IFS Annual Report 2015

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Md. Sazedul Hoque using formalin identifier test kit solution for qualitative formalin test. Method established by Bangladesh Council of Scientific and Industrial Research.

Science Technology and Innovation (NACOSTI), on behalf of HE Professor Jacob Kaimenyi, the Cabinet Secretary for Higher Education, Science and Technology. Participants were then informed about the project’s history, outcomes and outputs by Dr Nighisty Ghezae of IFS and Dr Benjamin Gyampoh of AAS. Representatives from Ethiopia, Ghana and Kenya gave presentations about their respective countries’ present efforts at policy change with regard to scientific equipment, effective approaches to advocacy, actors and roles in policy change advocacy, and recommendations to identify and engage with scientific equipment policy change channels. IFS alumni spoke about their experience as early-career scientists on a range of issues dealing with scientific equipment and policy advocacy, followed by a presentation on microscience, scientific equipment and policy approaches by Prof. John Bradley of the RADMASTE Centre in South Africa, and Prof. James Cosentino of IOCD. From the day’s presentations and deliberations emerged a range of themes for more detailed discussion; participants settled on three: microscience, the impact of research on national development, and existing national 32 *** IFS ANNUAL REPORT 2015

and regional frameworks and bodies. From these came suggestions on channels of advocacy for policy change on scientific equipment and who needs to work together. The meeting concluded with each participant making commitments to take forward efforts at scientific equipment policy change. These ranged from broad intentions to raise awareness about these issues at institutional, national and regional levels, to specific commitments of collaboration and funding. AAS committed itself to pursue an advocacy role to persuade governments and institutions to develop clearly articulated guidelines for the procurement, manufacture, installation, shared use, operation and maintenance of scientific equipment, including microscience equipment. IFS reaffirmed its long-standing commitment to address scientific equipment issues as a contribution to the development of Africa’s scientific endeavours.

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