Light for Your Path June/July/August 2012

Page 22

Inspiring Moments… Ladies, It is time to be inspired in every area of your life. It is time to find the inspiration to embrace the woman God created you to be. For years, many women have been sitting on the back burner, side lined due to low self-esteem, insecurity and inferiority. Pick yourself up, step up to a mirror and shout: I’M BAD BEAUTIFUL, AMAZING AND DESTINED FOR GREATNESS. Here are some words to inspire you to move forward in life.

It is very important to stay in touch with who we are in Christ Jesus. If we loose sight of WHOSE we are, then we are destined to travel wrong roads, make wrong choices and settle for LESS THAN God's best for us. Stay connected to the vine. Often as women, we forget that God created us with an inner strength and determination that says, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made by the hand of God. I am more than a conqueror. I am strong in the power of His might. It is vital to your emotional and spiritual growth to be free from the chains of fear, shame, abuse, bitterness, anger, doubt, low self esteem or whatever it might be - so that you can walk in the fullness of life. You cannot carry around dead weight.

The only person that can condemn you - is YOU. Everyone else is on assignment.

Your heart was equipped by God with many things: (1) love (2) hope (3) desire. Anything else might weigh you down. Hold on to the things that matter most.

The day you discover your inner strength is the day you will stop settling for less than God’s best. When people put you down, find a way to lift them up. They might be putting you down because they need a way to feel better about themselves. As you overcome challenges and obstacles, learn from them so that you don’t have to repeat them. If you don’t learn from your mistakes you will repeat them and the next time it might be worse.

Don’t choose men because they look GOOD, choose men because he looks GOD. (The man that finds a wife, finds a good thing - let God do the choosing).

Look for patterns of behavior that keep you from moving forward. Dating the same destructive men, spending habits that leave you bankrupt, employment choices, eating habits. Work towards changing unhealthy areas of your life.

Be Inspired…


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