Health & Cleanness Concept Wat Sakaeo (ENGL)

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4.0 Framework Hygiene Plan Recommendations of the Iceman Charity Volker Capito / Johannes Strasser Project hygiene & cleaning in Wat Sakeo

4.1 Introduction Community facilities for children and adolescents are of special hygienic and epidemiological significance due to the large number of persons living and working together. They therefore require a great deal of attention in order to ensure the wellbeing, health and education to hygienic behaviour – especially with regard to infectious diseases. Preventing transmittable diseases in people, recognising infections at an early stage and preventing them from spreading, is the aim of the HEALTH & CLEANNESS CONCEPT of the Iceman Charity. It is recommended that extensive standardisation of the new hygiene plans be striven for. This sample plan is intended to provide support in this. The hygiene measures listed are examples which need to be adapted to the situation in the individual establishment and supplemented with establishment-specific details and definitions. Measures to promote and maintain health are also to be spoken about in a hygiene plan which contributes to preventing non-transferrable diseases for the children being looked after and the staff. Any existing regional or state regulations are still to be developed and included by the establishment. The development of child and adolescent welfare is developing into modern establishments which are increasingly distancing themselves from the structure of a "classic" children’s home. Today, the establishments are mainly set up as autonomous, family-like residential groups, e.g. in the form of sheltered accommodation. The selfreliance of children and adolescents supervised is promoted whilst maintaining their individual sphere of individuality. The framework hygiene plan is intended to serve as a basis for these modern forms of living. For simplicity, the term home is used in the text which stands for all forms of living.


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