Roadmap FOR Idaho A publication by the Idaho Freedom Foundation
Contents Letter from the President 4 Free & Fair Jobs
Health Care
K-12 Education
Higher Education
Property Tax Reform
Idaho Lands
Tax Policy
State Spending
State Employee Benefits 64 Federal Reliance
Good Governance
Cannabis Policy
Small Business
Transportation Policy
Letter from the President Every day at IFF we concern ourselves with the business
What these examples share is what drives me along:
of making Idahoans’ lives better. The stories of fellow
The government is telling these businesses that they
residents inspire IFF to bring about change within our
don’t know how best to run their business. Either with
borders—to take on the barriers to success and happi-
good or bad intentions, the government has stepped
ness that our state and local governments have erected.
between Idahoans and their ability to help others through their businesses.
One such story that has spurred me on involves Lindsay Schram, owner of the North End Organic
This Roadmap for Idaho—outlined in the pages ahead—is
Nursery. The State Department of Agriculture made
meant to guide our state away from counterproductive
her remove vinegar from her shelves, which she sold
and costly infringements like these, and allow our fellow
as an herbicide. The product, the agency complained,
Idahoans to move forward in the pursuit of prosperity.
was not registered with the department. We are talking about a product offered in every grocery store across
In the upcoming pages you will read more of the stories
not just Idaho, but the entire U.S. Offering a healthy,
that inspire me—Sylvia Garcia and the problems she
organic and chemical-free product supposedly created
faces with her local urban renewal agency, the DeBoers’
a danger to the public.
challenges they have faced in finding healthcare, and Dean Neptune, a young entrepreneur who founded a
Another story that concerns me is the tale of Alta Mesa,
business that now has 10 employees, but is kept from
a business that has brought numerous jobs to Idaho
expanding his business by state regulations. I hope
and has pioneered the industry in the state for oil and
that you can find inspiration from these stories and the
gas production. Regulatory red tape adds thousands of
others presented here.
dollars to its operating costs every day: Alta Mesa has to truck clean water from their drilling and production
Unfortunately, the stories in this Roadmap for Idaho
sites rather than injecting it back into the ground—not
are not rare cases across the state. Their challenges are
because it is safer or cleaner for the environment—sim-
echoed among numerous others with our state and
ply because they have not received a permit to do
local governments.
To alleviate these problems, IFF has developed policy
ahead into fruition. Finally, I hope that all Idahoans will
solutions in 14 key areas, areas that were chosen for
challenge their government officials to uphold these
their wide-reaching effects on a variety of Idahoans.
Some solutions were drawn from the examples set by other states, either because their implementation was
I am proud to be an Idahoan. But my pride does not
successful in bringing about flourishing and we hope to
come merely from what Idaho represents today. I take
emulate the same, or the policies failed their citizens,
pride in where Idaho will be tomorrow—in the future that
and we hope to steer clear of the same mistakes. Some
awaits our residents as we enact new policies that will
policies are new, ideas that would put our state at the
allow Idaho to be an even better place to live, play, start
forefront of advancing liberty, prosperity and freedom
a business, and raise a family.
for all Idahoans. My hope is that our current and future governor will lead the charge on these 14 areas, championing policies that will protect the oft-forgotten Idahoans. Further, I hope that our state legislators will bring the policies outlined
Wayne Hoffman, President
Free &
Fair Jobs
He wants to create more job opportunities,
but state regulations stand in his way.
Remove the legal hurdles that block prosperity and hurt consumers By Phil Haunschild
By the age of 24, many young people have finished col-
Idaho Freedom Foundation that the state license
lege and have set off in search of jobs they hope will lead
requirement is akin to McDonald’s requiring its workers to
to successful careers.
hold culinary arts degrees. As concerns the wiring process Smith notes, “It’s not that hard to put colors together.”
Dean Neptune of Boise does things a little differently. He’s an entrepreneur and has created 10 well-paying
Because of this government restriction, Neptune partners
jobs.He wants to create more job opportunities, but state
with local electricians to finish the installations. However,
regulations stand in his way.
that often delays jobs and costs customers big money. Due to a glut of work in the red-hot Boise construction
Neptune owns and operates The Planet Express, an
industry, electricians find themselves stretched thin.
appliance delivery firm that ferries ovens, dishwashers,
Neptune’s jobs, which are small potatoes compared to
refrigerators and other household goods to new homes
much larger work orders, fall to the bottom of electricians’
across the Treasure Valley. The company holds several
priority lists.
contracts with big-box stores, including The Home Depot, Sears and Lowe’s.
When The Planet Express crews can grab an electrician for a job, the company usually forks over $300 for the
While those deals keep his crews hustling each day, he
simple task of putting colored wires together.
knows his firm could do more. In addition to appliance delivery, Neptune would like to offer installation services.
Were the state to ease the regulation, The Planet Express could score more installation contracts and, in turn,
Because Neptune’s employees don’t hold at least journey-
bring on more workers. Further, it would save money for
man licenses as electricians, Idaho’s construction regula-
tions forbid the workers from installing certain ovens and dishwashers, which require minimal wire manipulation.
Ending the regulation “would mean a lot more work for us,” Neptune said. “If we could get that regulation
James Smith, a Planet Express deliveryman, told the
changed, it’d change everything for us.”
PROBLEM Dean and his employees find company with nearly one quarter of all Idahoans, who must receive a government permission slip to work.1 In the 1950s, fewer than one in 20 workers was required to have a government license to work in a given field.2 Many of today’s licenses take thousands of hours of education, carry steep fees, and decrease competition by limiting the number of individuals in their professions. In turn, consumers pay higher prices. Some estimates hold that as many as one percent of Idaho jobs are lost to these regulations, and Idaho goods and services may cost as much as 15 percent more.3 Further, there is a conflict of interest issue. Some 89 percent of the licensing boards responsible for implementing these regulations are composed of individuals who compete with the very people they regulate. For example, on boards sit electricians, who determine what kind of work a handyman can do or what homeowners can do on their houses. On the cosmetology board are cosmetologists, who determine who can compete within their industry, and where and how potential competitors 1 IFF Research. May 2016. 2 Morris M. Kleiner, “Reforming Occupational Licensing Policies,” March 2015, Brookings Institution . 3, file/9441/download
Some estimates hold that as many as one percent of Idaho jobs are lost to these regulations, and Idaho goods and services may cost as
much as 15 percent more. may work.4 As a result, licensing boards can be trans-
ends. For example, cosmetologists in the state of Idaho
formed into protectionist barriers, working against new
are required to have 2,000 hours of education before
entrants, and favoring those who have already secured
they can be licensed while certification as an Emer-
their place in a given industry.
gency Medical Technician (EMT) takes just 150 hours.7 If public health and safety is the primary concern, why
The expansion of occupational licensing has been
should a cosmetologist be required to have 14 times
substantial in recent years. Both the total number of
more education than the individual whose responsibili-
boards within the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licens-
ty is to protect individuals on the verge of dying?
es (IBOL) and the number of individuals licensed have grown by roughly 25 percent in the past decade alone.5
Occupational licensure has frequently turned into a tool
However, the bureau provides just a snapshot of all
for controlling industries, by the state and by compet-
licensed professions: There are nearly as many licens-
itors in the market. From the state perspective, con-
ing agencies that are not overseen by the IBOL. State
trolling licensees provides a steady cash stream through
agencies such as the Board of Medicine, Department
licensing fees. Whereas for those engaged in an in-
of Agriculture, and Racing Commission all oversee their
dustry, licensing gives them the opportunity to use the
own licenses, which cover diverse occupations, from
force of law to keep competitors out, or hamstringed
concessionaire workers to car salesmen, real estate
should they jump the necessary hurdles.
appraisers to anesthesiologists. It is time for Idaho to return licensing boards back to The general perception of licensing boards as “a
protecting the public.
safeguard for public health, safety, and welfare” has become a misnomer; many licenses go far beyond this stated purpose and are now used to pursue alternative 4 IFF Research. May 2016. 41 out of 46 boards and commissions were found to have a majority of active-market participants as defined by the Supreme Court ruling in NC Dental v. FTC. 5 IFF Research. May 2016. For proffessions administered by the Idaho Bureau of Occupational Licenses, the graph indicates this increase from 50,653 in 2007 up to 64,586 in 2017. This outstrips population growth by nearly double. See chart on page 5. 6 Of 54 Licensing Agencies, 30 are with the Bureau of Occupational Licenses and 24 are with other agencies.
7 Idaho Code 54-805 contains the Cosmetology educational requirements while the Department of Health and Welfare approves EMT courses, which are based on competency, not hours. On average, competency takes 150-190 hours. See: pdf?ver=2016-07-01-160425-723
SOLUTIONS Sunrise provision and costbenefit analysis for statute and rule changes
from least to most restrictive: •
Market competition
Before new boards or licensed professions
Private certification
come into effect and before new rules
A specific private civil cause-of-action to remedy consumer harm
are added, it is critical that their impact on Idahoans is given serious review. This
A deceptive trade practice act
could be done with the implementation of
A regulation of the process of provid-
a sunrise provision, which would require a
ing the specific goods or services to
period of study before these new policies
or regulations may come into effect. This
would subject licensing boards, which can
Bonding or insurance
be easily captured by the very individuals
they set out to regulate,8 to an additional
Government certification
layer of scrutiny with additional time for
Occupational license9
public input, and the inclusion of a comprehensive analysis to judge how critical
Idaho boards could utilize the information
these changes are in order to protect
gathered through their cost-benefit analy-
public health and safety. This would weigh
ses to determine which form of regulation
the costs to the public in terms of reduced
may be warranted. It should be noted,
competition, training requirements, and
occupational licenses top the list for most
licensing fees against the dangers to public
restrictive forms of regulation, yet they are
health and safety that may come from
frequently regulators’ default option. Once
legislators acknowledge the multiple options available, they can choose the most
Utilize the least restrictive form of regulation
restrictive form of regulation for each pro-
Eliminate and consolidate unnecessary or complementary boards
fession. One such framework is as follows,
Idaho has more than 50 agencies, boards
Idaho would be served greatly by developing a framework for choosing the least
and commissions that require certifica8 See footnote 4. NC Dental v. FTC is a striking example of this outcome, where the FTC came in with antitrust measures to break up the anticompetitive behavior of the Dental Board of Examiners in North Carolina.
9 American Legislative Exchange Council, “Occupational Board Reform Act,” January, 2016.
11 some agencies oversee as many as 15
Review and replace restrictive licenses
different licenses.10 Consolidating boards
Through executive or legislative action,
with similar missions and those which
a committee should be established to
oversee complementary professions
conduct a comprehensive review of all li-
would ease education and registration
censes, which would focus on the require-
requirements, while providing greater
ments for education and experience, the
economies of scale. Additionally, Idaho
scope of practice in any given industry,
could eliminate boards that negatively
the frequency of disciplinary actions, the
impact the state, as determined through
size of fees, and extra requirements that
a cost-benefit analysis to see whether the
could prohibit individuals from practic-
extent to which they protect the public
ing in their profession. This committee
health and safety justifies the external
would then recommend to the Legislature
costs to the public and consumers.
further action that should be taken to
tions, registrations and/or licenses, while
eliminate undue licenses. The restrictions which have been put in place by elec10 
IFF Research. May 2016.
tricians are one such example, keeping
SOLUTIONS cont. from work. Onsite event makeup artistry
Expand cross-state reciprocity and licensure by endorsement
is another, as artists are prohibited from
Some occupational licensing boards offer
working on movie sets, at weddings, or for
an expedited process to those who have
photo shoots outside of fixed cosmetology
obtained a license in another state. For many
occupations, however, this is not the case
handymen and appliance installers away
Eliminate provisions that make a criminal conviction an automatic exclusion from practicing a profession
and a license to practice in another state or country is disregarded. Recognizing the education and experience of all individuals in all professions would incentivize out-ofstate individuals to begin businesses or find
For many of Idaho’s professions, such as
work in Idaho and could simplify cross-state
cosmetology, contracting, and the medical
agreements. This is also a major barrier for
fields, a criminal record can be grounds for
many families who are very mobile, such
denial on an application for a license or upon
as military families. Roughly 35 percent of
renewal. For example, a felony conviction
active service members’ spouses work in
precludes one from practicing as an athletic
licensed professions, and may be prohibited
trainer, a cosmetologist, or a wastewater
from working in Idaho without going through
operator, among others occupations.
a lengthy application process or fulfilling
Additionally, if one is charged with a crime
additional requirements, even while they
that involves alcohol or drugs, a board may
have the necessary experience and training
rescind that person’s license in most medical
to perform their job well.13
professions, in cosmetology, as a massage therapist, or in many other occupations.12
11 Idaho Code 54-3911, 54-2412, 54-816 12 Idaho Code 54-816 and 54-4013
13 “Occupational Licensing: A Framework for Policymakers,” July 2015. The White House Archives. Pg 4.
“Reducing the scope of occupational licensure in favor of less restrictive regulations will allow for increased economic growth in Idaho, spur job creation, and allow Idahoans to engage in the professions they are drawn to.”
BENEFITS Review all licenses and repeal those that have no impact on public health and safety
Reducing the scope of occupational licensure in favor
The stated purpose of the occupational licensing ap-
allow Idahoans to engage in the professions they are
paratus is to protect the public’s health and safety. Yet,
drawn to. Occupational licenses frequently hurt the
there are numerous licenses and regulations that have
most vulnerable, keeping the opportunities these pro-
no relationship to protecting the public. For example,
fessions could provide away from those who cannot
the Idaho Racing Commission licenses all individuals
afford the extensive schooling or who do not have the
working in the horse racing industry, from concession-
time to attend lengthy programs.
of less restrictive regulations will allow for increased economic growth in Idaho, spur job creation, and
aires to custodians, valets to veterinarians. If these 14
licenses, which require an annual fee and can keep
Growing bipartisan concern over occupational licen-
Idahoans out of the industry, are not protecting the
sure has been seen on the national stage and here in
public, they should be considered for repeal.
Idaho, something our politicians need to capitalize on by reforming Idaho’s outdated system.
14 See ISP Website for Racing Commission: html
Health Care
“Our premiums skyrocketed... We couldn’t justify paying that... We would’ve never used it.”
Mend the market for a healthier Idaho By Samantha Verdell & Fred Birnbaum
“If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,” for-
Faced with Obamacare’s individual mandate, which
mer President Barack Obama uttered time and time
requires all Americans to buy insurance, the couple
again, before and after the passage of his signature
couldn’t simply drop their coverage. Instead, they
health law.
sought coverage through a health-sharing ministry, a low-cost alternative to traditional insurance.
Like hundreds of thousands of Americans across the country, Gary and Tina DeBoer of Nampa found out
Now, the couple pays $300 per month for up to
the hard way just how misleading the president was.
$125,000 in health coverage per incident. Their plan requires them to cover the first $500 of any
Before Obamacare, the Deboers enjoyed a right-sized
health-related spending, including prescriptions and
health plan that protected them from catastrophic
visits to the doctor. And that works for them.
events. They paid a few hundred dollars each month to buy coverage that boasted a $10,000 deductible.
Thankfully, the Deboers found suitable coverage to meet their needs through a health-sharing ministry.
“It worked for us,” Tina told the Idaho Freedom Foundation. “We rarely went to the doctor.”
What if the state allowed the couple, and all Idahoans, more health insurance options? What if Tina and Gary
Then, Obamacare hit.
DeBoer could pay even less or find a plan that better meets their needs by purchasing coverage from a
“Our premiums skyrocketed,” she said. The Deboers’
carrier in North Dakota or Iowa?
new, Obamacare-compliant health insurance plan offered a lower $5,000 deductible, but cost more than
Consumers deserve choice. Idaho needs to, among
$1,000 each month.
other things, open the insurance market to more competition, which will better serve consumers.
“We couldn’t justify paying that,” she explained. “We would’ve never used it.”
PROBLEM Idahoans face a daunting challenge
lead to financial ruin. For example,
when it comes to rising healthcare
Kootenai Care Network in Coeur
costs. As in other states, there’s no
d’Alene was created with hopes to
real market force dictating how
improve healthcare affordability and
much any medical procedure might
quality, but has unintentionally taken
cost. At one hospital, knee repair
options away from local residents,
surgery might cost $2100, while at
who could now encounter $50,000
another hospital the same procedure
in out-of-network charges.4
could be $3000 or even $6400.1 Even before considering cost conCompounding the problem is the
cerns, Idaho already has a problem
reality that health insurance, meant
with access to care. Idaho ranks 49th
to financially protect people from
in the nation for active physicians
large expenses such as major surgery
per 100,000 people. In addition,
or life-threatening illness, is no lon-
the Idaho Department of Health and
ger affordable for many Idahoans.
Human Services has identified 256
Premiums have gone up more than
health professional shortage areas,
1.68 times wages.2 The average indi-
as well as 44 underserved popula-
vidual market premium through the
tions.5 Rural communities are most
health insurance exchange increased
affected by this physician shortage
24 percent in 2017, and there will
because healthcare facilities tend to
only be four insurers offering plans
be concentrated in urban areas.
through the exchange in 2018.3 Public sector healthcare is also in Shopping around for health services
trouble. Medicaid continues to con-
is further complicated by restrictive
sume more and more of the state’s
insurance and provider networks
budget, leaving less and less money
that limit the options available both
for programs and services such as
to patients and personnel. Going to
education and natural resources.
the wrong doctor or hospital can re-
Between 2010 and 2015, Medicaid
sult in out-of-pocket expenses that
expenditures rose from 23 percent
“Health insurance, meant to financially protect people... is no longer affordable for many Idahoans.”
to 27.8 percent of the state budget.6 Although Idahoans spend high prices on their coverage, this cost does not ensure quality. By throwing money into Medicaid without addressing underlying socioeconomic and regional barriers, Idaho propagates existing disparities. State healthcare finances would be better spent implementing innovative change to the allocation of medical resources across Idaho in order to improve access to quality services rather than boosting Medicaid coverage that does not guarantee utilization of care. Make healthcare more affordable for Idahoans through free market competition, and individuals will be able to make consumer choices that will help drive the cost down and encourage service quality.
1 New Choice Health lists comparisons of local healthcare facilities and services provided, including ranges of prices to be expected. boise-city/hernia-repair-surgery 2 Data between 2009 and 2014. 3 4 5 6
Idaho’s 24% increase in Medicaid
300,000 Source:
enrollment without 200,000
expansion compares
Idaho’s enrollment
400 from the first Expenditures in Millions of Dollars
market period of October 300 2013 with the 200 population as
of April 2017. The growth is100 even greater
using budget 0 book data.
2007 2008 2
400 Expenditures in Millions of Dollars
Idaho’s Medicaid spending,
Source: Legislative Fiscal Reports 2007-2017
General Fund
0 2007 2008 2009 2010
2012 2013 2014
2015 2016
SOLUTIONS Do not expand Medicaid experienced an average over-enrollment of
Open insurance and provider markets
110 percent, which has led to cost overruns.1
A 1961 Idaho law, not federal legislation,
Oregon expanded Medicaid and now faces a
makes it illegal to buy and sell health in-
$1.4 billion deficit, of which an estimated $165
surance across state lines. Eliminating this
million is due to ineligible enrollees who were
law, thereby opening the Idaho market to
able to skirt Oregon’s messy vetting process.2
additional insurers, would allow Idahoans
This $165 million estimate is based on the ap-
competitive options that would help reduce
proximation of 32,000 unqualified Medicaid
premium costs. Consumers would have
recipients; however, calculations of wasteful
options as to the benefits included or not
spending would be much greater using an
included in their plans. Regardless of na-
approximation closer to the original report of
tional changes to healthcare legislation, it is
115,000 ineligible beneficiaries. Now, Oregon
imperative that Idaho forges a path based
legislators are attempting to pass $600
on market-based principles both within the
million in new taxes in order to maintain
state and across borders. Private markets
its expensive Medicaid program under the
are best-suited to serve the complexities of
deficit.3 If Idaho were to expand Medicaid,
healthcare transactions. The Fenwick-Sugden
the already under-staffed system would be
Healthcare Plan proposes allowing people to
flooded by at least 78,0004 new enrollees.
use stop-loss insurance in conjunction with a
This influx would worsen accessibility issues
health management system that would show,
and foster higher state spending on an inef-
in real time, whether an individual is making
ficient program that is already estimated to
healthy choices. The model saves money that
receive $532 million5 from the general fund in
would have been spent on a health insurance
2018. Worse still, this expenditure would not
policy.6 Idaho should also get the IDHW out
address the actual health barriers of the state.
of SHIP’s private medical practice market.
Do not invest in a program that demonstrates
Giving Idahoans the ability to make person-
no cost-containment and exacerbates exist-
al decisions about what medical or health
ing systemic challenges.
services they want covered and where they
States that have expanded coverage have
access care will drive prices down, making 1 Horton, Ingram. “ObamaCare Expansion Enrollment is Shattering Projections: Taxpayers and the Truly Needy Will Pay the Price.” 2016. 2 3 4 5 Legislative fiscal reports 2007-2017
healthcare more affordable for all.
Disregard Obamacare’s 10 essential benefits
hospitals. All non-profit hospitals receiving
The 10 mandated benefits that all insurance
ly. Doing so would not impose anti-compet-
plans must offer, by federal law, is one of the
itive regulations on medical providers and
factors contributing to high premiums. Indi-
would not expand government. It might,
viduals are forced to purchase policies that
however, open the door to more transpar-
cover services irrelevant to them, removing
ency within the medical profession, giving
choice and hiking price. From a market stand-
Idahoans an online reference compiling costs
point, supply-demand functions successfully
and quality of all state providers, not just
in every other segment of society— why
hospitals, through a uniform price break-
not apply it to healthcare? Allow insurance
down. Providers that offer direct primary care
companies to tailor plans to the needs of
already supply detailed transparency, but this
their consumers, and healthy competition
model could be replicated for all healthcare
will drive these insurers to continue adapting
providers. Transparent billing and updated
policies to garner business. U.S. Sen. Ted
listings of prices allow patients to compare
Cruz’s amendment to the AHCA permits
options and know how much treatment
insurers to offer diverse plans as long as they
costs before insurance, giving individuals the
offer at least one AHCA/ACA qualified plan.
information necessary to “shop around” and
If the revised healthcare bill does not pass,
make informed market decisions.
one might argue that Idaho is legally-bound
these incentives should be audited external-
by Obamacare to provide all 10 benefits in
File a Medicaid waiver request
every plan. However, many states disregard
Though Medicaid waivers under the Obama
federal law as pertains to, for example, mari-
administration were not very alluring, the
juana use. If states can get away with passing
Trump administration has been favorable to
their own regulations that contradict national
free market reforms that carry promise for
legislation on marijuana, Idaho should at-
higher quality care at lower costs. Thus, Idaho
tempt to do the same with health insurance
should consider filing a Section 1115 Waiver
that would encourage personal responsibility among beneficiaries while decreasing the
Promote cost transparency
state’s economic burden. Kentucky’s waiver
Many states have enacted legislation that
proposal, for example, adds a high-de-
requires healthcare providers to report cost
ductible HSA to managed care coverage,
and utilization data, which is disseminated
requires sliding-scale premiums on most
to the public.7 However, these strategies put
non-disabled adults, and incorporates a work
government officials between the patient
requirement for Medicaid recipients.8 Cov-
and the healthcare provider. We’d recom-
erage requirements are not altered, and the
mend that the state tie transparency and
vulnerable populations for whom Medicaid
low-cost, high-quality healthcare to the sales
was originally intended are continuously
and property tax breaks currently given to 7
protected. Kentucky’s waiver prepares citizens with the
practice for a broader range of medical practitioners,
knowledge needed to take charge of their own health-
allowing them to see more patients at lower cost.
care decisions, addresses state-level determinants of illness, and engages recipients to help them move
Expand the use of charity care
out of the system over time. The state of Kentucky
Rising out-of-pocket costs for both Medicaid enrollees
estimates it will save $2.2 billion over the course of
and the privately-insured have left many unable to
the five-year waiver. Idaho should submit a similar
utilize their coverage, instead they turn to low-cost or
proposal, which asks for reciprocity from beneficiaries
free clinics for care.12 Again, coverage does not ensure
with the intent to help them be independent health-
access and access does not equate to quality. The un-
care consumers.
insured gap population of Idaho, as well as the insured
who cannot afford co-pays or deductibles, would
Use available resources and innovation
benefit from charity clinics. Idaho could update its state income tax form to allow refunds to go to charity
Senate Concurrent Resolution 113 of 2017 urges Idaho
care, as well as facilitate the partnering of non-profits
hospitals to create more residency programs, as only
to provide charity care, in order to serve the long-term
42 residency openings are available annually in the
needs of disadvantaged populations. Help private
state. Though adding residency positions would
entities establish networks necessary to directly help
positively impact the number of active physicians in
local individuals achieve better health outcomes, rather
Idaho, better allocation of available resources would
than throwing money into Medicaid, a program that
ease the physician burden in a shorter time frame.
fails those who actually need it. Because local groups
Because residency programs must take place near hos-
can provide more focused, individualized care to target
pitals, and hospitals are disparately situated in urban
populations, Idaho should take steps to encourage
environments, the lack of physicians in rural regions
charity-based services that drive Idahoans to self-suffi-
remains. Of Idaho’s 44 counties, 35 are rural. Tele-
ciency. Another basic step the Legislature can take is to
medicine allows rural Idahoans access to affordable
expand charity care liability immunity13 to include free
medical consultations without transportation and time
and sliding-scale services that providers offer at their
hindrances, as well as permitting licensed professionals
own clinics, and provide continuing education credits
to “see” more patients. HB150 established the Inter-
for these provisions. Allow healthcare savings to be
state Medical Licensure Compact; Idaho could enhance
incorporated in Individual Development Accounts14 so
this bill’s impact by including NPs in the clinical scope
Idahoans can build accounts for future health needs.
of interstate telehealth providers. Idaho could also make care more accessible by expanding the scope of 9 10 11
12 aspx?doc=ISM%2F2017%2F06%2F14&entity=Ar01004&sk=C8C49F3F&mode=text 13 Title 39, Chapter 77, Idaho Code. 14 Title 56, chapter 11, Idaho Code.
Idaho has to offer choices to her residents so that individuals, as well as the state, can
be self-reliant.
BENEFITS As government involvement in healthcare has increased, affordability and quality have decreased. Idaho needs to get back to meeting communities and individuals where they are, providing healthcare services and support directly to those in need. Instead of expanding Medicaid, Idaho should expand charity care and utilize the resources and manpower within the state to help Idahoans achieve economic independence. Idahoans can help one another by volunteering at clinics to support their neighbors in accessing healthcare and personal development services. Long-term solutions that build people up, give them a sense of purpose, and address the underlying causes of poverty are more effective than vertical approaches. Charity care, in combination with innovative delivery of medical services, would give Idahoans quality options that transcend economic or regional barriers. Transparency and open markets would allow Idahoans to compare their choices and drive costs down. Overall, Idaho has to offer choices to her residents so that individuals, as well as the state, can be self-reliant.
K-12 Education
Break the one-size-fits-all education mold By Fred Birnbaum For many parents, dispatching their children to the first
side their home. Nevertheless, the local school district
day of school each year brings a mix of joy, hope and,
continues to take the family’s money without providing
after a long summer break, relief.
any return.
For Stephanie Zimmerman of Boise, a mother of nine,
“My tax dollars right now are getting spent on everyone
sending her kids to school each year brought serious
else’s kids but my own,” Stephanie said. “It bugs me.”
angst. A bold policy reform could change that and give fam“Every time the school year would start, I’d get this sick
ilies like the Zimmermans more resources to educate
pit in my stomach,” she told the Idaho
their kids. Were Idaho to adopt
Freedom Foundation. “But, I ignored it
education savings accounts,
because I was afraid of it.” Her dread led her and her husband, Bill, to research alternative education options, including home- schooling. After much consideration and prayer, the parents decided to pull their kids
“My tax dollars right now are getting spent on everyone else’s kids but my own ... It bugs me.”
the Zimmermans could invest in high-quality tutors for their children, buy more books and enjoy more field trips. “Taking this crew to the museum is not inexpensive,” Stephanie said.
from public schools, which they view as deficient for their family’s needs.
Education savings account work like this: After parents take
“The public education system, for all the dedicated
their child out of the public school system, the family
teachers and all the good that can be there, it’s missing
receives access to a portion of the money the gov-
so much,” she said. “And if my kids are going to be gone
ernment would have spent on that child’s education.
from me for six to eight hours a day, I want them to
Then, the family can use the funds—usually with some
be learning something. I do not want their time to be
restrictions—to cover other education-related expens-
es. Home-school families might spend the money on software, computers or science supplies, while other
The Zimmermans charted a new course for their chil-
parents might use the funds to cover private school
dren, one they say allows each child to pursue his inter-
ests, work at his own pace and direct his own learning. For the Zimmermans, education savings accounts “The goal from the very beginning is to teach them
would open new doors for educational fulfillment.
how to teach themselves,” she said.
Stephanie asserts, “It would mean more opportunities
The family invests hundreds of dollars each year in
in the long run for these kids.”
books, school supplies and educational activities out-
PROBLEM To Idahoans of all walks of life,
Spending has no discernable effect on Idaho student success as measured by testing
a quality education consistently ranks at the top of concerns. That’s not just because it’s a con1
ernment function. It’s because a quality education is a driver for so many other outcomes, including upward economic mobility, crime reduction, and dependency on government. Getting education
100% Percent Passing Science Scores
stitutionally required state gov-
policy right is a prime responsibility for the governor and the
80% 60% 40% 20% 0% $4,000
$6,000 $8,000 $10,000 $12,000 $14,000 $16,000 $18,000 $20,000 Spending Per Student
Legislature. Yet, public education has been doing poorly when it
school payrolls but it hasn’t done much to separate
comes to meeting the needs of students. Recent Ida-
high-performing teachers from their under- perform-
ho student standardized test scores have been flat.2
ing counterparts.4
American public schools are not very competitive
Idaho needs to do more. And shoveling wads of
when compared to their foreign peers.3 As a result,
cash in record time is not the answer. Despite school
many states have mainly thrown ever-increasing
districts spending anywhere from roughly $5,500
amounts of money at the problem.
to about $18,000 per student each school year, test results offer no evidence that increased spending
Idaho is no exception. In 2013, Gov. Butch Otter’s
enhances students’ ability to pass Idaho’s basic science
“Task Force for Improving Education (K-12),” included
20 recommendations, many of which demanded more money, but not better results. For example, a
As the chart above shows, districts that spend mod-
new protocol for improving teacher pay is supposed
estly show the best student results per taxpayer dollar.
to reward the best teachers. Alas, the so-called “career ladder” has increased the money going into 1. Article IX, Section 1 of the state Constitution says, “the stability of a republican form of government depending mainly upon the intelligence of the people, it shall be the duty of the legislature of Idaho, to establish and maintain a general, uniform and thorough system of public, free common schools.” 2. Idaho State Department of Education, Communications Department, 06/15/17 ISAT preliminary summary results presented to State Board. 3. “Global Grade, How Do US Students Compare,” by Marian Wilde, April 2, 2015. Among 57 countries compared, the US was 17th and 24th in science and math respectively, based on Program for International Student Assessment results.
4. The Danielson Framework, used in the state’s new career ladder, was developed by Charlotte Danielson as a comprehensive method of evaluating teachers. However, Ms. Danielson did not intend the framework to be used for compensation changes, as it is now. Danielson herself had this to say in a recent forum, “People are justified in being skeptical of how accurate evaluations are because in most states ninety-eight percent of teachers are given the top two ratings, or some unlikely percentage — nobody really believes that’s the case,” Danielson said. “That keeps everybody quiet and nobody is going to complain about that, that’s probably one reason to do it.” This rating methodology is too cumbersome for pay evaluations and the proof is that across Idaho, less than three percent of all 15,571 teachers earned scores below the top two scores of “proficient” and “distinguished.”
This study included 99 Idaho public school districts,
many classes in Idaho’s public schools acknowledge
using 2013 financial data and 2014 testing results.
this or make such training and education a compo-
Spending data includes instructional and support
nent of the K-12 education system? In Idaho, is a
overhead annual outlays per student, based on aver-
parent more likely to find a schoolhouse course on
age daily attendance. Testing results used the scores
band or on computer sciences? These are important
from the 2014 10th grade Idaho Science Test, count-
questions that must be asked.
ing all passing scores of basic or better. Preparing students for the modern, dynamic future Additionally, the state’s public-school funding formula
that awaits them will require an education system that
has not been updated in more than two decades. In-
focuses resources on individual students, who, with
deed, how public schools are funded in Idaho predates
their parents, will select how they learn. Today, rough-
the modern Internet and the ubiquitous use of mobile
ly 6,000 students are on waiting lists to enroll in their
technology. The formula is the method by which state
preferred school.6 This is not real education choice. It
general funds are appropriated to more than 100
would be like a grocery store consumer having to wait
school and charter school districts throughout the
years to switch between Albertson’s and Winco if he
were unsatisfied with the food offerings in one versus the other.
Because so much of the education landscape has changed as rapidly as technology has advanced and
Teachers are overly burdened with extensive admin-
the economy has changed, the old funding formula is
istrative work to comply with federal and state edicts
st century
becoming as useful and as relevant to the 21
and directives. For example, the majority of “Leader-
education system as a 45 RPM record is to the music
ship Premium” payouts were not related to student
activities or athletics.7
Indeed, Idaho’s education system should be account-
Common Core and SBAC testing have marginalized
able and customizable to the needs of individual stu-
teachers and their ability to use their talents and
dents and their parents. It also needs to be robust and
training to get the most out of students. As a result,
adaptable to modern requirements intended to help
an attractive job filled with promise and potential has
kids become college or career ready, changing and
been reduced to a clerical role with little room for
adjusting at the speed of technological advancement.
creativity, innovation and customization to their own styles and the needs of individual students. Teachers
For example, we know that many future jobs will
also find their voices are stifled by labor unions who
require computer coding and robotics, and yet too few
strong- arm them into obtaining collective bargaining
school districts likely recognize this. Meanwhile, quite
positions with the local school board because, unlike
a bit of research is underway to make blockchain led-
other states that have curtailed union power, Idaho
ger technology a key component of a not-so-distant
requires school boards to negotiate with labor unions
future global frictionless economic system. But how
even if the unions can’t demonstrate having majority membership.
5 The unpublished study about spending per student and percent passing the 10th grade
basic science test was conducted by Tim Oren using publicly available data. At the time of the study, January 2017, the latest comprehensive testing data was for 2014. The dataset and analysis is available for a full public review.
6 Idaho Freedom Foundation survey of Idaho public charter schools, June 2017. 7 Leadership Premium Report, 2015-2016, page 6, (g)
SOLUTIONS Better define the objectives
Leadership Premiums awarded to teacher based on
Idaho wants 60 percent of Idahoans entering the
the 2015-2016 report were for activities unrelated to
workforce with “some post-secondary degree or
student activities orathletics.8
certificate.” It is not clear why this is an appropriate performing schools, because any high school graduate
Use technology to facilitate learning
can purse a certificate. The goals should be redefined
Technology can aid learning, but officials should
based on student outcomes tied to the specific
not pursue digital learning for its own sake. Instead,
school officials should seek sensible, cost-effective
goal or whether it has anything to do with high
solutions. For example, small, rural districts could use
Write a school funding formula that allows the money to follow the student
technology for open-sourced, online learning.
Craft legislation that allows for true Education Savings Accounts
Coding and blockchain can change the world. Idaho
Legislators can model a savings account bill aftet those passed in Nevada or Arizona. In Arizona, for example, Senate Bill 1431 gives parents access to 90 to 100 percent of the money allocated for their child’s public education, depending on family income, with the
Teach the use and application of technology students need these skills to thrive in the 21st century.
Eliminate the Common Core curriculum and SBAC testing
Drew Catt, director of state research and policy
End the union practice of potentially coerced elections
analysis at EdChoice, says,”ESAs allow parents to pick
Liberate teachers from union coercion; end card
any type of learning environment for their child, which
check and go to secret ballots.
average ESA worth $4,400 peryear.
does include schools, at-home learning, depending on the state, but also tutoring services, and it opens it up for a variety of services that you’re not necessarily going to get at a single brick-and-mortar location.”
Reduce administrative burden on teachers Let teachers teach. For example, 61 percent of the
8 Cited in footnote 7, Leadership Premium Report, 2015-2016, page 6, (g)
ESAs allow parents to pick any type of learning environment for their child, which does include schools and at-home learning, depending on the state, but also tutoring
BENEFITS Idaho can be at forefront of education reform or simply accept the status quo. Let’s put our children first; It is time for Idaho to innovate in K-12 education. As stated earlier, a high-quality education is of great importance to most Idahoans. The quality of Idaho’s education has ramifications for decades to come.
Toward affordable and world-class Idaho campuses By Phil Haunschild Night after night, Charles Neal performs the same
As one might expect, working in a prison isn’t an uplifting
mind-numbing routine: He and his colleagues tread well-
experience and Neal explained that the often-vulgar
worn paths inside the dimly lit corridors the Snake River
environment can tax a person’s mind and soul.
Correctional Institute just west of Ontario, Oregon. “You go to work, you don’t do much physically, but when Neal and his fellow correctional officers check inmates’
you get home, you’re exhausted,” he noted. “You’re ex-
cells for contraband, and ensure prisoners haven’t
hausted from all the stuff around you.”
harmed themselves. During his shifts, he often daydreams of building a better, Upon finishing the rounds, a usually bored Neal returns
more fulfilling life for himself and his family. Eventually he
to the prison’s control center and lets his mind wander to
wants to pursue a degree in nursing, a field that will allow
the opportunities the future holds.
him to help people while earning a steady paycheck.
Neal, 31, lives in Middleton and works as a correctional of-
His wife also wants to return to school. She holds a
ficer at the facility and has for the last three years. Though
two-year degree from Boise State University and wants
he earns enough to put food on the table and cover the
to earn a teaching degree so she can contribute to the
mortgage on his family’s home, he is less than thrilled
family’s financial well-being. In the family’s dream sce-
about his work.
nario, Jessica would teach at the same school the couple’s daughter attends.
“No one goes into corrections as the field they want to go into,” Neal told the Idaho Freedom Foundation. “It’s
The Neal family faces significant roadblocks, though. Pay-
always an accident, or they need a job.”
ing for college, with its ever-increasing price tag, is among the challenges. “We’ d like to keep costs down,” the young
Shortly after returning home from a mission for the
father said. “But, we might have to bite the bullet.”
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, Neal married his then-fiancée, Jessica. A few months after that, the
The clan would like to avoid going into debt to finance
couple became pregnant with their daughter, who’s now
college, as it’d take years to unbury from that. “I don’t
four years old.
want to put that burden on my family,” he added. Despite the oncoming hurdles, Charles stands firm in his
The reality of fatherhood—primarily the duty of providing
resolve to do all in his power to escape his prison trap.
for one’s family—sent Neal, who doesn’t hold a college de-
“Me and my wife don’t want grand things, like a big
gree, on a job hunt. Eventually, he landed with the Idaho
house,” he explained. “We want to give our daughter at
Department of Correction. He stayed there for two years.
least a comfortable life.”
Then, to boost his paycheck, he left the Idaho system and accepted a job at the Oregon prison. HIGHER EDUCATION
PROBLEM Idaho’s public colleges and universities are at an
bring it about.2 Part of this is that Idaho students are
inflection point. The governor’s Task Force on Higher
not seeing a corresponding increase in the value of
Education has acknowledged that the state will not
the education as compared to the price they must
reach its targeted 60 percent of 25- to 34-year-olds
pay to attend. Idaho’s four-year colleges and univer-
holding a postsecondary degree or certificate.1 The
sities increased tuition 3.17 percent annually over
State Board of Education, the governor’s office, and
the past 4 years, even while the appropriations they
the Legislature had all set out to reach this goal by
have received from the General Fund increased by
2020, but their acknowledgement that this is not
6.1 percent over the same period. This is in stark
attainable should spur larger reforms statewide.
contrast to the declining enrollment figures; a 1.7
The 60 percent goal has been in place since 2010,
percent total decrease across the four schools.3
but even with heavy investments and a concerted
Even apart from this increase in appropriations, in
effort, the state’s strategies have not been able to
FY 2017 Idaho’s four public universities were granted
2 3 Legislative Budget Book 1-53-4
State and Gov. Grant
Tuition and Fees
2014 Attendance
Million $
Revenue sources and attendance
At this point, Idaho has the opportunity to tread a new path, to reform the state’s public university
$35 million through the Permanent Building Fund
system and make it
for new facilities. Yet, the universities maintain a combined $196 million in cash reserve balances,
more accessible to all
funds which are free to be spent on these projects.4
This is in addition to the substantial portions of
endowment funds which these universities can use for building projects. However, the management of their finances is not the only problem with these universities; the atmosphere on college campuses has serious problems. Boise State University faced a lawsuit in 2014 for its policies prohibiting free-speech on campus. The university deterred a Young Americans for Liberty event, under the auspices of security risks. As a result of IFF’s response and others, the University agreed to change its policies and allow student groups the freedom of expression on campus, free of restrictive and discriminatory “security fees”.5
tent policies across its universities. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education has found policies at each of Idaho’s four major public colleges and universities that infringe upon the First Amendment rights of students and faculty.6 At this point, Idaho has the opportunity to tread a new path, to reform the state’s public university system and make it more accessible to all Idahoans.
This, however, has not ended the prohibition of free speech on campus, as Idaho does not have consis4 Legislative Budget Book. Pg 1-56 and 6-25. 5
SOLUTIONS Pursue innovative solutions for cost reduction
that comes with it. The average cost for these coding
Institutions of higher education have opportunities
$92,852 bill a student would pay for a four-year Com-
before them to reduce the cost of providing educa-
puter Science degree at a university such as Boise
tion to a wider scope of individuals. Online courses
boot camps is just under $11,500,9 a far cry from the
are one such example; their introduction has allowed countless people, in Idaho and elsewhere, access to
As this example indicates, career-specific educations
education that they otherwise would not receive. Ac-
can save students enormous sums of money. Any
cording to a 2015 study, over 60 percent of students
initiatives taken by the State Board of Education or
enrolled in CSI and CWI required remedial courses
other public agencies to encourage continuing educa-
in Math and/or English.7 Intercollegiate collaboration
tion must do so without preference for the traditional
would help ease the additional cost burden that these
4-year brick-and-mortar baccalaureate degree over
students face, potentially increasing the low 18.1 per-
that of career-technical education programs. Students
cent graduation rate from Idaho’s two-year colleges.8
should be able to pursue the education that best fits
There is no feasible reason why students should con-
their career path, their skills, and in the timeframe that
tinue to pay more for courses at Idaho’s institutions of
works for them. State policies must now catch up with
higher education, even while accessibility continues to
new innovations, and use these advancements to
increase for diverse opportunities from schools of all
reverse the tide of increasing university costs.
Teaching skills such as computer coding in a “boot
Require the use of reserves and endowments before additional appropriations are given out
camp” form, short and intensive, provides students
The Governor should require universities to use their
with an opportunity to get a relevant education
funding sources to develop facilities on their campus-
without a full four-year commitment or the price tag
es prior to receiving additional appropriations for this
Skill-oriented courses are another such innovation.
purpose from other state sources. State universities 7 The percent of unprepared students attending these two community colleges is much higher than at Idaho’s 4-year institutions. BSU and UI have a 12 percent and 14 percent remediation percentage, and ISU and LCSC have a reported 37 percent and 56 percent, respectively.!/vizhome/IdahoPostsecondaryRemediation/RemediationStory 8
9 10 based on Cost of Attendance for Boise state at school year 2017-18 rates adjusted for a similar 3.17 percent annual increase
are building up increasingly large balances in their reserve funds, most of which remains unbound and free for a variety of projects. From 2010 through to the universities’ requests for FY 2018, there has been a 371 percent increase in the total balance of these reserve funds.11
Protect free speech on college campuses Idaho should enact policies to ensure there is a diversity of viewpoints represented on campus and in public discourse. One such comprehensive policy, from Tennessee SB 723, ensures that each public institution “shall be committed to maintaining a campus as a marketplace of ideas for all students and all faculty in which the free exchange of ideas is not to be suppressed.” This law ensures universities do not impose limitations through “free-speech-zones,” security fees for speakers, or by disinviting speakers. Idaho legislators must champion similar policies, protecting the constitutional right of those attending Idaho’s public universities.12
Eliminate (or do not expand further) state scholarship programs The state Board of Education administered scholarships and loan forgiveness programs totaling
11 LBB 1-58 12
$11,663,000 for students at Idaho’s universities in
2014/15 term. Thus, an estimated $1.1 million of Op-
FY 2017, up 75 percent from just 3 years prior. The
portunity Scholarship money went to students who
continual expansion of federal and state scholarships,
did not go on to their second year.
loans, and grants has been a major driver in increasing have noted. Subsidizing the education for the few
Reform community college taxing districts
recipients of these scholarships has the unintended
Idaho’s community colleges are each located within
effect of further increasing tuition for all. If Idaho is to
taxing districts which subsidize the costs of education.
better control the inflating costs of public higher edu-
In each case, the taxing districts consists of the one or
cation in the state, these subsidies must be ended.
two counties where the main campuses are located.
tuition across the United States, as many economists 13
The effect of these taxing districts is that they place Furthermore, investing in students who may not
the burden on local residents, even while many of
complete their post-secondary education wastes
the students come from outside of the taxing district
state finances. The graduation percentages for higher
boundaries. The College of Southern Idaho takes 56
education in Idaho are much lower than national
percent of its students from outside of Twin Falls and
averages across the board. From a four-year college
Jerome counties, the boundary for its taxing district.
in Idaho, 41.4 percent of students graduate within 6
For North Idaho college and the College of Western
years while the national rate is 57.6 percent. Recip-
Idaho, they have 35 percent and 12 percent respec-
ients of the Opportunity Scholarship were slightly
tively of their students from outside of their districts.
more likely than non-beneficiaries to enroll in their
These local taxpayers are stuck footing the bill for
second year of undergraduate study in a four-year
out-of-district students; for those in CWI’s taxing
college, but nevertheless, 21 percent of the recipients
district, that was $16 per $100,000 of value, while
did not continue their schooling. According to the
for those in the districts for CSI or NIC, they paid
Idaho Opportunity Scholarship Report, approximately
roughly $100 for the same value.16 Idaho needs to
1,500 students were given an average $3,513 for the
develop a system for distributing the costs more
effectively so that residents are not saddled with 13 14 Chronicle of Higher Education: Idaho. state/#state=id&sector=public_four 15 Opportunity Fund Report 2016. Recipient retention rate was 79 percent versus the 75 percent rate of attending the next year of college for non-scholarship Idaho students. Report%202016%20-%20full%20report.pdf
heavy payments. 16
Based on 2016 Numbers. Tax Commission Data
BENEFITS Idaho has the capacity to bring public higher education back to the citizens it was meant to serve. Each year, more Idahoans find themselves unable to afford higher education, but this does not have to be the case. Reducing the cost of tuition for traditional programs and providing new non-traditional affordable options would bring state education back to those from whom
Idaho needs to develop a system for
it has been taken. Making postsecondary degrees more affordable and adding more than just programs for traditional degrees would enable the 40,000 more students to obtain their postsecondary certificates and degrees which the state needs to reach its 60 percent goal.
Additionally, colleges and universities thrive on civil
the costs more
the spectrum and allowing them to explore varied
discourse. Introducing students to ideas from across opinions throughout their time at college will greatly increase the value and efficacy of Idaho’s institutions of higher education. Guaranteeing faculty have the
so that
ability to explore new and old ideas freely will ensure
residents are
majority or the administration.
not saddled
Access to the best of ideas and a system of higher
with heavy
that research-in-the-making is not censored by the
education that fits their needs can only benefit Idaho’s
Property Tax Reform
Protect property owners from unsustainable tax hikes
“While leaders laud their shiny new plaza facelift, some in the town go without the necessities that make cities livable. “
By Phil Haunschild Joel and Sylvia Garcia of Caldwell feel slighted.
make cities livable.
Joel Garcia is a longtime resident of Caldwell, having spent
Joel and Sylvia know because they own a modest rental
his last 40 years in the up-and-coming western Idaho
home on Madison Street in Caldwell that sits adjacent to
town. He has observed the city’s transformation from a
a dirt road. The road, for the most part, also lacks gutters
regional agricultural center to a municipal hub focused on
and cement sidewalks. The family has tried for years to
building its downtown core.
draw attention to the small strip of dirt, to no avail.
It is that effort—the revitalization of Caldwell’s epicenter—
The urban renewal district gobbles up the biggest share of
that leaves Joel and his wife Sylvia feeling ignored by local
that abode’s property tax bill—some 56 percent in 2016.
That year, the Garcias paid $1,899 in property taxes for their Madison Street home, of which the urban renewal
In April 2017, city and business leaders donned shiny
agency grabbed $1,077.
hardhats, grabbed ceremonial shovels and broke ground on the renovation of Indian Creek Plaza, a $7 million
The unfairness of it all irks Joel and Sylvia.
project officials and business owners hope will draw more economic activity to the downtown area. Expected to
“We are asking for little things that we need, and they
cross the finish line in late 2018, the updated plaza will
can’t give them to us,” Sylvia told the Idaho Freedom
feature an ice skating rink, splash pads, a concert stage
Foundation. “Just clean [up the street] and put in some
and more.
sidewalks for the kids.”
Caldwell’s urban renewal agency coughed up $6 million
A repeal of Idaho’s urban renewal laws wouldn’t immedi-
for the project and the city covered the rest.
ately lower taxes for people like Joel and Sylvia. Nor would
Though Joel and Sylvia appreciate the the plaza’s facelift, they wonder if the city or the urban renewal district will ever get around to providing some of the basics for Caldwell residents—urban staples such as paved roads, gutters and sidewalks. That’s right: While leaders laud their shiny new plaza facelift, some in the town go without the necessities that
repeal immediately lay pavement on that dusty road in Caldwell. However, repeal would return taxpayer dollars to government entities that are directly accountable to the people. Those units of governments, including cities, counties, school districts and others, could then lower taxes or spend the funds on vital projects.
PROBLEM Property taxes are the single largest source
separate projects across the state.3 Statuto-
of revenue for Idaho state government
rily, these projects are established to “raise
and local units. Revenues from this source
revenue for the finance and economic
totaled almost $1.7 billion in 2016, account-
growth and development of urban renewal
ing for nearly one-third of state and local
areas and competitively disadvantaged bor-
revenue, the vast majority of which went
der community areas” and “to encourage
towards schools, city services, and coun-
private development and investment in the
ties. That figure represents an increase of
same areas.”4 Yet, urban renewal districts
33 percent since 2007, even though there
can be found everywhere, from the poorest
are statutory prohibitions on property tax
to the wealthiest areas of the state, and in
increases. The restrictions on property tax
any geographic area, not just within border
collections do not mean property owners
benefit from them; most property owners have grown accustomed to property tax
Urban renewal districts raise their money
bills that grow by percentages in the double
through Tax Increment Financing (TIF), a
digits annually, attributable to increases in
process that takes any growth in property
market valuations, even if nothing changes
tax revenues and uses that money to fund
with their property. Because of the large
the urban renewal agencies. The process
impact which property taxes have on
for TIF works by first determining the total
numerous Idahoans, and for their especial-
value of property within the boundaries of
ly immense impact on local government,
the district. For the life of the urban renew-
property tax policies need to be reex-
al agency, property tax revenue is divided
amined and any shortcomings must be
into two streams. The first stream comes
from the original assessed value and goes towards the original services, such as fire,
One of the most glaring failures of Idaho’s
city, and schools. The second stream flows
property tax policies is the 24 urban re-
to the urban renewal agency. Thus, any in-
newal agencies, which currently oversee 79
crease in property values goes towards the second stream for urban renewal agencies. Though TIF is often sold as “free money”
1 “2016 Annual Report,” Idaho Tax Commission. reports/EPB00033_12-06-2016.pdf 2 “County Property Tax Budgets: Public Records Request,” Idaho Tax Commission, 2017.
3 “Urban Renewal Agency Registry,” Idaho Tax Commission, 2017. 4 Idaho Code 50-2902
The money the agencies spend can be put
towards pet-projects in the municipality ... all at the expense of other services provided by fire districts, schools and other
government entities.
that pays for itself, it truly strips money away from
Urban renewal agencies are just one of the many
these other services, preventing their growth. Urban
pieces which make the property tax system too
renewal agencies have become largely unaccount-
complex for many Idahoans to understand. The
able recipients of $62 million.
system is established upon taxing districts, for which
there are more than 30 different types, totaling more Those who manage the agencies are not elected,
than 1,000 districts.8 Each of these taxing districts
nor are they held accountable to the public through
receives tax dollars that go toward a specific source,
any direct routes. While some city council members
be it a city government, local highway construction,
take on this role on the urban renewal board as well,
a community college, or an urban renewal agency.
this is entirely on a case-by-case basis. There is a
Where the complexity comes is in the intersection of
public vote when these districts are established, but
these districts as there are more than 3,271 separate
for the remainder of the life for these agencies, up to
and unique “tax codes,” which are defined as the
20 years, there never again needs be a public vote.
combination of taxing districts that each property
The money the agencies spend can be put towards
owner pays to.9 The enormous number of districts
pet-projects in the municipality, which has been
can make it difficult for Idahoans to fully under-
shown to foster cronyism and subsidize major de-
stand just where their dollars are going and with the
velopment corporations, all at the expense of other
numerous borders drawn, one homeowner may be
services provided by fire districts, schools and other
paying far more in property taxes than their neighbor
government entities.
across the street, even though they receive the same
services. 5 “Statewide Urban Renewal Agency Budgets: Public Records Request,” Idaho Tax Commission, July 2017. 6 For example, from some of the state’s larger cities; Twin Falls and Sandpoint have no city council members on their Urban Renewal Agency Boards, while Nampa, Caldwell, Rexburg and Boise all do have shared members. 7 Randal O’Toole, “Theft as Urban renewal: Why Idaho Should repeal the Local Economic Development Act,” Idaho Freedom Foundation, 2011.
8 “GIS Taxing Districts Maps and Data,” Idaho Tax Commission, 2017. 9 “2016 Annual Report,” Idaho Tax Commission. EPB00033_12-06-2016.pdf
In another failure of state policies, Idahoans
increase of three percent each year discon-
are subject to rapid increases in their prop-
nects the district’s budget from the sources
erty tax rates without warning. The combi-
of the revenue. This in turn ensures the
nation of two practices makes this possible.
permanent increase of rates to justify the perpetual expansion of budgets.
First, local governments have the authority to raise property tax rates by up to three
For this reason, county budgets have grown
percent annually. However, if they choose
by a third in the decade 2007-2016.10
to forego a portion of this rate increase
Even throughout the December 2007-
one year, the remainder can be stashed
June 2009 recession, counties continued
away for a future use, in what is known as a
to increase their budgets by 6 percent over
foregone balance. If they increase property
the previous year in 2008 and 4 percent in
taxes by, say two percent, the remaining
2009.11 Because taxing districts can statu-
one percent increase can be saved in-
torily increase the amount they collect by
definitely. This allows a city or county to
a full three percent, plus any foregone bal-
increase property tax rates by significant
ances, in addition to a growth factor for any
amounts – greater than three percent - all
new construction or annexation, there is no
at one go. This comes as a financial shock to
tie to the economic wellbeing of individuals
many property owners as they see their tax
within the community. When business-
bills skyrocket from one year to the next, all
es and households tighten their budgets,
without forewarning or explanation. Those
taxing districts continue to increase theirs,
who rent property, whether for a business
putting higher taxes on many when they
or as a home feel the strain as well as their
can least afford it.
rent rises in response to the increased costs for the landowner.
As property taxes are a significant annual expense for many Idahoans, and as they
Secondly, allows taxing districts to contin-
are central to state and local funding, Idaho
ually increase property tax assessments,
needs an effective mechanism for reining in
which allows their budgets to grow at an
its property taxing system.
incessant pace. Taxing districts can increase their total assessment by up to three
Reduce the Number of Taxing
percent each year as well as an additional increase for any new construction within a taxing district. Allowing the permanent
10 “County Property Tax Budgets: Public Records Request,” Idaho Tax Commission, July 2017. 11 “County Property Tax Budgets: Public Records Request,” Idaho Tax Commission, July 2017.
SOLUTIONS Reduce the number of taxing districts and adjust district borders
the state closer to establishing sensible district bound-
The taxing districts, which number more than 1,000,
towards rational districts.
should be reduced and their varied and often complex
aries, however there is much more progress to be made
agencies look more like gerrymandered districts than a
Phase out urban renewal projects across the state
logical distribution of the costs for a service. Those who
The urban renewal projects, which have been formed
are serviced by a district should be the ones who pay into
across the state, are established on a 20-year timeline.
it, and not the other way around. Take, for example, the
State policymakers should prohibit the formation of any
Caldwell Urban Renewal District, where the borders have
new urban renewal agencies or the renewal of those that
been redrawn such that they capture specific segments
are already established. This would keep districts from
of the city, enwrapping some properties without adding
changing their plans and in so doing, reset their tax base,
them to the district. In 2011, the Idaho Legislature did
effectively beginning over with a new 20 years. Once a
pass House Bill 95, which prohibited the expansion of
project has been completed that urban renewal agen-
some urban renewal districts, and specifically stated that
cy will terminate, and the taxation that has been going
“contiguity [for a district] cannot be established solely by
towards the urban renewal district will go back towards
a shoestring or strip of land which comprises a railroad or
the services that were prevented from growing.
borders should be simplified. Many of the urban renewal
public right-of-way.” Legislation such as this has moved
320,000,000 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Year to Year Increase (Percentage)
All County Property Tax Budgets
Increase in county property tax budgets
2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Total Property Tax Budgets
At a minimum, however, urban renewal proj-
be eliminated in its entirety, to protect
ects should be used to combat urban blight,
property-owners and renters from ambush
which they were originally established to do,
property tax hikes.
and all money should go towards public projects, not towards subsidizing private devel-
However, completely eliminating this ability
opers. In choosing the locations and types of
may perversely incentivize local govern-
projects urban renewal agencies fund, there
ments to raise property taxes annually by
should be fair competition among developers
the maximum amount allowed and simply
and between projects, rather than the current
bank the excess revenue for a later day.
methods, which often pick winners and los-
Thus, to further protect taxpayers, local gov-
ers. Lastly, there should be greater account-
ernments could be allowed to store these
ability and transparency, including complete
excess revenues, but prior to increasing the
buy-in from local governments. Further,
budget coming through property taxes by
urban renewal agency expenditures should
more than three percent, they must put the
be included in the general local government
increased budget up for a vote within the
accounting so that residents know where their
district. This would ensure that the public
property tax dollars are going and know what
has a say in their property tax hikes, and that
comes from them.
residents would not be caught off-guard by
Eliminate the use of foregone balances Taxing districts should not be able to postpone and store up credits, or foregone balances, thereby allowing a district to geometrically increase the amount hike they can increase taxes with each passing year. This process was modestly reformed during the 2017 Legislative Session with the passage of a bill that allows local government officials to waive storing up these foregone balances. However, all counties can still hold onto these foregone balances as a safety measure, continuing to build up immense sums.12 This ability to stockpile tax increases should 12 
House Bill 207. 2017 Session
unusually large, out-of-the blue increases.
Reform school district bond and levy votes Four times a year, school districts are able to put up for a vote the bonds and levies they use for supplemental income. If a bond or levy vote fails one month, the district can put the measure back up for election just a few months later, perpetually requesting money from their constituents until they do receive it.13 For example, in 2014, residents of the Wendell School District were asked six times to pass bonds 13  Not only can school districts indefinitely put up a vote, Idaho Code 33-802(5) allows districts to request a levy which goes on perpetually until it is voted down by a school board. This is an additional dubious practice which ties the hands of future residents.
and levies, several of which were
es, and that their dollars go towards
for identical amounts. Similarly,
the projects when they have paid
Bonneville School District placed
for them.
before voters four bonds and one levy within the same year.15
Repeal the personal property tax
Additionally, school districts can
The state taxes both real and
request money from their residents personal property; the former before they begin putting it towards included assets such as buildings any use. For example, a district can
and the land they are built on, the
collect a levy from taxpayers for a
latter is anything else that is not
few years before they even begin
qualified under real property, such
performing the work the levy was
as furnishings, computers and
dedicated to.
appliances.16 The first $100,000 of personal property owned by
Policymakers should protect tax-
any single taxpayer is exempt,
payers by limiting the frequency
as well as household items and
of school district bond and levy
personal effects. The process for
elections and by requiring that the
cataloging and assessing varies by
money from a levy election goes
county, however, for all counties it
immediately towards the purpose(s) can create a substantial strain on it was specified for at the time of
businesses. Each year, this forces
the election. There is currently an
businesses to take an accounting
incentive for school districts to put
of all property, determining the
their funding requests on the ballot
fair market value of all that they
well before the funds are needed
own and whether this exceeds the
and, if the vote fails, to continue
$100,000 exemption.
trying every three months until they do succeed in getting voter
This tax should be repealed, as the
approval. Limiting the number of
value of personal property has no
votes within a year would ensure
bearing on the services which stem
Idaho residents are protected from
from the property tax revenues.
perpetual elections for tax increas-
If a company buys a new set of
14 “School Districts Bond and Levy Research,” Idaho Freedom Foundation. January 2017. 15 Ibid.
Idaho Code 63-201
computers, this should not increase their
is no increased demand for services, there
payment to a mosquito abatement district,
must be a limit to what the districts can levy.
for water and sewage, or for general city or county services.
Reform the tie between budgets, property assessments and levy rates
rent measure that allows a district to continue to increase its budget beyond the three percent, might indicate an increased demand for the services which fire, sewer, and
Local governments can perpetually in-
water districts provide. However, these two
crease spending regardless of the economic
measures cannot serve as a proper mea-
situation or the value of the property in their
sure for the services of all taxing districts. In
districts. Property taxes are the only form
addition, the state has misguided policies
of taxation that can increase year-upon-
regarding what is and is not new construction,
year, regardless of whether there is more
as when property simply changes hands it
assessed property, or less, whether property
can qualify as new construction, even though
values are going up or down, or whether the
there was no change to the physical property.
economy is growing or contracting. Though
Property valuation is also used as a measure for
the state budget starts with a fixed revenue
distributing the property tax equally. However,
and legislators budget within that, local
this does work as a universal measure, either.
governments work the opposite; they pick
Property owners are often stuck paying very
the amount they want to spend, then charge
different amounts on their property taxes from
property owners whatever they need to
year to year, regardless of whether their use of
reach that figure.
public services increases or decreases.
Policymakers should instigate a serious review to examine ways to protect property owners from this pervasive growth in their property taxes to ensure that property owners are paying for the services which they use. There needs to be a more direct tie-in between taxing district budgets and the quantity and quality of the services they provide. When services increase, budgets should be able to increase, but when there
New construction and annexation, one cur-
Tying local budgets to the growth in real property would ensure that residents are not stuck footing an ever-increasing government
BENEFITS Good policies for property taxation would ensure that the revenue is going to the right places, and that property owners feel secure in their property and with their expectations for the future. This would ensure that property taxes do not skyrocket from one year to the next, and that they do not continue to increase at an unsustainable rate, pushing homeowners out of their homes and increasing the costs of doing business in the state. Eliminating the use of foregone balances would protect from ambush property tax increases. Further, tying local budgets to the growth in real property would ensure residents are not stuck footing an ever-increasing government budget, taking larger and larger chunks of their personal budgets. Eliminating the Urban Renewal Agencies would provide funding which has been stripped from other public services. For schools, this could mean an additional $18.5 million, for fire districts another $2.5 million, and for highways nearly $4 million.17 Taxpayers could rest assured that their property taxes are going towards the services they expect, not towards feeding crony-capitalists taking advantage of lucrative government contracts to build unnecessary projects in the name of “redevelopment.” Finally, ensuring that property taxes do not continue to rampantly increase and that individuals feel confident in the steadiness of their property taxes for the future, could inspire more people to purchase and develop property within our borders. This could greatly benefit Idahoans as local economies would be strengthened and an ever-increasing group of Idahoans could enjoy the benefits of ownership, taking part in the flourishing and growth of the state.
17 Based on urban renewal funds distributed to services per breakdown in Tax Commission’s 2016 Annual Report.
Those who best know Idaho lands should manage them
claimed 25 cows. Ted told the Idaho Freedom Foundation that the cows were worth $1,800 to $2,200 each. At the pinnacle price point, the fire had cost the Blackstocks $55,000. But, the carnage didn’t end. Through the fall, winter and spring, the family lost another 15 cattle to unknown causes. Ted attributes the deaths to the fire’s secondary
By Fred Birnbaum
effects, primarily smoke inhalation.
The 2015 Soda Fire caused minor and temporary irrita-
After officials declared the fire out in early September
tion for most of the 660,000 who call Idaho’s Treasure
2015, the Bureau of Land Management closed the federal
Valley home. Smoke-filled skies made breathing difficult
ground, including the Blackstocks’ grazing allotment. That
for many.
closure forced Ted and Mary to find new areas for their cows to graze, a nearly impossible task for a 200-cow
For Ted and Mary Blackstock, fourth-generation cattle
ranchers from Marsing, the fire threatened their very way of life and the heritage the couple works so hard to
Luckily, through word of mouth the family secured grass-
maintain. And long after others have forgotten about the
land near Bruneau, nearly 100 miles from the family’s
blaze, Ted and Mary still feel its lingering effects.
Marsing home. For the past two grazing seasons, the family has spent untold hours ferrying cows and water
In August 2015, the lightning-ignited fire quickly raged
from the ranch to the temporary pasture.
out of control. High winds eventually fanned the flames toward the Blackstocks’ grazing areas: their private ground
Those 200-mile roundtrips have added up. In 2016, the
plus their federal allotment. For five days, Ted and Mary
Blackstocks spent $8,000 on fuel just to travel between
watched the flames engulf the rolling hills near their
Marsing and Bruneau. The BLM started reopening some
country home—the same hills the couple use to graze
of the affected areas in August 2017, and Ted and Mary
their cattle each spring and summer.
began to return to the way things were prior to the fire.
For five days, the couple hoped and prayed their cows
Though one could easily blame Mother Nature for starting
would survive the raging wildfire.
the blaze, Ted and Mary point their fingers squarely at the federal government. They say that overly stiff regulations
On the sixth day, Ted, Mary, their kids and neighbors
emanating from Washington, D.C. leave local officials
mounted horses to search for surviving bovines. As the
unable to properly reduce fuel loads of federal lands. That
horses trotted across miles of blackened hillsides, the
leads to hotter, larger fires.
search posse recovered a sizable portion of the herd. Still, the riders found charred cow after charred cow.
Ted offered a single solution for improving land manage-
“It was like riding up to a funeral,” Mary said.
ment practices. “Land management needs to be local,” he said. “The more [the federal government] manages it,
The fire, which scorched more than 280,000 acres in all,
the worse it gets.”
PROBLEM The federal government owns and controls more
in wildland fires. Acres burned on USFS and BLM land
than 62 percent of the land within Idaho’s borders,
now account for more than 80 percent of the acreage
or more than 32 million acres. Included in this total
burned in Idaho, a higher percentage than the amount
are more than 20 million acres controlled by the US
of land these agencies manage.
Forest Service and more than 11 million acres of BLM land. The significance of this control and its impact on
For those who point to climate change as the cul-
Idaho cannot be overstated. On USFS and BLM land,
prit, there exists a simple question: If hotter and
for example, timber harvest has declined about 90
dryer summers are creating dramatic fire conditions,
percent from the 1970s (see below, Chart 1). Concur-
wouldn’t more thinning and logging—not less—be the
rent with this harvest decline in Idaho has been the
solution that could be implemented immediately?
impoverishment of rural communities and the surge
Finally, it must be noted, in addition to the decline
in timber harvests, federal agencies have reduced 1 Data from the U.S. Bureau of Economic Analysis reveal Idaho’s per-capita income as a percentage of national per-capita income was more than 90 percent in the mid-1970s (the last year it was more than 90 percent was 1976—long before right-to-work legislation was enacted) and has never been that high since. In 2013 Idaho’s per-capita income was 80.8 percent of national per-capita income.
access and use across a broad swath of public lands, which has impacted ranchers, miners, recreational-
Idaho’s timber harvest on federal lands 1,200,000
Harvest in MBF, Scribner Scale
10% 1,000,000
85 400,000
1947 1951 1955 1959 1963 1967 1971 1975 1979 1983 1987 1991 1995 1999 2003 2007 2011 2015 Source: Bureau of Business and Economic Research
Federal refers to BLM and USFS
ists, and many ordinary Idahoans who simply seek to earn a living in
Breakdown of acres burned in Idaho, 2002-2016
rural communities. For example,
the EPA claims that small-scale suction dredge miners violate the
Clean Water Act by suggesting that
removing minerals from rivers is akin to adding pollutants.
85% Source: National Interagency Coordination Center end-of-season reports 2002-2016 Note: Federal includes BLM and USFS. Other includes U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, National Park Service and Bureau of Indian Affairs, in addition to different agencies and private land.
987 1991 1995 1999 2003 2007 2011 2015 Source: Bureau of Business and Economic Research
SOLUTIONS Protect water rights
Avoid expanding tribal lands
Propose legislation that requires Idaho state agencies
Insist to the federal government that the Indian Re-
to support policies that don’t relinquish water rights
organization Act of 1934 be implemented in accor-
that originate on federal lands, including those both
dance with the Carcieri v. Salazar U.S. Supreme Court
on USFS lands and BLM lands – those associated with
decision and not expanded per the Obama Adminis-
grazing allotments for example. State control and own-
tration’s 2014 memo, “The meaning of ‘Under Federal
ership of water within its borders has long been recog-
Jurisdiction’ for Purposes of the Indian Reorganization
nized through numerous U.S. Supreme Court decisions,
including United States v. New Mexico in 1978.
SOLUTIONS Resist wilderness study area expansion Insist that neither the U.S. Department of Agriculture nor the U.S. Department of the Interior designate any additional lands in
Idaho as “wilderness study areas,” pursuant to section 603 of the
It is time for a
Federal Land Policy and Management Act (FLPMA).
rebalance of
Hold the Bureau of Land Management accountable
the relationship
Now that Congress and the Trump administration have repealed
on public lands
the state should insist that the BLM adhere to the requirement
in Idaho—
with Idaho’s state and local government agencies.
no longer
the BLM’s Resource Management Plan rule, known as BLM 2.0, that its planning and management programs be fully coordinated
Seek course correction on Sage Grouse Require that no updated Sage Grouse Management Plan be
should Idaho
implemented unless it is reviewed by the Idaho governor’s office
simply be an
administrative unit of the
and secures approval by the Idaho Legislature through a joint
Map federal land use restrictions County commissioners should detail access and use restrictions on federal lands that are not in accordance with FLPMA and seek redress.
federal land
Improve fire management practices
between state and county officials and local landowners—require
Fire protection and management requires better coordination that the BLM update its policies per the issues that surfaced during recent fire seasons in Owyhee County.
Keep BLM out of land disputes Insist that the BLM not take sides in private land survey boundary disputes as chief cadastral surveyors, in contravention to Section
BENEFITS 3-135 of the BLM’s Manual of Sur-
Idaho is a state blessed with natural beauty and abun-
veying Instructions (2009).
dant natural resources. According to a 2014 Univer-
Speak up
sity of Idaho report, forestry and logging jobs pay an average of $51,000 per year, wood products manu-
Give state input on any decision to
facturing nearly $50,000 and paper manufacturing
change the status, size or manage-
$83,000. These wages compare favorably to a state
ment plan of Craters of the Moon
average wage of $37,957.2 Thus, it is clear: if we grew the
National Monument.
number of forestry and logging jobs, this would have
Champion logging increase
significant benefits in terms of higher wage jobs in the Gem State.
Instead of merely promoting the
Federal management and oversight has not allowed
Good Neighbor Authority for USFS
Idahoans to strike the appropriate balance between
lands, require that the USFS pro-
preserving these lands for generations to come and
vide actual targets for logging, as
allowing multiple use for all Idahoans. It is time for a re-
measured in millions of board feet
balance of the relationship on public lands in Idaho—no
longer should Idaho simply be an administrative unit of
Defend dredge miners Instruct the Idaho Department of Water Resources to update agency
2 Kyle, Zach. “Idaho Logging, Wood Product and Paper Industries Hang Steady.” Twin Falls Times-News. October 25, 2016. Accessed September 12, 2017. http://magicvalley. com/business/idaho-logging-wood-product-and-paper-industries-hang-steady/article_b1a1f074-bd6c-5366-8c4e-bc7ef726407e.html.
rules and facilitate permitting of suction dredge mining, particularly on the South Fork of the Clearwater River Basin. Seasonal restrictions should only be imposed using publicly available, scientifically based, biological and fishery spawning data. Honor mining claims and do not treat commercial small-scale suction dredge miners as recreational miners.
Tax Policy
Give Idahoans a pay raise through significant tax relief By Fred Birnbaum Politicians love to boast about Idahoans like Semele Freeman-Hall of Boise. Freeman-Hall is hard-working, industrious, and she is pulling herself up by her bootstraps. Like thousands of Idahoans, she holds down two jobs to make ends meet. She cuts hair at a Boise salon and sells real estate when she can. Some years are profitable for her. Others, not so much. Also like thousands of Idahoans, she’s self-employed. Because she chooses to live and work in Idaho, she faces the state’s high income-tax rate of 7.4 percent—the second-highest in the region. Freeman-Hall neither qualifies for nor requests government assistance. All she seeks is the opportunity to create a better life. And government only adds to her challenges, by taking from her income to fund bloated programs and deliver ultra-generous benefits to state workers. “We’re taxed to death,” she says. “We’re taxed from every single angle.” Piled on top of Semele’s already hefty tax load is the Obamacare penalty the federal government imposes on her for not carrying health insurance. Last year, she paid the $695 fine because she couldn’t afford monthly health premiums. She carries a heavy burden and feels every ounce heaped upon her back. “I’m just trying to survive,” she notes. Semele casts herself as apolitical, an innocent bystander in the partisan conflicts that typify government. She holds no interest in joining the political extremes, but would rather that politicians find solutions that do right by Idaho’s forgotten class—the average worker trying to put food on the table, kids in college and some savings in the bank.
PROBLEM Semele Freeman-Hall and people like her haven’t
state Department of Commerce to give tax breaks to
seen significant tax relief for years, despite the state
businesses that hire 20 employees in a rural area and
coffers overflowing with cash. In fact, the last major
50 employees in an urban area.3 The department is
tax-related policy change was an increase in gas tax
solely responsible for deciding who gets the tax break
and registration fees back in 2015. During the 2017
and who doesn’t. In the end, however, such targeted
legislative session, the General Fund appropriation in-
tax breaks have been found to do more harm than
creased by 9.1 percent, nearly $300 million, from the
good.4 Additionally, small businesses (and indeed sole
previous year, crowding out any room for a meaning-
proprietors) are forced to pay higher taxes to pay for
ful tax cut. Through May of 2017, FY 17 revenues were
the special breaks granted to larger companies. Other
8.1 percent higher than the previous year for the same
tax policies, such as the investment tax credit, reward
time period—which is higher than the official forecast.
companies for making certain kinds of investments,
However, even using the conservative forecasting as-
while companies that can’t make a government-spec-
sumptions for FY 18, revenues continue a multi-year
ified investment end up absorbing the entire burden
compounded growth rate trend of 5 percent, which
of the state’s high tax rates. While some policy makers
suggests the official FY 18 revenue forecast of 4.6
insist that tax rates don’t matter as much as spending
percent will again underestimate tax revenues.
on education or training, they might examine the
economic success of states like Texas with no income Against this revenue backdrop, Idaho’s tax rates are
tax compared to states like New York and California -
not competitive regionally, according to the Tax Foun-
both states have high rates and large public expendi-
dation’s “State Business Tax Climate Index.” Idaho is
tures. Texas’ GDP grew 3.9 percent in the first quarter
ranked 20th nationally in terms of taxes on business-
of 2017, versus .1 percent for California and .3 percent
es. This is clearly worse than Montana at 6th best,
for New York.5
Wyoming at 1st (meaning lowest in the country), Utah at 9th, Nevada at 5th, and Washington at 17th and Oregon at 10th. Idaho has relied on tax relief that is narrowly targeted to connected interest groups, rather than applying tax relief broadly to everyone. An example of targeted tax relief is the Tax Reimbursement Incentive. That incentive, approved in 2014 by the governor and the Legislature, allows the
1 FY 2018 Executive Budget, Budget Summary – General Fund Revenue and Expenditure History, Section A-7 2 The Tax Foundation, founded in 1937, publishes an annual State Business Tax Climate Index. While Idaho ranks roughly in the middle of the pack nationally, it is not competitive in this index regionally. The elements of the rating: Corporate Income Tax, Individual Income Tax, Sales Tax, Unemployment Insurance Tax, and Property Tax.
3 Details on the TRI are available on the ID Department of Commerce website. http:// 4 Article on effectiveness of TRI’s by Dr. Peter Crabb, referencing National Bureau of Economic Research and CBO data. business-insider/article156741774.html 5 Bureau of Economic Statistics, Gross Domestic Product by State: First Quarter of 2017.
How Idaho’s income tax rates compare to surrounding states
CO 2500
NV 0
Idaho’s General Fund revenue 4000
2000 10
Source: and
SOLUTIONS Prioritize tax relief over agency spending requests
Idaho needs a tax policy plan and target
In Idaho, tax relief is an afterthought. With the reve-
One of the problems facing the state’s tax policies
nue estimate provided, it is possible to detail the tax
is that, for years, there has been no specific plan for
reform proposals at the beginning of the legislative
reducing the state’s tax burden. In fact, the Otter
session and determine how much revenue is available
administration has presented inconsistent goals for
for tax relief versus new spending. Additionally, the
the state’s tax structure. Otter first proposed lowering
governor’s office, along with the Legislature, should
the state’s top marginal tax rate by 0.1 percent each
use dynamic modeling to calculate the impact of tax
year, but then never putting forward legislation to do
relief on the state general fund. Under current practic-
so. Eventually, Otter swore off tax relief entirely, a
es, both branches of government view tax cuts always
move followed by pledging to again reduce the taxes
as having a linear impact, resulting in a net reduction
by 0.1 percent. Idaho needs a defined tax policy goal
tax collections. In reality, tax cuts tend to result in
that should be connected to a particular outcome, for
greater spending in the economy. A dynamic model
example, getting rid of the income tax or having an
of tax relief would allow the government to more ag-
income tax that is less than surrounding states.
gressively cut taxes because it considers the economic repercussions of changes to tax policy.
Eliminate special interest tax breaks and seek low taxes for everyone
Get rid of the state’s progressive income tax Ideally, the state would do well to get rid of the income tax entirely. The economic outlook of every
The Tax Reimbursement Incentive is problemat-
state ranked higher than Idaho has either no income
ic because it rewards companies arbitrarily and it’s
tax or a top rate lower than Idaho’s 7.4 percent.6 In re-
only available to businesses based on the number
viewing economic performance of states for the peri-
of employees it has or plans to recruit. There are
od 2005 – 2015, 3 of the top 10 states had no income
myriad ways companies contribute to the economy,
tax, which is disproportionate given that over that time
and those contributions are not singularly tied to the
period, only 7 of the 50 states had no income tax. 7 At
number of people on a business’s payroll. Tax policy
minimum, the state should get rid of the progressive
changes should be constructed in such a way that tax
income tax which contains seven brackets, the top
policy is uniform and fair for all taxpayers, and does
bracket kicking in at just about $11,000. That means
not favor certain industries, businesses or economic
even taxpayers earning minimum wage can quickly
sectors. The tax reimbursement incentive, investment
find themselves in the state’s “wealthiest” tax bracket.
tax incentive and other special interest tax breaks should be eliminated so that everyone can benefit from broad, lower and uniform taxes.
6 Rich States, Poor States, 10th edition, American Legislative Exchange Council, Laffer, Moor, and Williams, State Economic Outlook Rankings, page 1. 7 Rich States, Poor States, 10th edition, American Legislative Exchange Council, Laffer, Moor, and Williams, State Economic Outlook Rankings, page 2.
Tax policy
changes should Collapsing the seven brackets
be constructed
down to four or fewer and ultimately moving to a flat income
in such a way so
tax would serve Idahoans well.
that tax policy
Seek opportunities to lower and eliminate other taxes
is uniform
Semele Freeman-Hall’s experience
and fair for all
with taxes cannot be overstated:
She and other Idahoans face all
measures of taxation, be it sales, income, property, electricity and other taxes. Finding ways to eliminate classes and categories of taxes would serve the state well. Personal property taxes are particularly problematic for companies, which are required to produce an inventory of equipment and belongings, for which they are
which are themselves examples of
tax favoritism.8
Idaho is in a great position to reverse the recent
required to remit a property tax payment once the value of the equipment exceeds $100,000, subject to certain exemptions –
spending splurge while maintaining services that are important to citizens and providing meaningful tax relief that will allow Idahoans to prosper. However, there is no opportunity for tax reform if the governor requests and the Legislature appropriates the whole 8 See Idaho Tax Commission webpage for additional details on personal property taxes. https://tax.idaho. gov/i-2008.cfm
state revenue stream to cover the entirety of agency spending requests.
State Spending
Open opportunity’s door: restrict government’s growth By Fred Birnbaum
Mason Clark isn’t like a lot of other 17-year-olds.
As of this writing, the Middleton teen is almost halfway to his goal. In the coming months, he aims to work
While others his age spend their days in public school
12-hour days and spend as little as possible. That, he
classrooms, Mason, a home-school student, often finds
projects, will put him over the top.
himself installing sprinkler lines, mowing lawns or ferrying thousands of pounds of landscaping rock around his
If Mason works all the hours he plans to this year, he
employer’s job sites.
will find himself in Idaho’s top income tax bracket. That bracket, which takes 7.4 percent of
In 2017 alone, the Middleton teen
a worker’s pay, kicks in at just more
estimates he lugged more than
than $11,000.
50,000 pounds of decorative rock using only his strong back and a steel wheelbarrow. “I do a lot of grunt work,” he joked. Mason is a driven young man. He toils each day in the punishing elements with a goal firmly in his mind. By the end of 2018, he hopes to stockpile more than $12,000.
“In other words, the state of Idaho’s progressive tax structure regards Mason as wealthy and taxes him accordingly. “ ”
In other words, the state of Idaho’s progressive tax structure regards Mason as wealthy and taxes him accordingly. Mason doesn’t see himself as rolling in the dough, but rather only as an industrious young man who wants to make something of himself. That, he knows, requires sacrifice.
Why? He wants to serve a mission
He rarely devotes time to leisurely
for the Church of Jesus Christ of
pursuits, and he spends less time
Latter-day Saints. A mission, which
with friends and family than he
will take Mason to another state or even out of the
would prefer.
country, doesn’t come cheap. He can’t earn money while he serves, and male missionaries are required to
The state could ease Mason’s burden, but that would
pay the church $400 a month for two years to cover
require serious fiscal discipline. Reducing spending, or at
their expenses.
least restricting government’s growth, would open the door for dramatic tax reductions.
On top of that, Mason will need another $2,000 to purchase suits, dress shoes, shirts and other essentials
Meaningful tax relief, in turn, would allow Mason and
that missionary service requires.
others to achieve their personal goals faster and live more prosperous lives.
PROBLEM While Idaho’s government grows by leaps and bounds, Idaho’s governor and lawmakers
often give too little consideration to lowering the tax burden state residents carry.
In fact, Idaho is growing state General Fund 7,000
spending faster than personal incomes, which are growing about five percent.1 That’s a rate faster than most states in the nation—the
Fiscal Year 2018 projected national average of state general fund growth is one percent.2
6,000 2012
Further, during the 2017 legislative session 2013
True Idaho Total Funds Growth (6.11%) Projected Idaho Growth at Compound Annual Growth Rate of other 49 states 1 Idaho Economic Forecast, Division of Financial Management, April 2017, pages 6-7. 2 National Association of State Budget Officers, The Fiscal Survey of States, Spring 2017, table 6.
Idaho state spending: growing faster than the 49 other states 6.11%
49 states, ex Idaho
Source: National Association of State Budget Officers, State Expenditure Report. Note: Data is proprietary to NASBO
Idaho added $500 million of new debt to the
as campus building and was not shown in the
state’s balance sheet.
General Fund spending line. The result depicts a
lower spending-growth rate than in reality, 5.4 General Fund (GF) appropriations include gim-
percent vs. the true 9.1 percent increase, which
micks such as moving money to other spend-
is visible when the transferred money is added
ing funds, shifting upcoming-year spending to
back to the General Fund.4 In sum, since FY 12
the prior year, and hiding spending by claim-
Idaho has increased GF spending by about $1
ing it as a revenue reduction. For example,
billion, with no meaningful tax relief offered.5
with regards to moving money in the 2017 legislative session, $52 million was appropri-
Although Idaho ranks well on the American
ated for emergency road and infrastructure
Conservative Union’s Family Prosperity Index,6
repairs due to the harsh winter. Even though
its lowest rankings are in economics and family
the bulk of this spending will occur in FY 18,
self-sufficiency, things that could be addressed
the appropriation was made as a transfer for
with better tax and fiscal policies. Simply put:
FY 17. Similarly, a $2 million supplemental
Allowing families to keep more of their own
was appropriated in FY 17 to move the Tax
money would support self-sufficiency, but that
Commission to a new building that had not
won’t happen when government grows faster
even been purchased as of the time of the ap-
than personal incomes.
propriation and was still not purchased at the close of FY 17. Finally, another $50 million was transferred to dedicated funds for things such
3 The $500 million reflects the collective borrowing impact of S1206 = $300 million, SCR 105 = $90 million, and HCR 29 = $110 to $140 million; all passed and signed into law during the 2017 session.
4 The 5.4% growth in spending is as reported by LSO in the April 2017 Sine Die Report. The 9.1% figure was calculated by the author adding back fund transfers and FY 18 spending appropriated for FY 17. 5 2017 Idaho Legislative Fiscal Report, page 49. 6 The 2016 Family Prosperity Index is published by the American Conservative Union Foundation. The Index looks at economics, demographics, family structure, family self-sufficiency, family culture, and family health to derive its rankings. Although Idaho ranks high overall, the lowest rankings are driven by low household personal income, a low private sector share of personal income, and relatively high welfare utilization.
What if Idaho grew at the rate of the other 49? 8,000
6,000 2012
True Idaho Total Funds Growth (6.11%) Projected Idaho Growth at Compound Annual Growth Rate of other 49 states
SOLUTIONS Allow time for analysis
and other investments touted as increasing
The governor’s budget is presented in
efficiency. Agencies should be required to
January during the first week of the legisla-
review base-level spending trends since the
tive session. Instead, the budget should be
2009 recession ended, and departments
completed a month earlier so the Legisla-
with the highest base-level growth rates
ture has more time to review it. Also, the
should undergo a detailed review lawmak-
agencies’ and governor’s budgets should be
ers and the governor’s office.
posted online in a spreadsheet format so a proper analysis can be done by indepen-
Verify savings claims
dent parties.
Agencies will often state that IT modernization will increase staff efficiency—like
End budget gimmicks
the claim made by the Secretary of State’s
The Legislature and governor should end
office as part of its FY 18 IT modernization
the practice of depicting lower General
project. However, these agencies rarely
Fund spending by transferring money to
demonstrate staff or operating cost savings
other accounts. It may be appropriate to
after these projects have been completed.
transfer the funds, but if they originate as
That should be a requirement or the claim
General Fund revenues the spending in-
should not be made.
crease should not be “hidden” using transfers and revenue reductions. One option
Prioritize spending requests
would be to show the percentage increase
All requests for new spending should be
with and without the transfers in a side-by-
ranked by priority rather than considered
side comparison.
in isolation. Thus, additional spending for each agency should be considered in the
Review base spending
context of overall limits on spending and,
Lawmakers should complete a review of
in comparison to other agency requests.
the base spending, which comprises more
Currently each agency’s budget request is
than 90 percent of each year’s budget
considered in isolation, so there is little to
request. A performance-based review of
no prioritization across the different func-
the base budget should be a routine part of
tions of government. In sum, it is simply a
the budget process with agencies required
comparison of current year to prior for that
to justify the base—not just new spending.
agency. Cross-prioritization of agency re-
Special scrutiny should be given to agen-
quests would make is easier to implement
cies that previously requested and received
an overall spending cap without jeopardiz-
one-time spending for IT modernization
ing priorities.
A little fiscal discipline now will pay off in the
Limit spending growth
long term.
The Legislature and governor should restrain the growth in appropriated spending to: For any fiscal year that commences on or after FY 19, the maximum annual percentage change in state fiscal year spending should be the lesser of the following rates, calculated for the average of the two fiscal years immediately preceding the regular legislative session: (1) a rate equal to the sum of: (a) the rate of growth of Idaho’s population (1.5% for 2017 and 20187; and (b) the rate of price inflation (CPI estimate for FY 17 and 18 is 2.2%8) ; or, (2) the rate of growth of personal income of Idaho’s residents (estimate, average for FY 17 and 18 is 4.2%9).
Slow state hiring The state workforce, including higher education, has increased by about 10 percent since the recession ended in 2011 (through FY 18—estimated).10 Slow the growth in hiring and/or use attrition to reverse this trend. A hiring freeze would be appropriate for agencies whose work is not a budget priority.
BENEFITS Low spending leads to low taxation. Idaho’s government need not cut the budget, but merely restrict spending growth. Doing so would pave the way for much-needed tax relief. Lawmakers cannot cut taxes if state agency budgets gobble up the whole state revenue stream each year. This need not be a herculean task. If budget writers hold growth to four percent or less each year, the state would realize more than $70 million in savings annually. That amount would compound and lead to even more dramatic savings in the future. Had lawmakers adhered to the four-percent limit between 2012 and 2016, state spending would have been $300 million lower than it was, as illustrated in Chart 1. Those millions could have provided serious tax re-
7 Data on population growth from the Idaho Department of Labor, average growth from 2016 to 2018-forecast 8 CPI from the Idaho Economic Forecast, Executive Summary, April 2017, page 7. 9 Personal Income Growth from the Idaho Economic Forecast, Executive Summary, April 2017, page 7. 10 The headcount tracked by the State Controller’s Office is different from the Full-Time Positions reported by the Legislative Services Office (LSO). The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, 2016, schedule 14, page 171, shows headcount through 2016, 2017 – 2018 were estimated based on LSO reporting.
lief, fixed many miles of roads or built more than a few bridges around the state. A little fiscal discipline now will pay off in the long term.
Employee Benefits
Protect public employees’ benefits and lighten the taxpayer burden By Fred Birnbaum Alan and Andrea McCrae of Homedale carry a heavy
Alan, a realtor, suffers from a chronic illness that has
parental payload.
spent the last two decades ravaging his body. The McCrae’s have sunk thousands of dollars into surgeries
And the state of Idaho compounds the Mcraes’ hefty
and medicines. Alan, once bedridden for nearly two
years, has lost significant amounts of income due to his condition’s debilitating effects.
Though the McCraes are empty-nesters who are barreling toward their retirement years. As a close-knit
And, like nearly every other Idahoan, Alan and Andrea
family, Alan and Andrea often help their adult chil-
face rising healthcare costs that stretch their budget.
dren. These pressures strain the family’s finances, and For a while last year, Alan and Andrea welcomed two
restrict their ability to save money for a rainy day
of their daughters—the couple have seven children
or build a retirement nest egg. Still, Andrea remains
in all—back home. Those daughters, accompanied by
optimistic that she, her husband and her offspring will
husbands and kids, needed housing during a period of
temporary unemployment. Alan and Andrea welcomed the two families.
“If you have faith, it doesn’t matter how much is in your bank account,” she told the Idaho Freedom
Recently, their son, a young father of three and a law
student at the University of Idaho in Moscow, asked Alan and Andrea for a few thousand dollars to replace
Part of the pressure they feel stems from Idaho’s cost-
the blown transmission in his family’s car. The couple
ly mismanagement of its resources. While Andrea and
extended their assistance.
Alan struggle to cover their own retirement and health costs, they pay dearly so state workers can enjoy
One of their daughters, a welder, who suffers from
overly generous insurance packages and guaranteed
chronic pain, recently bought a home to establish her
retirement plans that cost more and more to under-
independence. She wanted to undertake a renova-
tion of her Treasure Valley home. As with many close families, she sought help from her mom and dad, who
Reforming Idaho’s pension system and asking state
gladly provided some of the funds to complete the
workers to pay a little more for their health coverage
would save hardworking taxpayers millions and allow Idahoans like Alan and Andrea McRae to live fuller,
These kind deeds come even as the couple face their
more prosperous lives, retire independently and hand
own trials and challenges.
down more of what they earn to future generations.
PROBLEM Superficially, Idaho’s public employees’ pension and
as to how Idaho manages healthcare and pension
health benefits programs appear to be both well man-
benefits which would provide employees with stable and
aged and generous. Accordingly, many government
sustainable benefits. Sensible reforms would also protect
employees view their overall benefits as well as their
taxpayers from the kinds of fiscal raids we are seeing in
total compensation as two of the top five drivers of job
other states and municipalities.
satisfaction. Idaho’s public employee benefits, particularly 1
the healthcare and pension components, face increasing
funding uncertainty as overall costs continue to soar. This,
For a classified employee3 in Idaho with an average
in turn, requires heavier burdens on taxpayers and the
salary of $44,033, benefits make up 40 percent of the
employees themselves in the form of higher contribu-
cost of the employee’s total compensation package.4
tions and less take-home pay.2 There are possible reforms
Increasingly, we see a lopsided healthcare package that is completely out of alignment with the experience of
1 Change in Employee Compensation and Benefits, FY18, presented to ID legislative CEC committee on January 10, 2017, report page 11, data from Society for Human Resource Management. 2 PERSI, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, June 30, 2016, page 61. Contributions as a percentage of covered payroll have been steadily increasing.
Idaho’s small business community. Further, the benefits are even more generous than other state and national government plans. For example, an Idaho state employee with an individual PPO healthcare plan
How Idaho’s employer-sponsored health plans compare to national data
paid a monthly premium of $47 in FY 17.5 This is far lower than the average paid by other states’ government employees (with more than 500 plan participants)
and national government plans. Those
Monthly Employee Contribution
average premiums, respectively, are $126 400
and $132 per month.6
Individual PPO Idaho
Individual Individual Traditional High Deductible Gov 500+
Family PPO
Family Traditional
State Gov 500+
Family High Deductible
National 500+
3 Average annual salary is described in report: Change in Employee Compensation & Benefits, FY 18, presented to the Idaho legislature on January 10, 2017, page 4. Idaho Statues, 67-5302.”Classified officer or employee” means any person appointed to or holding a position in any department of the state of Idaho, which position is subject to the provisions of the merit examination, selection, retention, promotion and dismissal requirements of chapter 53, title 67, Idaho Code. 4 Change in Employee Compensation and Benefits, FY, presented to ID legislative CEC committee on January 10, 2017, report page 4 5 PPO is an acronym for “Preferred Provider Organization,” which is a type of health plan that encourages participants to use a network of providers, requires higher charges for providers outside of the network, and generally does not require referrals to see a specialist in the network. 6 Mercer’s National Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Plan, 2016. Presented during State of Idaho Benefit Strategy Development, June 2, 2017.
Further, though Idaho state employees typically pick
appear sound, at this point, it reflects a projected market
up less than 10 percent of the cost of their premium,
return of 7.1 percent, net of investment expenses. 12 This is
individuals and those that work for small businesses have
risky optimism given market volatility.
no such protection. A 45-year-old, self-employed person in Idaho would pay $541 per month, more than 11 times
This pie-in-the-sky hoped-for return is made worse by
the premium a similarly aged state employee pays. The
the increase in the number of public employees, who
upshot is that to maintain the current style of plans for
also expect a generous retirement benefits package.
state employees the total medical plan costs will increase
In FY 16, PERSI added 7,509 new members.13 As, the
$105 million from FY 15 to FY19.8 For FY 17 to FY 18, the
public employee base grows the importance of PERSI’s
estimated increase in medical plan costs is projected to
long-term solvency is paramount to those employees
be 11.3 percent.
and Idaho taxpayers —as taxpayers are ultimately on the
hook to guarantee payments. As the chart below demonstrates, the funding level of any defined-benefit pension
institutions with a large employee headcount, does not
plan is dependent on the investment return assumption,
follow the self-insured healthcare model. According to a
commonly known as the discount rate. The projected
November 2013 Milliman report, a shift to fully self-in-
return that PERSI uses is reasonably consistent with the
sured health care coverage could save about $11 million
long-term returns associated with its mix of investments,
annually, with a larger up-front savings. Large organiza-
70 percent equities/30 percent bonds. However, these
tions, whether private companies or public-sector organi-
returns are not guaranteed.
zations are generally self-insured, meaning that they fully cover the costs and losses of their population and simply
Were state officials to project a safer, more predictable
use a third party to administer the plan. 12 PERSI, Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, June 30, 2016, page 15 13 PERSI, Public Information Officer, Jenny Flint, June 26, 2017, email inquiry response
Monthly Employee Contribution
Finally, Idaho, unlike many other private and public
PERSI, Idaho’s public employee pension program, is
Assuming high returns for guaranteed benefit payouts is risky
available to state and local government workers. As of June 30, 2017, PERSI’s base plan net position as a percentage of the total pension liability was just more than 91.1 percent. This is commonly referred to as 11
assets can cover 91.1 percent of the expected outlay of the future payments to retirees. Though this might 7 Regence Platinum 500 plan for 2017 for a 45-year-old person. 8 Presentation by the Department of Administration, Office of Group Insurance, CEC Committee, January 12, 2017, page 16 9 Presentation by the Department of Administration, Office of Group Insurance, CEC Committee, January 12, 2017, page 17 10 Milliman Client Report, Self-Funding Analysis, November 26, 2013, page 1 Executive Summary. Milliman is an internationally recognized actuarial and consulting firm. Milliman’s primary business includes consulting practices in employee benefits, healthcare, investment, life insurance and financial services, and property and casualty insurance. Clients include a spectrum of business, financial, government, union, education, and nonprofit organizations. 11 PERSI board meeting minutes, July 18, 2017, executive director comments
Funding Ratio
91.1 percent funded. This implies that current funds or
0.75 0.6 0.45 .03 2.34% U.S. Treasury Bond Return
7.5% PERSI Projected Gross Return
Discount Rate
Individua PPO
rate of return, Idaho’s pension funding gap would widen
The point of reforming Idaho’s retirement system is to
significantly. The American Legislative Exchange Coun-
avoid the fate of so many public pension systems around
cil envisioned such a scenario for Idaho and found that
the country that ultimately will fail taxpayers and em-
if PERSI utilized the 2.34 percent return U.S. Treasury
ployees themselves if the promises made cannot be kept.
bonds provide, the system’s funding ratio would drop to
State employees need a system that does not depend
about 47 percent, as shown in the previous chart.
upon future taxpayers and gives them the choice to
secure their future. 14 American Legislative Exchange Council, “Unaccountable and Unaffordable,” October 2016.
SOLUTIONS Gradually increase the employee percentage paid of the health plan cost to match that of other state government healthcare plans
stay on the existing plan. Enhance the current Choice
Some of the overall cost could be offset by switching to
ing the reform recently adopted by Michigan, as one
self-insured healthcare coverage at the state level. The
model, would give state employees more flexibility
November 2013 Milliman report suggested $11 million
about what they want to contribute to their retirement,
per year in ongoing savings after the first four transition
reduce the liabilities of future taxpayers, and eliminate
the chance that promised pension benefits would have
401(k) Plan by adding an employer (State of Idaho) match in lieu of the traditional PERSI base plan. Begin this transition with new hires starting in 2020. Us-
to be curtailed should a fiscal crisis occur. For example,
Add a health savings account (HSA) component to the high-deductible plan offered to state employees
the Michigan plan has the state contribute four percent of an employee’s salary into the 401(k) plan as a starting point. The plan then matches employee contributions, dollar for dollar, up to three percent, for a state maxi-
Shift future state employees and school staff to a defined-contribution plan Exempt public safety officers (police and fire), who will
mum contribution of seven percent. In Idaho the state contributes 11.38 percent of an employee’s salary and
69 the employee contributes 6.79 percent of their pay.15 Assuming a savings of four-percent-of-payroll contribution from the state, based on the above example, for each new PERSI member, with 7,000 new members joining per year with an average salary of approximately $40,000, this would equate to savings of $11.2 million per year. That yearly savings would grow as more state workers join the more
Taxpayers simply cannot afford to pay for the own healthcare and retirements and platinum-level benefits
sustainable retirement plan.
for government
During the years following the
2009 recession, taxpayers nationwide suffered a one-two punch to the wallet. Not only had the market catastrophe blown a hole in Americans’ nest eggs, governments across the land had to turn to those suffering taxpayers to make up the losses in defined-benefit pension plans. Officials either raised taxes or cut services to backfill the guaranteed pension payouts.
To handle its pension funding gap,
Idaho’s state and local government workers deserve
PERSI decided to up the contribu-
competitive benefits—attracting and retaining talented
tion rate for all government em-
workers demands that. That said, officials must erase
ployers and employees. In turn, the
the inequity in the system that places taxpayers on
state, school districts, cities counties
the hook for ever-increasing benefit costs. Taxpayers
and all other government entities
simply cannot afford to pay for their own healthcare
that take part in the program had
and retirements, as well as platinum-level benefits for
to pour more cash into pensions,
government employees.
which took money from classrooms, road repairs and other vital government services.
15 The Idaho percentages, respectively, reflect the actual employee contribution as reported in exhibit 8, page 111 of the 2016 PERSI CAFR and exhibit 9, page 112 of the same report. The Michigan examples come from a bill analysis of S.B. 401, dated 6/30/17
Federal Reliance
Assert statehood: end dependency on Washington, D.C. By Fred Birnbaum Federal dollars cannot last forever. Idaho
25-percent payments.
County Commissioner Mark Frei can attest to that.
Mountain View School District, headquartered in Grangeville, saw its federal allocation drop
In September 2017, Frei and his fellow com-
from more than $1 million in 2016 to about
missioners held their noses and voted to raise
$56,000 in 2017.
property taxes by more than $600,000. The new money, a projected increase of $120 per
The SRS reductions will affect some Idaho
$100,000 of a property’s taxable value, will
County taxpayers immediately, but Frei warns
fund road and bridge repairs. “This is going to
that the biggest impacts will be felt in two to
be a huge tax blow for some individuals,” Frei
three years when local governments’ reserve
told the Idaho Freedom Foundation.
funding runs dry.
The reason for the hike? Congress did not
“It’s going to put us in a financial crisis here
renew the federal Secure Rural Schools (SRS)
soon,” Frei cautioned. Taxing districts, including
program, which assisted local units of govern-
the 11 local highway agencies in Idaho County,
ment harmed by declining timber revenues
will have to slash services or, like Frei and his
from U.S. Forest Service lands. In 2016 the
colleagues, spike taxes in dramatic fashion.
program provided more than $23 million to local governments in Idaho.
Though Frei hopes Congress will restore the SRS funding, he’s not getting his hopes up.
Now, those local governments will receive so-
“The best way forward is to get logging up in
called “25-percent payments,” or one-fourth of
our national forests,” the commissioner said.
the timber revenues generated on USFS lands
That would deliver more 25-percent funds to
within Idaho borders.
government entities.
Governments in Idaho County, including the
Idaho County’s is a cautionary tale for all other
school district, highway districts and the county
elected officials willing to rely on federal dollars
itself, received more than $6.5 million in SRS
to fund vital state and local programs.
money last year. With the 25-percent payments, that sum drops to about $330,000.
“You just can’t get people to see the consequences to make action happen now,” Frei said.
Idaho County itself, Frei said, lost more than
He concluded that only when federal dollars
$1.2 million in SRS money. In its place, this year
vanish will people understand the danger of
the county received just less than $70,000 in
relying on D.C. cash. FEDERAL RELIANCE
PROBLEM federal funding of education is about eight percent per Reliance on federal funds to support state programs
state,4 nearly 14 percent of Idaho’s public education
threatens Idaho’s long-term autonomy and leaves
budget relies on the federal government. This reli-
Idahoans vulnerable to changes in federal spending
ance creates opportunity for coercion that limits state
policies. Between 2007 and 2018, Idaho’s depen-
decision-making. For example, the U.S. Department
dency on federal dollars increased by about $1 billion,
of Education threatened to remove $100 million of
growing from an appropriation of about $1.8 billion to
federal grant funding from Indiana schools if the state
nearly $2.8 billion. Here’s another way to look at it: In
refused to adopt Common Core.5 Regionally, Idaho
a given budget year, federal dollars comprise about
receives five to ten percent more federal revenue per
one-third of all state spending.
student than other Western states.6 In other words,
current funding of education puts Idaho children The Tax Foundation ranked Idaho 19th nationally, us-
at the mercy of federal legislation and bureaucratic
ing FY 14 data, regarding federal aid as a percentage of
state general revenue. In other words, only 18 states 2
are more reliant on the federal government as percent
The Idaho Transportation Department’s FY 18 budget
of total state spending than Idaho.
is more than 40 percent funded by federal resources, of which the majority is allocated towards highway
Idaho needs to reduce its dependency on D.C. before
construction. In FY 16, 63.8 percent of the depart-
the next fiscal downturn, or the state may find itself
ment’s highway spending came from federal funds,
unable to maintain core programs. As Idaho’s public
and 67.3 percent of the highway money in FY 17 is
education, social welfare, and transportation depart-
federally sourced.7
ments have the greatest dependency on federal funding, they are most susceptible to reductions in D.C.
The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare also re-
dollars. Idahoans are also vulnerable because federal
lies heavily on federal funding. More than 62 percent
money comes attached with many strings, subjecting
of its $2 billion budget comes from federal revenue
Idaho to the whims of federal oversight.
to support programs like Medicaid, Child Welfare, and Disability Services.8 In 2016, 82 percent of IDHW’s
The Idaho Department of Education annually receives
federal funds went to Medicaid, which was 63.5 per-
more than $260 million in federal funds to support
cent funded by the national government, when you
public schools. Though the national average for 3
1 Legislative Fiscal Reports, prepared by the Legislative Service Office, 2008 and 2017 2 Tax Foundation, Facts & Figures, 2017 edition, Table 9. Idaho ranked 19th with 33.8% of total revenue coming from the federal government, the national average was 30.0%. 3 Legislative Budget Books, Historical Summaries. In FY17, approximately 13.72% of Idaho’s public school appropriations were funded by federal revenue.
4 U.S. Department of Education. “The Federal Role in Education.” 5 Austin Hill, “Common Core Ties to Federal Funding Pop Up in California, Indiana.” (June 2014). 6 “Reliance on federal funds could imperil public education in Idaho.” 2014. Idaho Freedom Foundation. 7 Legislative Budget Book 2017, Historical Summary. 8 Legislative Budget Book 2017, Historical Summary. 62.31% of FY16 IDHW appropriations were federally-funded; FY17 estimates a similar 62.16%.
include state administrative costs. Budgets for Child
tive session. The Legislature was told that it had no
Welfare, Services for the Disabled, and Public Health
choice but to approve Senate Bill 1067, the Uniform
Services agencies are more than 50 percent federally
Interstate Family Security Act, assenting to the 2007
funded. If these agencies were not as dependent on
Hague Convention on the International Recovery of
the federal government, and hostage to the strings
Child Support. When the Idaho Legislature balked, the
said funds entail, Idaho could better target funding
federal government threatened to cut off Temporary
toward strategies that help citizens achieve economic
Assistance to Needy Families, among other things, if
Idaho did not pass the bill. The Legislature was called back into special session on May 18, 2015 and on May
As it stands, reductions in federal funding would harm
19, 2015 House Bill 1, version nearly identical copy
the impoverished and needy Idahoans who have be-
of Senate Bill 1067, became law—with Idaho backing
come reliant on state and local programs carried out
down from a confrontation with the federal govern-
with federal money.
ment when funds were at risk. The federal government’s power of coercion was on full display in this
Reliance on federal dollars can create uncomfortable
example. Another takeaway is that federal programs
tension when the state finds itself at odds with the
are constructed with Idaho simply acting as an admin-
whims of D.C. bureaucrats. The federal government
istrator with no power to independently guide people
isn’t afraid to coerce states into going along with
away from dependency on these programs.
Washington’s agenda. If you believe that federal coercion is unlikely, think back to the 2015 legisla-
SOLUTIONS Idaho obtains funds for a myriad of smaller
Make it our premise not to further Idaho’s dependence on the federal government
programs and agencies that don’t provide
This means, Idaho should not seek addi-
dollars.11 Idaho officials should consider
tional program money from the federal
eliminating this program, or should seek
government. For example, expanding
private funding for this office.
Medicaid to cover able-bodied adults would increase Idaho’s dependency on federal dollars from about 35 percent of total spending to 40 percent.9
Avoid borrowing against future federal money
major services. For example, the Office of Drug Policy is 89 percent funded with D.C.
Press the case for greater harvesting of timber and mining of mineral assets on federal lands Federal lands comprise about 62 percent of Idaho and timber harvests on federal lands
For example, the 2017 Idaho legislature
are down about 90 percent from their
passed Senate Bill 1206,10 a transportation
peak.12 Greater use of these resources could
bill that authorized the state to borrow
make rural communities more self-suf-
$300 million by issuing bonds in anticipa-
ficient and less dependent on federal
tion of future federal transportation fund-
programs like Payment in Lieu of Taxes and
ing—commonly known as GARVEE bonds.
Secure Rural Schools – both of which were
One problem is that these bonds assume
designed to bolster rural economies in Ida-
that the federal Highway Trust Fund will re-
ho and the west to offset economic losses
main solvent and retain the same payment
from declining timber harvests.
formula well into the future to match the long-term maturity of the bonds.
Review existing programs Re-examine with the understanding that large scale programs like Medicaid, federal road funding, and education can’t be changed in the short term. However, 9 Data is based on Milliman Client Report, dated January 8, 2016. 2015 Financial Impact of the Medicaid Expansion on the Idaho Medicaid Budget Including State and County Cost Offsets. 10 Details on S1206 are available on the Legislative Website https://
11 2017 Legislative Fiscal Report, page 6-33 12 University of Idaho, College of Natural Resources, Policy Analysis Group, Issue Brief 15, 10/09/13. Wildland Fire Management: Are actively managed forests more resilient than passively managed forests? Jay O’Laughlin, page 15.
It is critical that Idaho begin reducing its dependency on federal money in order that we retain our autonomy as a
sovereign state.
BENEFITS The federal government is more than $20 trillion in debt and that amount grows with each passing year. It is critical that Idaho begin reducing its dependency on federal money in order that we retain our autonomy as a sovereign state and not merely function as an administrative ward of the federal government. Joint federal-state programs don’t allow for the flexibility that state and local solutions, tailored to the needs of local people, can provide.
Good Governance
Lindsey learned an uncomfortable truth: City officials used public funds to sway
voters toward a pricy tax hike.
The Idaho declaration of a level playing field By Phil Haunschild In late 2016, slick campaign mailers bearing
Lindsey was outraged. “It didn’t seem right
the city of Fruitland’s return address landed
that [the city council] had the liberty to spend
in Rachel Lindsey’s mailbox. That’s when the
taxpayer money on not one, but three mailers
mother of five started digging into the city’s
they felt were necessary to ‘educate’ citizens
about a bond they were hoping to pass,” the Fruitland mom said. “I feel that was wasted
Through a records request submitted in
money which should’ve, and could’ve, been
partnership with the Idaho Freedom Founda-
put to much better use.”
tion, Lindsey learned an uncomfortable truth: City officials used public funds to sway voters
In a quest for equal opportunity, the stay-at-
toward a pricy tax hike.
home mom asked Fruitland officials if the city would fund a flier opposing the bond. The city
In 2016, the Fruitland City Council asked
quickly rebuffed the request.
voters there to approve a multi-million dollar bond to transform the old, vacant high school
“The scales were clearly tipped in one direc-
into an expansive city hall. To lubricate the
tion, and they’d been tipped unfairly using
pitch, the city of Fruitland spent $16,000 in
taxpayer money,” Lindsey said. “It wasn’t right
taxpayer funds on marketing consultants,
and it clearly wasn’t fair.”
postage, mailers and door-hangers—all to persuade voters in the small southwestern Idaho
She’s correct, of course. Local governments
town to approve the bond.
shouldn’t interfere with elections using taxpayer resources. Doing that is an affront to all
Two mailers landed in Lindsey’s mailbox, and
residents, especially to those who oppose a
off-duty police and fire officials, for whom the
government’s position and don’t want their tax
bond would also fund new digs, attached a
dollars funding public relations campaigns.
flyer to her front door. GOOD GOVERNANCE
PROBLEM The voices of Idaho residents such as Rachel
State licensure boards, such as the Board
Lindsey are consistently drowned out by
of Dentistry and the Board of Licensure of
large corporations, special interests and an
Professional Engineers and Land Survey-
ever-growing bureaucracy. The message of
ors, have hired private lawyers to serve as
these citizens, who cannot be heard over
lobbyists on their behalf.2 Over half a dozen
the others which are larger and often more
urban renewal agencies have contracted
organized, is hijacked, and as a result the
with private lobbyists at the Capitol. Funding
interests of the politically connected groups
lobbyists for state agencies unnecessarily
have been placed well above that of other
increases the cost of managing the gov-
Idahoans. Many of Idaho’s business elites,
ernment. The policies they lobby for also
politicians and government officials have
increase their agency’s regulatory scope and
found ways to manipulate the system in
enlarge their budgets. This is all largely di-
their favor, using state laws to further protect
vorced from the interest of the government
themselves, rather than the ordinary Idaho-
to protect the public’s common good. These
lobbyists and others can also hide behind a
Cities and school districts continue to use
veil as they give gifts to legislators, some-
public money to fund campaigns in bond
thing which they do not have to report and is
and levy elections across the state, just as
not prohibited under current state law.
they did in Fruitland. These efforts can swing
To serve their own interest, policymakers
the vote in their favor, undermining the
have crafted exemptions, or loopholes, that
validity of elections. For example, in the fall
place themselves above other Idahoans.
of 2016, the College of Western Idaho led a
The first is found in the open meetings law,
$300,000 marketing campaign leading up
which excuses agencies established by exec-
to a vote for a $255 million bond to benefit
cutive order from abiding by the law which
the school.
all other public meetings must abide by.3
Idaho’s public universities have taken part in
This exemption allows these 28 agencies to:
another effort to sway political outcomes.
call meetings to order without notice to the
The University of Idaho, Idaho State Uni-
public; prohibit some Idahoans from partici-
versity and Boise State University each paid
pating in the meeting; neglect to publish the
$146,453, $108,659, and $123,469, respec-
agenda or the meeting’s minutes, and more.4
tively, for their directors of government
The secrecy with which these meetings can
relations, who lobby state policymakers on behalf of their universities.1 1
State Controller Salary Check.
2 Idaho Secretary of State Lobbyist Registration, p.22. Michael Kane, of Michael Kane & Associates, is listed as the lobbyist. lobbyist/2016/lobemp.pdf 3 Idaho Code 74-202 4 The full list of requirements under the Open Meetings Law can be found in Idaho Code 74-203
79 be conducted is a direct affront to govern-
2012 and 2015 found that the average spike
ment accountability.
was 574 percent.5 To show the self-serv-
The second handcrafted exemption is found
ing nature of this perk, even similar part-
in the Public Employee Retirement System,
time elected officials, such as mayors or
which allows politically well-connected
city-council members, do not receive the
legislators to spike their pension payouts
same treatment. This benefit has been con-
when they take on a full-time position
structed solely by legislators and the benefit
with the state government. The formula is
does not extend past their chambers.
calculated differently for legislators than for
Lastly, Idahoans are endangered by the trou-
any other public officials. Take for example
blesome practice of civil asset forfeiture, by
a legislator who leaves the legislature after
which law enforcement officials seize assets
10 years of service for an agency direc-
from people prior to a criminal conviction.
torship. The legislator serves for at least
An Institute for Justice report gave Idaho’s
three and a half years in this new position,
civil asset forfeiture laws a D- for their lack of
which pays a much higher salary. When this
transparency, poor protections for victims of
person retires and the state calculates their
asset seizures, and for the fact that property
pension, it is as though the ten years the
could be taken without a prior conviction
individual spent in the legislature they were
of the individual.6 This practice is especially
paid the whole time at the same rate as the
alarming, as it promotes a perverse incentive
agency directorship. A 2016 IFF actuarial report detailing eleven ex-legislators who availed themselves of this perk between
5 IFF Actuarial Report: Politician Pension Payoff Study. July 2016. 6 Institute for Justice. “Policing For Profit: The Abuse of Civil Asset Forfeiture.” 2015.
Estimated yearly pension payouts after spikes 1200000 1000000 800000 600000 400000 200000 0 Ken Roberts
Dean Joyce Elliot Cameron Broadsword Werk
Eric Anderson
Before Spike w/COLA
Bob Geddes
Debbie Field
John Tippets
Lawrence Denney
Joe Stegner
Bill Deal
After Spike w/COLA
for law enforcement agencies: they keep the profits of
For each of these issues, taxpayer dollars have been
any item or money they seize, which is a simple way
diverted from the services they are meant to provide,
to pad their budgets. Idaho’s law enforcement agen-
as state and local agencies dedicate more and more
cies are not required to keep record of any seizures
to their own expansion, rather than to the flourishing
they make, making it impossible to discern how large
of the state and its residents. Idahoans need their
a problem this is in Idaho. Suffice it to say, families
state government to take the focus away from them-
and individuals across Idaho have lost their savings
selves, and to make the public interest their priority.
and property to law enforcement agencies, even when they are never convicted of a crime.
SOLUTIONS Prohibit the use of taxpayers’ money in elections Taxpayer dollars should not be used to sway public
Prohibit the use of lobbyists on staff at, or on contract with, state agencies
opinion about bonds or levies. Doing so puts state
The governor must require all executive agencies to
and local governments in a position where tax collec-
cancel all contracts with lobbying firms and to elimi-
tion and expanding their own function is put above
nate the positions within state agencies that lobby for
anything else. The end goal of Idaho’s governing
individual public entities. Again, having state agencies
powers should not be to further their own interests,
lobby state policymakers to the agencies’ benefit sets
but rather to further the public’s interests. Swaying the
them in a position to serve their own interests rather
outcome of a ballot initiative, a bond or levy vote, or
than the public’s, spending taxpayer dollars all the
anything else at the ballot box unfairly tips the scale
in favor of those who support bigger government, effectively stealing the vote from many Idahoans.
Prohibit lobbyist gifts to legislators
issue of constitutionality, that legislators cannot
House Bill 506 from the 2016 Session would have ef-
determine their own compensation. However, the
fectively eliminated this problematic practice. In sum,
Office of the Attorney General gave its opinion on
to reduce potential conflicts of interest while conduct-
the matter, stating that the passage of House Bill 100
ing the business of their office, legislators should be
was within the prerogative of the Legislature.7
prohibited from receiving gifts from lobbyists.
Eliminate the practice of pension spiking
Eliminate or reform the practice of civil asset forfeiture As a tool to be used by law enforcement, civil asset
Idaho policymakers must prohibit this practice and
forfeiture is questionable at best. But, as it is current-
eliminate the exemption in the pension system that
ly utilized in Idaho, residents are not given the due
has been designed solely to benefit Idaho’s legislators.
process of law. The most effective way to protect
Several bills have been brought to the Legislature to
Idahoans would be to eliminate entirely civil asset
do just this, such as House Bill 100 from the 2015 Legislative Session. Some legislators have raised the
7 Brian Kane. “Opinion on House Bill 100- File No. 15-50730,” March 2015. https:// comp_06_AGOpinionOn2015HouseBill100.pdf
forfeiture. Thus, no longer could an Idahoan’s property be seized prior to him or her being convicted of
the law enforcement agency.
whereby a criminal’s assets, which were used in per-
Require agencies established by executive order to follow the open meetings law
forming a crime or received from criminal activity, are
All 28 of the governor’s committees, councils and
seized subsequent to a conviction.
commissions should be governed by the same laws
a crime. Eliminating this practice would still leave the less controversial practice of criminal asset forfeiture,
as other public agencies. As the Open Meetings Law In the event lawmakers can’t muster the courage to
states, “The people of the state of Idaho in creating
eliminate civil asset forfeiture policies, reform is es-
the instruments of government that serve them, do
sential. This reform must have the following elements.
not yield their sovereignty to the agencies so created.
First, it should divorce the proceeds of the seizure
Therefore, the legislature finds and declares that it is
from the agency that seizes it. This would eliminate or
the policy of this state that the formation of public
greatly reduce any perverse incentives for an agency
policy is public business and shall not be conducted in
to seize property for its own benefit. Second, to pro-
secret.” These 28 agencies are no different, as they are
vide a level of accountability, agencies must keep re-
still established to serve the public, which should have
cords of and report each seizure. Third, there must be
the authority to follow their proceedings.
no seizure of property until after a criminal conviction has been rendered and the property seized must be directly associated with the crime committed. Finally, when property is seized unjustly the owner should not bear the costs of the seizure nor the attorney costs of
“Eliminating these dubious practices would ... [ensure] that those in public service are truly serving the public, not themselves or the agencies they represent.”
BENEFITS Listening to the voices of Idaho’s taxpayers and providing them more accountability for their property and taxes would have several benefits to Idahoans across the state. State agencies could put more resources towards helping the public, rather than spending money for rent-seeking. Both sides of issues could be heard in elections across the state, rather than just the side that receives support and funding from the local governments for its campaigns. Idahoans would see that those who take on roles as public servants, be they legislators, law enforcement, or governor-appointees, are all subject to the same laws. While none of the aforementioned issues are large drivers of Idaho’s rampant budget growth, they are indicative of a growing inclination among public officials to promote their own interest above that of the citizens. Eliminating these dubious practices would help bring the state government back to the people, ensuring that those in public service are truly serving the public, not themselves or the agencies they represent.
Unfortunately for Scout, who suffers from intractable epilepsy ... Idaho forbids anyone
from possessing or consuming CBD.
Suffering Idahoans should not be made criminals By Phil Haunschild In his short life, 9-year-old Scout Bunderson has un-
Across the country, at least 16 states have specifically
dergone four brain surgeries, including one procedure
legalized CBD oil for medicinal purposes. It’s also
wherein surgeons removed malformed portions of
available in the 26 states that have legalized cannabis
his brain. That surgery, which Scout underwent at the
for medicinal or recreational purposes.
tender age of six, could have left him blind, deaf or, in the worst case scenario, dead.
In 2015, Idaho lawmakers passed legislation to more or less decriminalize CBD, but Gov. Butch Otter vetoed
His parents, Bryce and Holli Bunderson of Montpe-
the measure. Otter’s rejection nearly crushed the
lier, believe their precious son could have avoided the
Bundersons, who had tirelessly lobbied lawmakers to
invasive and risky surgery through the use of cannabi-
pass the bill.
diol oil. The substance, also known as CBD oil, calms or even stops seizures in patients who suffer from in-
“Heartbreak,” Holli said of the veto. “[We] just felt ut-
tractable epilepsy. The oil is derived from the marijuana
terly defeated.” Otter, through executive order, directed
plant, but produces no psychoactive high for users.
state funds to support a clinical trial of a medicine that contains CBD. That trial initially allowed only 25 kids—
Unfortunately for Scout, who suffers from intractable
now 38—access to experimental treatments.
epilepsy—as well as autism and cortical dysplasia—Idaho forbids anyone from possessing or consuming CBD.
Scout was not one of the 25. Even had he been, weekly trips to Boise to meet with doctors would have cost the
The prohibition stands in contrast with the states that
family too much.
surround Idaho: All border states allow the purchase and consumption of CBD oil. Were the Bundersons
The Bunderson family is out of options, all because
to pick up and move a few miles south to Utah, Scout
Idaho criminalizes suffering kids and adults. Yet, Holli
could have and take CBD oil. The same is true if the
and Bryce remain faithful and pray daily that Scout will
family moved to Wyoming, slightly more than 20
eventually live something close to a normal life. “Faith
miles to the east of their southeastern Idaho home.
is stronger than fear,” Holli said. “I just know whatever happens, it will be OK.” CANNABIS POLICY
PROBLEM The Bunderson family epitomizes the negative impact that Idaho’s cannabis policies have on its residents. Prohibiting medical marijuana throughout the state has hurt numerous Idahoans, sending many across state lines,
Reason for cannabisrelated arrests in Idaho 2005-2012
either to return with the medicine they need or to stay permanently. The bordering states to the east have allowed for the full or partial use of medical marijuna, while those to the west, Oregon, Washington and Nevada, have legalized the medicinal and recreational use of marijuana. This has had impacts on Idaho’s border communities, as evidenced by the Idaho State Police’s 2012 report showing that five of the six counties bordering Washington state have some of the highest arrest rates for marijuana possession.1 As a recent report published by the Idaho Statesman has shown, marijuana shops in Huntington, Oregon, the closest city to the Treasure Valley with legalized marijuana, may have more customers from Idaho than from Oregon.2 From 2005-2012, some 45,267 Idahoans were arrested for marijuana, accounting for 63 percent of all drug related arrests.3 91 percent of these arrests were for the mere possession or consumption of marijuana. This sheer volume of law enforcement cases necessary to enforce 1 “Idaho Drug and Alcohol Related Offenses and Arrests: 2005-2012.” Idaho State Police, Idaho Statistical Analysis Center. 2013. p. 7 and 9. 2 Sven Berg, “Legal Weed, Idaho Customers Breathe Life into Tiny Oregon Town, irk Otter,” Idaho Statesman, March 2017. 3 “Idaho Drug and Alcohol Related Offenses and Arrests: 2005-2012.” Idaho State Police, Idaho Statistical Analysis Center. 2013. p. 7 and 9.
Idaho drug arrests 2005-2012 37% Other
Posessing/Concealing Using/Consuming
Idaho’s cannabis policies diverts resources from other as combatting violent crime or keeping our highways
criminal record. Furthermore, many of those who make Selling/Distributing this single mistake are also precluded from receiving some government support, such as SectionTransporting/Importing 8 housing,
Culivating/Manufacturing or a partial ban on receiving TANF (Temporary Assis-
areas where law enforcement is critically needed, such
However, the costs go far beyond budgetary concerns.
5 tance for Needy Families) support or food stamps. This Buying/Receiving
puts these individuals at a substantial disadvantage for
Those who are convicted on minor marijuana pos-
the remainder of their lives. The Pew Charitable Trusts
session charges face harsh punishments. If someone
found that incarceration and the record it leaves can cut
is arrested with any amount of marijuana, however
these convicts’ lifelong earnings in half.6 The American
miniscule, they could be punished by up to a year in jail,
Pediatric Association opposes these harsh penalties for
a $1,000 fine, and a lifelong criminal record. Possession
adolescents and young adults due to the blight that it
of three ounces or more is a felony, punishable by up to
can impose upon their future prospects.7
five years in prison and a $10,000 fine. Holding more than a pound is a felony punishable by $50,000 and
But, Idahoans do not even have to possess, use, distrib-
up to fifteen years in jail.
ute, or manufacture marijuana to face some of these
harsh penalties. The mere proximity to marijuana can For many, paying a hefty fine and facing incarcera-
be grounds for an arrest under Idaho’s frequenting laws.
tion are not the greatest challenges. The most puni-
Young Idahoans who are caught with others who use
tive aspect is the lifelong criminal record from these
marijuana can face many of the same penalties, even if
misdemeanor and felony charges. This record can bar
there is no proof that they have anything to do with the
them from future employment, as all employers are
free to check into prospective employees’ criminal background. Further, a full quarter of the professions licensed by the state can bar any individual with a
4 These categories can be found under the Idaho Uniform Controlled Substances Act: Idaho Code 37-2732, 37-2732B.
5 Eli Hager, “Six states Where Felons Can’t get Food Stamps,” February 2016. https:// 6 “Collateral Costs: Incarceration’s Effects on Economic Mobility,” Pew Charitable Trusts, 2010. collateralcosts1pdf.pdf 7 American Academy of Pediatrics. ‘The Impact of Marijuana Policies on Youth,” March 2015. 8 Idaho Code 37-2732(d)
to accept the growing body of research that
Senate Bill 1146a from 2015, though vetoed,
demonstrates the value cannabis extracts
sought to legalize CBD oil for those with
can have for medicinal purposes. Doctors
intractable epilepsy and provides the frame-
and physicians would be able to prescribe
work necessary for legalizing CBD oil across
products for those whom it would medically
the state. CBD oil, though extracted from the
benefit. Reclassifying marijuana follows the
cannabis plant, contains little THC, the psy-
recommendation of the American Coun-
choactive ingredient in marijuana. Legalizing
cil of Pediatrics, as it recognizes the value
CBD should cause no fear among Idahoans,
which marijuana can have for “children with
and is not necessarily a step toward the le-
life-limiting or severely debilitating condi-
galization of marijuana for general use. CBD
tions and for whom current therapies are in-
oil has nothing but medicinal uses, so there
adequate.”11 This would also facilitate further
is no possibility of its misuse or abuse.
research into the benefits and drawbacks of the medicinal use of marijuana.
Reschedule marijuana and cannabis-derived products at a lower classification
Eliminate “frequenting” laws
Oregon followed this strategy in 2010, which
stances Act, any person “at or on premises of
paved the way for more common-sense
any place where he knows illegal controlled
cannabis policies. Schedule I drugs, which
substances are being manufactured or culti-
cannabis is currently classified as, must have
vated, or are being held for distribution, trans-
“high potential for abuse” and “no accept-
portation, delivery, administration, use, or to
ed medical use in treatment in the United
be given away” is guilty of a misdemeanor and
States or [lack] accepted safety for use in
can be subject to a $300 fine and 90 days in
treatment under medical supervision.” Con-
jail.12 This is the definition of a “frequenting”
versely, the less restrictive Schedule II drugs
law, which criminalizes the mere proximity to
acknowledge a “ currently accepted medical
illicit substances. There is no place for overly
use in treatment in the United States, or
broad and vague criminal frequenting laws in
currently accepted medical use with severe
Idaho, statutes that can be easily abused as a
restrictions,” even while recognizing that “the
catch-all to punish Idahoans who cannot be
abuse of the substance may lead to severe
convicted of anything more.
Under the Idaho Uniform Controlled Sub-
psychic or physical dependence.”
Rescheduling cannabis would allow Idaho
9 Idaho Code 37-2704 10 Idaho Code 37-2706
11 American Academy of Pediatrics. ‘The Impact of Marijuana Policies on Youth,” March 2015. 12 Idaho Code 37-2732
BENEFITS Decriminalize the use of cannabis
For numerous Idahoans, the legalization of medical
As a general principle, a criminal
able levels. For countless others, decriminalization could
penalty should correspond with its
save them from the lifelong blight a criminal record
conviction. Decriminalization, as it
causes, even for the mere possession of small amounts
has been implemented in 21 other
of marijuana.
states, would reduce the penalty
Many have opposed lessening penalties for personal
for first time offenders from a
marijuana use on the grounds that it will hurt youth ed-
criminal charge to a civil penalty
ucational outcomes, spike the use of marijuana through-
such as an infraction and a fine. At
out the state, and create an upsurge in the use of other
a minimum, all first-time offenders
drugs. As the number of states that have decriminalized
should not be punished by incar-
the possession of marijuana increases, we can study
ceration. This would constitute
the results of such policies. After decriminalization and
decriminalization in Idaho.
subsequently legalization in Colorado, Washington, and
cannabis could improve their quality of life at unfathom-
Oregon, there has been no spike in the use of marijuana By contrast, Oregon, Colorado,
beyond the preexisting trends.13 Nor have prices plum-
Washington, and Nevada and sev-
meted in any of these states, as many predicted, thereby
eral others have legalized marijua-
encouraging the more widespread use.14 Rather, sales
na, allowing for its open (although
came out of the black market and into legalized retail
regulated) sale. Decriminalization
would not allow for this open sale,
While some assert that decriminalization of cannabis
use, or recognition of marijuana in
or the legalization of medical cannabis would wreck the
Idaho as marijuana would remain
state, the data just don’t bear that out. would have are
illegal. Decriminalization provides
negligible. Student testing scores, youth IQs, drug and al-
a moderate step for Idaho, which
cohol use, violent crime rates, adolescent use of marijua-
would reduce the costs of polic-
na, and general economic impacts, among others, have
ing, prosecuting and incarcerating
not generally diverged from preexisting trends. How-
minor offenders, all while bringing
ever, the positive effects which decriminalization would
penalties in line with the minor
provide are concrete: young people will no longer see
severity of the crime.
their futures upended by an unnecessary criminal record, those suffering from intractable epilepsy would finally reap the benefits of medical canabis, and the state could devote limited law enforcement and correctional institution resources to areas where they are most needed. 13 Angela Dills, Sietse Goffard, and Jeffrey Miron. “Dose of Reality: Policy Analysis Number 799,” Cato Institute, September 2016. 14 Angela Dills, Sietse Goffard, and Jeffrey Miron. “Dose of Reality: Policy Analysis Number 799,” Cato Institute, September 2016.
Small Business
“My tax dollars are being used to pay for training my competitor’s employees”
Create a business-friendly Gem State By Phil Haunschild Idaho business owner George Gersema has had enough of Idaho state government handouts
“I now have to compete with them for talented
and corporate welfare.
staff, which they do with a direct subsidy,” he said. “How do I combat that?”
“Where does the corporate welfare end?” a frustrated Gersema asked the Idaho Freedom
Then, the Idaho Department of Labor piled it
on. In 2016, that state agency awarded Paylocity a $1.2 million grant to cover the firm’s training
In 1985, Gersema and his wife Mary founded
the human resources company Employers Resource and has kept the firm in its Boise head-
The training grant came from the Workforce
quarters since launching operations. Through
Development Training Fund, which derives
more than three decades in the Treasure Valley,
some of its cash from a portion of the unem-
the Gersemas have employed hundreds and
ployment-insurance taxes businesses—in-
likely generated millions in tax revenue.
cluding Employers Resource—pay. That insults George Gersema.
How did Idaho repay the couple’s loyalty to the Gem State? By subsidizing a direct competitor
“My tax dollars are being used to pay for
in the name of economic development.
training my competitor’s employees,” Gersema rightly noted.
In late 2015, the Idaho Department of Commerce awarded Paylocity, an Illinois-based
Battered by the one-two punch from the state
firm that directly competes with Employers
agencies, Gersema wondered what else the
Resource, a 15-year, $6.5 million tax break on
state could do to boost Paylocity’s prospects.
income, sales and payroll taxes. “Hell, what’s next?” he asked. “[Is the state] Gersema questioned the deal’s fairness shortly
going to add a little profit to their bottom line?”
after the state announced the deal.
PROBLEM Entrepreneurs in Idaho are often treated as prob-
Idaho businesses have more than 600 different pro-
lems, not as agents for solving them. This treatment
grams, permits, or applications which they might have
subjects Idaho businesses to a web of laws, rules and
to apply and or pay for at the local, state, or federal
regulations that hinder their ability to flourish.
level before opening their business.2 The number would vary for each business depending upon the
The Pacific Research Institute ranks Idaho in the mid-
industry, scope and type of business. But, for exam-
dle of the nation, at 24th place, on its Small Business
ple, a restaurant serving alcohol would have to file at
Index, which reviews and compares state regulations
least 30 forms with 21 different agencies. Compare
that impact the cost of doing business. Such policies
this to individuals seeking benefits from the state, be
include start-up and filing costs, insurance and other
it unemployment insurance or workers compensation,
requirements for employee benefits, as well as state
where they must only go to one or two agencies.
minimum wage policies. Idaho ranks poorly at 37th for the cost of workers’ compensation programs, and at
Once businesses have begun operation, they must
45th for unemployment insurance programs, which
pay annual filing costs with the agencies that regu-
means our state requires employers to pay more for
late different businesses, of which there are 63 such
these services than most every other state.
agencies in Idaho.3 Many of these agencies have broad
statutory authority to conduct audits or inspections of Small and new businesses pay heavily for these poli-
businesses, from tax audits to employment audits to
cies. All businesses less than 1.5 years old, are required
compliance inspections, all of which create additional
to pay a 50 percent higher unemployment insurance
work at the expense of these businesses and their
tax than most established employers. Further, the
employees. This raises the cost of doing business in
mandatory workers’ compensation policy places a
the state and, in turn, increases costs for consumers.
substantial burden on small businesses, as all businesses must pay $2 per $100 of payroll on average.
Small businesses are stuck subsidizing some of the largest companies in the United States, such as Dow
These are just two of the many programs that hurt
Chemical and McCain Foods. The Tax Reimbursement
Idaho businesses and, subsequently, employment
Incentive, granted to these two companies, among
opportunities for all Idahoans.
Pacific Research Institute
2 Based on Idaho Bizhelp website: Business Wizard. 613 total options. 3 Based on Idaho Bizhelp website: Business Wizard. 63 agencies with regulatory authority over businesses. No business would be subject to all 63, but there is any combination of them
others, provides up to a 30 percent reimbursement on income, payroll, and sales taxes. Additionally, the director of the Department of Commerce has the sole discretion to grant companies money from the Idaho Opportunity Fund, a “deal-closing fund� that has provided similar companies grants ranging from $85,000 to $800,000 for infrastructure development.4 Though no single policy entirely precludes the formation of new businesses in Idaho, the sum of these countless regulations and policies has steadily hindered the growth of small businesses in the state. 4 
Based on all grants issued between 2013-2016
Unemployment insurance rates 1.5%
New Employers
Rate for All Average Rate Other Employers for All Positive Employers
SOLUTIONS Limit the permitting, certification and registration process for new businesses
others, depending on the industry. At least one percent
Federal, state, county, and municipal governments all
by the IRS, and one percent are audited by the Idaho
hold specific requirements for new businesses. Forc-
Department of Labor.6 This is in addition to audits or
ing Idaho entrepreneurs to navigate such an extensive
inspections by the Industrial Commission and licensure
bureaucracy creates a substantial barrier to the forma-
boards. With so many agencies auditing, some busi-
tion and growth of new businesses. Idaho policymakers
nesses are subjected to a rapid succession of audits from
should streamline the state’s regulatory process for
differing agencies. There is no time limit as to how long
business owners by reviewing and replacing licenses,
audits may last but on average they are much longer
permits, and applications that create an unnecessary,
than 100 days, and the state may require businesses to
potentially costly, barrier. The review of all permits,
provide information through the duration.7
of businesses are audited by the state Tax Commission annually, 2.5 percent of small businesses are audited
licenses, and registrations would show the licenses and permits which create the largest barrier, as well as reveal
Lessening the frequency of audits from different
where there are duplicate licenses and permits with
agencies, as well as tightening the scope and impact of
separate federal, state, or local agencies. Policymakers
business audits could simplify the process for doing busi-
should then use this information to eliminate those
ness in Idaho and provide a more consistent regulatory
which are hurting business success and job creation
framework to operate within.
across the state. For example, liquor licensing hampers business growth because current policy allows only one
Eliminate corporate welfare programs
license per 1,500 residents, a restriction that hampers
Idaho’s financial incentives and tax credit programs
growth and has led to a costly $300,000 liquor license
subsidize big businesses in Idaho at the expense of small
in Coeur d’Alene. Analyzing existing regulations on busi-
businesses already established here. These programs put
nesses like this 70-year-old law would pave the path for
local businesses at a competitive disadvantage to the
policy changes that foster economic growth.
new businesses that come into the state after receiving
deal-closing funds.8 Policymakers should eliminate the
Ease auditing requirements
government programs that pick winners and losers in
Idaho businesses are subject to semi-random audits
the economy and instead focus on promoting the entire
from multiple state and federal agencies, such as the
business environment through less restrictive, universal
Idaho Industrial Commission, the Idaho Department of
tax policies.
Labor, the State Tax Commission, and the IRS, among
6 Information requested from State Agencies 7 Department of Labor- Compliance Division 8 Department of Commerce Website
Lower the taxable wage base for unemployment insurance
The inequitable burden of the unemployment insurance
Idaho’s taxable wage base for unemployment insurance
ment. For this full length of time, new employers pay a
is the fourth highest in the nation. Even though the rate
higher rate than all but eight percent of other businesses,
of taxation is lower than many states, because the wage
placing an undue burden on them. Businesses should
base is so high, Idaho businesses pay more in unemploy-
be moved to the appropriate rate after they have begun
ment insurance tax out of their payroll than all but five
paying into the system.
states in the nation. Idaho’s taxable wage base should
tax should be fixed by lowering the six-quarter require-
the average of all other states. This would offer Idaho
Eliminate the Workforce Development Training Fund
businesses substantial tax relief, which could carry over
The state Department of Labor manages the
in the form of higher wages for their employees and/or
Workforce Development Training Fund, which takes
reduced costs for consumers.9
money from all employers through a portion of their
be lowered from $37,200 —which is more than double
unemployment insurance taxes. Through this fund, the
Shorten the six-quarter requirement for unemployment insurance rates
department is then supposed to incentivize businesses
Idaho employers are assigned a premium rate per dollar
been little proven effectiveness of these programs,
of payroll which determines how much they must pay
with companies who receive grants often closing shop
into the state-run unemployment insurance program.
and leaving Idaho.10 Additionally, the Department
The assigned rate is based upon how many dollars each
of Labor cannot verify that these grants are going to
business’ employees have received from the system as
the correct recipients.11Eliminating this program could
compared to what they have paid. A business that has
save employers three percent on their unemployment
historically paid more into the fund than its employees
insurance taxes.
have taken out will have a lower rate than a business that
to grow and hire more employees. However, there has
However, businesses just beginning in Idaho must go
Eliminate the mandatory requirements for workers’ compensation programs
six quarters before receiving a rate reduction. This forces
Virtually all Idaho employers are mandated to provide
many newly-formed small businesses, which must use
workers compensation insurance, for which the providers
every dollar to grow, to pay extra amounts into the un-
and rates are already determined by the state of Idaho
employment insurance program, thus subsidizing other
and the National Council on Compensation Insurance
pays less than its employees receive.
businesses that are already established in the state.
10 See: 11 Legislative Services Office Audit Division.” Management Report: Department of Labor,” August 1, 2017,
SOLUTIONS (NCCI). The costs for this program range
as well, to allow fair competition between
from just pennies per $100 of an employ-
insurance providers.
er’s payroll for many clerical professions, trades.
Eliminate workers’ compensation mandate for small employers
Idaho should move to an opt-out program,
Thirteen states have provided an exemp-
which has been in place for more than 25
tion for workers’ compensation coverage to
years in Texas and was recently imple-
employers who have from two to five em-
mented in Oklahoma. An opt-out program
ployees.12 Adopting such an exemption in
would allow businesses to choose whether
Idaho would allow businesses to hire their
they want coverage. For those who chose
first employees without having to shoulder
to maintain coverage, they have greater
an additional financial burden, worker’s
flexibility in what it looks like, for those
compensation coverage, for which the fees
who do not have coverage, they are held
are determined by the state. Adoption of
to stricter standards of liability. This exam-
this exemption would provide substantial
ple in Texas has been effective at lowering
cost-reductions for these businesses.
up to $23 per $100 for some construction
costs for employers and has allowed them es their needs. Eliminating the mandatory
Eliminate the Unfair Sales Act
requirement for coverage in Idaho, along
This law, established under the auspices
with defined rates and specified insur-
of protecting businesses in Idaho, has the
ance providers, would allow businesses
capacity to greatly hurt many of them. This
to choose the best program for them and
Act prohibits businesses from selling any
their employees. Moving to an opt-out
items to consumers with less than a six
program would need to be tied with an
percent markup.13 This takes away one of
opening of the market to allow private
the greatest tools for expanding small busi-
companies to offer workers compensation
nesses, as they can no longer price-to-grow
insurance at their own rates, rather than
thereby expanding their customer base
the profession-specific rates established
and production. Take for example a cof-
by the NCCI. The Idaho State Insurance
fee shop that has just opened; it will likely
the flexibility to find a program that match-
Fund, which competes unfairly with private companies, would need to be phased out
12 State List: AL, AR, FL, GA, MS, MO, NM, NC, RI, SC, TN, VA, WI. http:// 13 Idaho Code 48-403
By eliminating the programs which provide corporate welfare ... small businesses will no longer
have the scale tipped against them.
offer major discounts as a form of advertising and capturing a new corner of the market. However, for every item they sell puts them at risk for a 500 dollar fine and a misdemeanor charge. It is time that Idaho takes this anti-competitive law off the books.
Relax pari-mutuel wagering laws Idaho policymakers have prohibited the growth of the horse racing industry through laws prohibiting every aspect of the business. The repeal of historical-racing, the licensing of any facility and any employee, the fees and applications, have all made it nigh on impossible for businesses to continue in this industry. Idaho’s policymakers need to relax the laws governing the horse-racing industry in order to allow the growth of this historical industry. ndustry. This would be a boon to numerous communities across Idaho, produce jobs and bring money into the Idaho economy.
BENEFITS Eliminating counterproductive regulations on small businesses would have ripple effects across Idaho’s economy. These businesses, as defined by the Small Business Administration, employ 55.9 percent of all private workers in Idaho, and constitute 96.6 percent of all businesses in the state.14 By eliminating the programs which provide corporate welfare to the comparatively few large companies in Idaho, small businesses will no longer have the scale tipped against them. Additionally, removing the strict mandates for employee benefits such as worker’s compensation or unemployment insurance would give small businesses more flexibility to pursue greater growth, allowing them to hire more employees and provide better services to Idahoans. As Idaho becomes friendlier towards small businesses, not only will it encourage entrepreneurs in the state, it will spur job-creation in the private sector, encourage widespread innovation and improve the economic outlook for Idaho. 14
Keep Idaho Moving By Phil Haunschild Josh and Ashley Byers of Middleton spend a
during his annual trip to renew his car tags. The
lot of time chauffeuring their three growing
price astounded him.
children to and from soccer matches, church meetings and family activities.
“I don’t put any more wear on the roads than anyone else does,” Byers told the Idaho
Josh, who works in New Plymouth, also faces a
Freedom Foundation. Josh grudgingly paid the
lengthy commute each workday.
charge, but oft expressed his consternation over the expense to friends, family and on
In an attempt to reduce their growing gas
social media.
budget, the Byers invested in a hybrid sedan, an auto that regularly averages more than
Luckily for the Byers and others, the surcharge
30 miles per gallon. A few months after they
irked a number of gas hybrid owners, who
purchased the sedan, a relative gifted the Byers
pointed out that some gas-only cars achieve
another hybrid, a 2005 Ford Escape, which
higher miles per gallon than many hybrids.
notches more than 25 miles per gallon.
Two years after writing the hybrid surcharge into state law, lawmakers repealed it.
The acquisitions set the family on a more frugal trajectory. Or so they thought.
Still, the Byers found themselves out $225 because they had to register their sedan once
During the 2015 legislative session, Idaho
and the Escape twice while the fee was on the
lawmakers approved a bill to raise gas taxes
books. They’re victims of reckless transporta-
and car registration fees. The bill, approved
tion policy, and a muddy-eyed vision for find-
in the latest hours of the 2015 session’s final
ing funding to maintain Idaho’s infrastructure.
day, was crafted to raise nearly $100 million in revenue, money that would fund road repairs
Josh told the Idaho Freedom Foundation
and upgrades.
that his family had to “cut where we could” to offset the the hybrid surcharge. Thus, they
The bill also contained a provision that target-
reduced spending on the activities his kids
ed people like the Byers. The law tacked on a
love—eating out and going to the movies,
$75 hybrid surcharge for each registration year.
among other things.
Lawmakers thought owners of the gas-sipping cars should pay the charge to make up for the
Josh knows he and his family could again
gasoline they don’t buy. That fee generated
be targets of unwise policy, and he hopes
about $1 million annually.
lawmakers will find a new method to pay for roads, one that doesn’t cost him memory-cre-
Josh discovered the surcharge in late 2015
ating experiences with his kids.
ation Dollars per Capita ARVEE Excluded)
Transportation funding, an immense
consumer demand from falling or rising
portion of Idaho’s budget, which impacts
gas prices and federal policies continue
the lives of every Idahoan on a daily basis,
to push away the use of fossil fuels for ADA County Spending
has not received the attention it is due by
by Purpose transportation.
our state government. As such, funding
sources and distribution formulas have not
Outdated funding policies, in addition
advanced. The state now maintains a bal-
to overspending in other areas of the
ance sheet of nearly $1 billion of debt for
state budget, have created a $100 mil-
transportation projects, and transportation
lion shortfall each year for transportation
funding per capita is expected to drop 27
projects. In 2017, Idaho took on an addi-Alternative
2020 2021 percent by 2021.1 The state gas tax, which
tional $300 million in Grant Anticipation
provides 30 percent of state transporta-
Revenue Vehicle (GARVEE) bonds for road
tion funding, is being rendered insufficient
construction, putting the state’s total debt
by new vehicle technologies. Revenue
load near one billion dollars. The Idaho
from the gas tax is dependent on shifts in
Transportation Department anticipates
Transportation Highway
IFF Calculations based on IBOL population growth statistics and ITD STIP Document
GARVEE Bond payments percent of of Federal Funds funds GARVEE bond payments as a as percent federal
Percentage of Federal Funds
30% 22.5% 15% 7.5% 0%
GARVEE Percentage
Statutory Limit
nsportation Dollars per Capita (GARVEE Excluded)
ADA County Spending by Purpose
27.4 percent of federal funds will
Transportation spending in Ada County by purpose
go toward repaying these GARVEE bonds once these new bonds are sold.2 This will max out Idaho’s legal debt capacity, which is just 2.6 percent away from the statutory limit of 30 percent of incoming federal transportation dollars.
Alternative Transportation
Idaho is on an unsustainable route to fund infrastructure, with decreasing revenues, deepening debt, and the inability to keep up with the needs of a growing population. To fix this, Idaho needs to rethink its sources for funding and its processes for construction of projects.
Idaho Transportation Department Accounts Division GARVEE
Bond payments as percent of Federal Funds
30% Percentage of Federal Funds
22.5% 15% 7.5%
Transportation Dollars per Capita (GARVEE Excluded)
Transportation dollars per capita (GARVEE excluded) 350
AD 0%
2012 175
GARVEE Percentage
Statutory Limit
SOLUTIONS Prioritize transportation spending each legislative session At the start of each session, the governor should bring forward a proposal for transportation funding and initiatives, and legislators should act on it within the first few weeks, rather than leaving it up for debate until the end of the legislative session. Dealing with the transportation proposal first will let legislators know how much revenue remains in the budget, ensuring that transportation receives sufficient funding. The general fund dollars that Idaho puts towards transportation should appear on the balance sheet each year.
Reduce reliance on the federal government Idaho receives 50 percent of its highway funding from the Federal Highway Trust Fund Account (FHTFA).3 Pursuing local or state projects without federal funding could provide more flexibility and allow state officials the ability to fund the most-needed projects. That would mean the state would not be bound 3 
ITD Funding Primer
When budgeting for transportation, Idaho’s governor and legislators should ensure that funding for road construction comes from
existing revenues
by the conditions stipulated in the grants and funds
construction comes from existing revenues, or that
for dedicated purposes that the federal government
taking on additional debt abides by Idaho’s constitu-
awards. For example, many mass transit projects,
tional requirement that a majority vote of electors
bike-share programs, and other such projects receive
approve it.4 GARVEE bonds are a dubious process for
substantial federal and local funding, but they do not
funding state projects because they circumvent the
provide the same return on investment that many
vote of the electors. Additionally, every dollar that
state-funded projects provide. Projects completed
goes towards servicing the debt from these bonds
without federal funding could also be done at lower
takes away from the maintenance, upkeep, and resto-
cost, because construction-cost-inflating policies,
ration of the state’s existing infrastructure.
such as federal prevailing wage laws, would not come into play.
Avoid debt-spending via GARVEE bonds for building transportation infrastructure
Pursue Public-Private-Partnerships (P3s) for major infrastructure projects across Idaho P3s across the United States have been shown to provide more efficient construction, lower costs, higher
When budgeting for transportation, Idaho’s governor
rates of on-time completion, and a reduced risk for
and legislators should ensure that funding for road
taxpayers.5 Finding private investors to construct and
4 Idaho Constitution Article VIII Section 1 5 Virginia Example
manage Idaho’s transportation infrastructure would substantially reduce the public money necessary to maintain the infrastructure for Idaho’s growing population, while at the same time ensuring better infrastructure. Policymakers should establish in Idaho Code the authority to establish such partnerships, which 33 states already allow. This process must be laid out openly before the public, with fair consideration given to all participants in the market, such that there is fair and even-handed competition and the system combats cronyism from the start. P3 authority should also be broad and flexible, so that different members of the private sector can provide these services, rather than a limited and select group of individuals.
Explore avenues for establishing more effective user-fees As the gas tax becomes more inefficient as a mechanism for funding road systems, new user-fee systems, such as tolls or mileage fees, should be investigated for their viability in Idaho. Doing this now will help ensure that transportation infrastructure receives sufficient funding and that funding is equitably distributed across all those who use the roadways. However, it is imperative that the introduction of a new user-fee system comes in conjunction with a decrease in or elimination of the gas tax, not in addition to the tax.
An updated and innovative transportation policy
can move Idaho firmly into the 21st century.
States with transportation P3 enabling legislation as of Jan 1, 2016
Broad Enabling Legislation Limited or project-specific legislation No legislation
BENEFITS An updated and innovative transporta-
of new industry technologies and develop-
tion policy can move Idaho firmly into the
ments. With a more efficient funding mech-
21st century. Idaho businesses, consum-
anism, policymakers can use fewer dollars to
ers, residents, and visiting tourists, would
repair and expand Idaho’s roadways, bridges,
reap countless benefits from an advanced
and other structures.
transportation system that takes advantage
About the Idaho Freedom Foundation The Idaho Freedom Foundation’s roots can be traced to 1977, when Ralph Smeed and Maurice Clements started the Center for the Study of Market Alternatives (CSMA) in Caldwell. CSMA was years ahead of its time. National organizations existed to promote liberty, but there were no state-based think tanks working to educate state and local public servants and residents about free markets and the principles of liberty. In Idaho, CSMA filled the void. Many of Idaho’s political luminaries, including former U.S. Sen. Steve Symms, Northwest Liberty Academy Director Elizabeth Hodge, and Foundation for Economic Education President Larry Reed point to Ralph, Maurice, and CSMA as playing a pivotal role in their beliefs. In 2008, Ralph Smeed and Maurice Clements reached out to Wayne Hoffman about starting a new state-focused, free-market think tank dedicated to Idaho issues. At that point, every state in the country had a free market think tank except for Idaho. Ralph and Maurice described their vision for the organization as one that would provide policymakers with free-market solutions and hold those same officials accountable if they expanded government.
Coincidently, Idaho native Heather Lauer was also working on a plan to start a think tank in the Gem State. Heather had reached out to Norm Semanko, who connected Wayne and Heather. Together, Wayne and Heather put together the organizational blueprint and the funding to start what would become the Idaho Freedom Foundation, which officially launched in January 2009. The Freedom Foundation quickly developed a reputation as an accurate, independent source for liberty-minded policy innovation and as a tireless watchdog against government waste and marketplace intervention. Three months after its founding, IFF had provided the intellectual ammunition to stop a well-greased effort to raise taxes on cigarettes and alcohol. By August 2009, IFF had launched a government transparency website, and two months later it began producing original journalism, which eventually became IFF’s work has been credited with saving taxpayers millions of dollars, eliminating failed government programs, and holding politicians accountable like never before in the history of the state.