
Page 64

Caption place beyond the pines

GetshreddedlikeThor Complete any exercises paired A and B as supersets. Complete any exercises marked A, B and C as trisets. Duration: 5 days Exercises: 34

D AY 1 B A C K






General pull-up

General push-up 5 sets 20 reps

Hammer strength two-arm row

Dumbbell row

You’ll need: pull-up bar 5 sets 20, 15, 12, 10, 10 reps

Swiss ball hyperextension

■ In order to prevent shoulder injury, correct form requires you to keep the crooks of your elbows pointing forward and preventing your elbows from flaring out to the sides.

■ To ensure full back engagement, start each rep from a dead hang (arms fully extended) and pull your elbows into your rib cage and squeeze your lats as you pull your body up.

You’ll need: dumbbells 4 sets 12 reps ■ Be sure to keep your head up and shoulders back throughout this exercise to keep your back in a firm and stable position.

You’ll need: dumbbells 4 sets 12 reps ■ Brace yourself on a flat bench with your left knee and hand on the bench and a heavy dumbbell in your right hand. Pull the weight up to your chest; use only your lats and arms; don’t twist. Repeat for equal reps on each side.

You’ll need: Swiss Ball 4 sets 25, 20, 15, 15 reps ■ Avoid going too far and overarching your lower back during the movement. Initiate the movement by squeezing your glutes and using them to control the motion. Hold the top position of the exercise for 2-3 seconds before lowering the chest.

D AY 2 C H E S T






Barbell bench press

Warrior fit incline dumbbell bench press

Hammer strength chest press

Weighted dip

Cable flye

You’ll need: bench, dumbbells 4 sets 12 reps

You’ll need: Hammer Strength machine 4 sets 15 reps

You’ll need: ankle weights, dip station 4 sets 10 reps

You’ll need: twin cable stations 4 sets 12 reps

You’ll need: barbell, bench 8 sets 12, 10, 10, 8, 8, 6, 4, 4, 4 reps ■ Avoid arching the lower back. Instead, keep your hips on the bench throughout the entire movement.

■ Keep the elbows close to your sides throughout the exercise. Do not hyperextend the neck. Maintain a neutral long spine. Lower the dumbbells all the way until they are level with your chest.

■ Keep your elbows tucked (not flared) and raise the weight above your head until your elbows are just slightly bent, then return to the starting position and repeat.

■ Add weight with chains around your neck or a weight belt. Lower your body until your elbows form a 90-degree angle. Press up to a full lockout.

■ Allow your arms to be flared outward and stretched. The arms should remain fixed throughout the exercise, but with a bend at the elbow

D AY 3 L E G S






Back squat

Leg press

Single-leg curl

You’ll need: leg press machine 1 sets Failure reps

Body weight walking lunge

Leg extension

You’ll need: barbell, squat rack 7 sets 10, 8, 6, 5, 4, 3, 3 reps ■ Make sure you keep a tight midsection. Do not let your heels come off of the ground during the squat.

■ Start with 6 plates on each side, rep out to failure, strip 1 plate off of each side and rep out to failure again. Continue until there is 1 plate left on each side and hit failure 1 final time. A partner can be helpful.

You’ll need: leg extension machine 3 sets 20 reps

You’ll need: lying leg curl machine 3 sets 20 reps

■ Slowly raise the weight by extending both legs upwards to the straightened position. Do not jerk the weight up.

■ Keep your upper body still, your hips down and other leg in place.




4 sets 20 reps ■ Keep your chest tall during these. Walking lunges work your legs and glutes, but good posture will add core stimulation, as well.

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