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Wayne Mackintosh

- The course objectives were all attained, sometimes not as in depth as one would have liked it to be. Thank you for a variety of experiences gained in this course. - The objectives have been well achieved, and I feel very comfortable with how they were delivered and absorbed. - The course objectives I am sure have been achieved. The only one which needs to be improved upon is the ability to create the site and put in the threads, the discussion forum, assignments etc. - I think the course objectives were met specifically as relates to: the concept of DE and the whole DE system; ICTs and how they can be applied; the teaching principles associated with DE; organizational and management issues and related logistics: the application of DE; to learners with special needs; and the whole question of policy related to DE the facilitators used both the face to face and the online activities in meeting the course objectives. I plan to use the information gained to streamline some areas in the way DE is being handled in my institution. - The specific course objectives were achieved. Of the three additional general aims the following were partially achieved: 1. Teach participants how to use the De platform. We can use the DE platform at the participant end, but we need to learn to use it from the trainer end. 2. Provide guidelines for web-based delivery - It would have been nice to include some practical component to make this aim more realistic to participants. - Overall, the course achieved its main objectives. The theoretical and practical issues on DE were excellently explained, with focused practical assignments to reinforce this; the role of ICTs in DE has been revealed and emphasized; the need and feasibility of opening up DE to the marginalised and challenged groups using ICTs has also been examined; policy issues have been examined at both institutional and national levels; and, even most importantly, participants have been taken through a practical step-by-step session on how to structure the various proposals to enable them implement this course over to their respective countries. - The concept of DE, its history and the role of ICTs in this form of education were well articulated both in the course modules and the assignments which we did. I now have a better understanding on the concepts of distance and open learning. The core functions of teaching & learning in DE and corresponding organisational, social and technological implications were adequately covered. The overall DE system including program and course design procedures using ICTs were covered during the course. However, I believe more time needs to be allocated for this if this course will be offered again in the future. Teachning principles with special attention to ICTs was adequately addressed and sufficient examples were given. The special needs of learners and corresponding implications for ICTs in DE were covered well, adequate literature material was also provided. We also had the opportunity to visit a facility at UNISA which handles needs of learners with special needs. Policy issues at institutional and national levels was covered well. The use of distance education platform for online activities was covered well. I can now confidently surf the UNESCO-IITE platform. We prepared a draft business plan to launch a similar course in our own country. I would like to thank the facilitators most profusely for assissting us do this. I strongly believe that more time should have been availed and a practical example given to demonstrate web delivery of DE. - The course objectives were fairly well covered. The presentation of theoretical content was well done both in the face-to-face mode,on CD-ROM (Readings) and online. However, there was no adequate time to digest and discuss conclusively what was being discussed. The group interaction online was also limited due to time constraints. If time had permitted, a lot more should have been done practically on 'DE and the Disabled', 'Policy Issues in DE', and on plans for rolling out the programme in our countries. If more time is availed, this is an excellent course design. 292

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