belize: a review of public expenditures.

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Preface This report examines the public spending system in Belize, with particular emphasis on social expenditures. The report takes as its point of departure the current need to streamline and downsize public spending to get public finances onto a more sustainable path, both in the short and the medium term. The report was prepared for the Inter-American Development Bank under the project “Building Social Capital through Fiscal Reform” (ATN/NC-8729-RS, ATN/FW-8730RS, ATN/CF-8731-RS). The project was funded by The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (Norad), The UK Department for International Development (DFID), and The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA). This edition is a short version of a more extensive study prepared by Graham Glenday and Gangadhar P. Shukla at Duke Center for International Development at Duke University. The chapter on public service reform is based on a report prepared for IDB by Mercedes Iacoviello. The report was edited by Vibeke Oi. This report was prepared under the direction of Manuel R. Agosin, Regional Economic Advisor of the Department until January 2006. He was ably seconded by Vibeke Oi (RE2/RE2). Marta Mejia-Zampieri (COF/CBL) and Luis Cesar Acosta (COF/CBL) provided important guidance and suggestions. A particular word of thanks to Miriam Perez-Fuentes, who has been responsible for the preparation and production of this report. The IDB would like to thank the members of the Government of Belize for their assistance and support during the completion of this study. Special thanks go to Nigeli Sosa, Deputy Financial Secretary, for coordinating contacts with the Government of Belize. Máximo Jeria Manager Regional Operations Department II Central American Isthmus, Mexico, Haiti and Dominican Republic Washington, D.C., September 2006

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