In the last 20 years, a IDRA senior education associate, Aurelio Manuel Montemayor, M.Ed., has become a persistent planter of Texas wildflowers in his yard, which has led to somewhat difficult relationship with the code enforcement division of the City of San Antonio. A late advocate of Lady Bird Johnson’s campaign in support of the natural growths in Texas, and more probably in line with his decision to be a vegetarian almost 20 years ago (“not from any deep health or ethical reasons but to be a thorn in the side of a very carnivorous environment”), he has shown his deep dislike of neatly cut lawns and the grasses cultivated in most middle class neighborhoods. In this eBook, “The Thorny Path of the Non-compliant Xeriscapist,” you can read a fuller description and more passionate expression of his campaign and crusade.
#xeriscape #gardening #landscaping #wildflower