office of institutional integrity annual report 2006

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n A

declaration that an individual, entity or

firm is ineligible, either permanently or

the persons involved from obtaining future financing from the Bank Group.

for a stated period of time, to be awarded and/or participate in contracts under Bank-

If the OCFC determines that there is evidence

financed projects.

of fraud or corruption in connection with a project financed by another international

n The

imposition of fines to reimburse

or multinational organization, including

the Bank for costs associated with

another development bank, or by an agency

investigations and/or the proceedings.

of a member government that promotes international development, it may directly, or

Beginning in 2007, the names of those found

through OII, share the relevant information.

to have violated the policies will be made public, along with the type and length of

The Bank Group may also take additional

sanction imposed.

measures as a result of OII’s investigative findings, ranging from suspension of

In addition to the sanctions process, if

disbursements to termination of contract; it

it appears that the laws of a member

may cancel the part of the financing pertaining

government may have been violated, OII may

to the procurement of various goods and

inform the OCFC, which retains the authority

services; or it may accelerate the loan or cancel

to make a recommendation to the President of

undisbursed balances. These may be done

the Bank Group that the matter be referred to

either with or independent from any other

appropriate governmental authorities.


Likewise, in the context of an IIC-financed project, the OCFC—together with IIC management—have the responsibility to adopt a wide array of measures, e.g. excluding

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Office of Institutional Integrity | Annual Report 2006

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