IIAS Newsletter - Nr 40 - Autumn 2014

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EGPA MED 7 – Euro Mediterranen Dialogue, 8-10 October 2014, Rome (Italy) RETROSPECTIVE The Seventh Euro Mediterranean Dialogue on Public Management, MED 7 took place in Rome, Italy, on October 8, 9 & 10, 2014 on the theme “Societal government and sustainable public management: Challenges for the Euro-MENA area” This MED 7 was organized by EGPA, the University Roma Tor Vergata in close partnership with the Italian National School of Administration (SNA), the Institute of Public Management and Territorial Governance, IMPGT – Aix Marseille University and the National School of Administration in Strasbourg, ENA. Other key partners of the MED were also present at this occasion. Prior to the MED 7 conference, the MED PhD workshop gathered 17 young researchers who presented and discussed their PhD thesis research projects. The different sessions were chaired by well-known professors in the Euro-Mediterranean zone, experts in public management. The opening special panel was dedicated to the theme: Is there a Mediterranean way to social innovation?» The speakers presented different Italian experiences.

More than 130 participants presented papers and testimonies during the parallel sessions structured around the different sub-themes: Track 1: Reviewing government expenditure: towards a smarter sustainability of public finances; Track 2: Coproduction, collaborative administration and public private partnerships; Track 3: The Horizon of the social innovation in the Mediterranean area: challenges for public policies and civil society; and the Open Track. During the MED institutional platform, our partners were invited to present their projects and priorities for the coming years. Many topics were suggested for our future discussions: sustainable development, education, training and employability, public policies, partnerships and key projects in order to manage the main challenges of our societies etc.

The MENAPAR meeting will be organized in Tunis in October 2015 and the Euro-MENA Dialogue will be held in Oman in October 2016. Further information will be posted on the MED platform: www.med-eu.org n

TED 8 – TransEuropean Dialogue, 5-6 February 2015, Milan – Bocconi University (Italy) COMING UP

The closing ceremony were dedicated to a reflection on the future of the dialogue and its

PROJECTS DEVELOPMENT In February and June 2014, the Strategy Committee of IIAS has approved the strategic plan of President Geert Bouckaert for his term, and defined some priorities. The objective of the plan is to strengthen the role of international reference of the Institute in the field of public administration. It aims, among others, at strengthening the attractiveness of the Institute for members, at developing sustainable synergies with international organizations, at pursuing its regional development, and at keeping innovating in the organizations of events. The Strategy Committee has defined three priorities. First, two new benefits are created for member states. They now have the possibility of constituting a new type of group – solution groups – to focus with representatives from other members, on issues arising from a political-administrative – as opposed to academic – agenda. On the other hand, internship positions are now opened up at the Institute’s Secretariat to civil servants from member states introducing a demand for it. Second, the Institute intends making work of the general consultative status it recently obtained at the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations. Therefore, the Institute wants contributing to some key debates taking place in the numerous bodies of the Council to which it can access now, on basis of the intellectual production of the Institute’s working and regional groups. Moreover, the theme of trust that the IIAS Congress shares in 2015 with the United Nations Committee of Experts on Public Administration allows strengthening synergies between both bodies through exchanges of contributions and invitations. Finally, the Secretariat has the mission of supporting these strategic objectives through a systematic collection of data on the relevant stakeholders. n

Newsletter 6 Autumn 2014

extension to the MENA area in partnership with MENAPAR.

The next TED will be organised from 5 to 6 February 2015 in Milan at the Bocconi University on the theme: Towards Meaningful Measurement: Performance Management at the Crossroads of internal efficiency and social impacts. For further information: please contact Dr. Fabienne Maron – f.maron@iias-iisa.org. n

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