fruits by the families of saltpan workers. It could be seen that most of the respondents were included fruits occasionally. About 64 per cent of saltpan workers were consumed banana occasionally. Lime juice was taken occasionally (62%) and only 7 percent of the respondents were consumed grapes occasionally. This might be due to the increased cost of fruits.

Mathuravalli. S.M.D, Dr. Sr. Mary S.A, Dr. B.Geetha :: Food Consumption Pattern Of Saltpan Workers In Thoothukudi District Of Tamil Nadu


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