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could see the roofs of houses flying around in it. It also picked up cars, wheeling them around in it. I had two friends that were picked up in their cars, one was set back down on its wheels and he could drive it back home, the other landed upside down and was sent scooting along the middle of a street six blocks from his home. We felt the shaking of the house and a big tree branch was ripped off. Sometime after that Carmen and I decided to go back to Mexico. We had stayed some fifteen years and it was time to come home.

inauguración, todos fuimos al famoso restaurante El Taquito, con los maestros de San Carlos. Enfilaron todas las mesas en dos salones y empezaron a fluir los tequilas; trajeron mariachis y Carmen y yo nos pusimos a bailar. Por poder bailar un zapateado, conseguí trabajo en San Carlos, dando un curso de animación, por las noches. Museo Nacional de Antropología En estos tiempos que daba clases de animación en la Academia de San Carlos, la escuela de arte de la UNAM, fui invitado a trabajar en el Museo Nacional de Antropología, en donde estaban trabajando todos los de San Carlos. Carlos Sandoval llegó a ser uno de mis amigos más allegados en México, y me llevó con el Arq. Arias, estaba encargado de la museografía. Fui contratado para trabajar en el diseño de varias salas del museo: la Sala de Prehistoria, la Sala Mexica y la Sala de Resumen, con Iker Larrauri, Julio Prieto, y el Arq. Pedro Armendáriz, Jr. quien después se convirtió en actor, como su padre.

Coco, the black poodle One day, Holly was out playing somewhere close to the house, and she returned with a short-legged, young, black French Poodle that followedher home. It had just been groomed, was well trained and we advertised in the paper that we had found a dog, and several people came to see him, but no one claimed him. One lady who responded to the ad found her dog on the way home from our house; she was happy and called us to tell us. So we now had a French Poodle that Carmen named Coco. He was fixed, but if there was a female dog in her season around the neighborhood, Coco was there. We got many complaints from the neighbors. He lost an eye in a fight with a cat, and some child threw a billiard ball to him and he lost two front teeth.

El Arq. Pedro Ramírez Vázquez, diseñador del museo, había asignado, en secreto, a nuestro equipo re-diseñar la Sala Mexica, porque en su opinión, los diseños del Arq. Jorge Stepananco, quien estaba oficialmente asignado a esta tarea, no respetaban la monumentalidad de la sala. Jorge y su familia eran amigos nuestros, vivían en un piso abajo de nosotros en la Calle Thiers, en la Ciudad

We brought Coco with us to Mexico and he became the mascot around the campus of the Instituto


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