eICB 2005-2

Page 36

11S1n91n9 VoicesR1ng1ng 1nthe Cathedral

1hc rC"5 11lcwoul<Ibe .)Upcrh. Tt1e colourful and c~ 1alsound of 1he SC:1 ndi1tn•i:tn children's \'OicC'S harmoni1.ing wit h 1he children's \·oiccs from 1l1cOrient w.1<n:r}' impr c.»iVf.•. t:nabl ing 11$ IC)rc.-ad,our gl'>:1 1.

SO•hanniv.:rs.,ry w;1.sheld ;11St. Marr·.s Ut heclral in 'fol.yo. vith chc sound c>f\'Oice.s

I. Pursuitof the Ongms of Musi<

wi, hin 1he cu hedr:11as the thcmt'. ,\s che· concert was hclJ 10-wJrds1h1:end of March.

T he scc<ind commC'morJtive conc.:n w;i.s pcrfoum-d by young singer$ whc) lud rcc.:ivt·d music.11tr.aininr,wi1h our choir since d,iltl hood. ·n ,c programme for the first half fo,cusetl upo n 1hchis1or)' of music, while the w-,rks sdc,;:1c:d f<1rthe ~ec,nJ half wcn· con1cm1,ot:try works from abro.aJ. Th ere :m.·m:anyoppo rrnni1ic:i.10 1)crfonn

T he final concert <ommcmor.uing our

it was ent itled MP.tss io, :id l..uccnt. and included w()rk.s rrom ,he P·.assion10 Eam·r. M,·mhcrs r;111gcd from dc m<.'. nl:Hy school (6 yrso ld) 10 members do ur Yomh Choir. 1\II 90 members joined 1og.:1her10 form a sini;lcel1oir,

·11,e progr.1mmectnir,-d :1roundtlu ec works ccimmi .ssioncd ',y the I.SOT :and Ja1);.111l-,;(' ,,·-,rk~ for young J'l<. -Opk-who have· C'."O lllflC)Sl-J b)•Japan's bdins ('( llU l' lllJ) Or:ary bi.."(nbrought up in J:11>:111. And 1hcn• arc <'Ompol>l·r. •foshio I lojC)k:iwa; Ti:ncbr.i..• oppon uniti("Su) )ing in our moilwr tonguc ( 199.l). Singing T,.,.. ..-s( 19%). rl us 1h(' :u SC'hoo ls. T hai is wli }' on such occasions we l)r<'mier performance of 11110 1hc l:Ores1 ol'icn pc'rform work,i;in l.:uin. 1:or p«1plc (2002). Uc-giu ning with Crc-gorianchant . li,•ing in E.uropt·• .).in~intt in l.:uin i~qui1e .1 lm 1H• )1)(>rium. in 1hc lirsi h:alf.prog.rl'SSing in nor m.;111hing, Inn fo1Jap:ul l-st'childr en, i1 is cite S<'t'.om l lulf 10 the r..-:sum·c1io11of lifo and .rn <.-sM: n1i:1I musil-.alclcmc-111 and a drh•ing 1hc lovt• ll .l lUI"(', th( l"OllCt'n w;u :t fore.:. l..:u in is ca.sily 1>tonounccdby J.1panc)C' m,~J11i11g.f ul :ind profc.-..md expcfl~·ncc. :md i~also.l fangu:iit· 1h;n l,:ud, i,,.dfm How..:n t. 11,e imporiancc here w:11,not v()(';.lliz.iiio n. h i~ :1hohlCSS( ·tl wi1h m:my only tlw 1H1rsui1or c01 1em. hut :1l$C110 st<·k wor~ wi,h di..'\'.pmu ~ic:11co ntent . how 10 C:ltprl·~" Cll•l'J'dl'('~in 1hc ~r,mJ .SIMCt· Uo do ubu;Jlr, 1l1e :.tylc l\f c.arly of rhc ,-.11hl'()m l 1hr01~h our .sd cction of Rcn:.aii:~ 111 «- worb i!>c,mcm d y difficulc, work). In :, wo1k whtrt· ,he d1o ir ptrforms f-low-..·,·('r I hc:liew;i1 1,.impon.11111h:11 in 1lm'<'gnm ps, t ht;tcl) a tkby In SC)un d, .-inc.:ic n1 mu 5ic is not jm t li-.u·m·d 10. hu1 Arhl in the gr,~J1i.p;m·.tlw rcn: rbc.-r.u ing l'Xpericncnt anel urulcNoo tl. ;\m:11.ing.l)'.our \·oices ov<"rbp1l1c- wo1d)' pr (1n () 1111t-X.'\I. T hus young singers show gn:.lt intt-rest in ;md ,he 5ingers le.,m from 1hc c-.athe<l~I 10,)ins cnjO)'smd)'ing~uc h wc,00 from l:ie)•nn d (1u, wi1h 1l1rir hc.1«:and soul. a.sunks5 t hl-y ui;t• l"r-.-(lr :1,ca. 'f hl")' i;t•( ·m 1(>~·me •;otnl·thini .111t hcir skills and abili1i""'•,h,..irvoi«-Sof :l\"tln1-~ard.,..rd..iins 10 1hc presen t in ,h ..• olT<."rini will nm r,:2<.~ CvJ. worl:.)of great c,ompo .k·rs tto ch :h M .acha111. C:om11e1~cr Toshi,, 1losokaw-,a, h.1:ilt-J as Odccghem. or Ou l•.1y,who w('re k•ading SUC'Cl'$SOr 10 ·1oru l:,kamuu . ,i;:aid 1hc u1m 1>o¾"nl of 1hcir I imc. ob jective-was ..hee-.am,:1lwy'n-d1iltlre u',1. For yc)ung.~-op lc. ~h;1lle·ngint choral ,•oic<·.S.1he)' will be ;ilileIII l'XJ)!l'SJ> the work., from 01he-rc:ou111rit•-.Ol"''11'-:111l -w flo:ning spiri1 brigluly .1:nt l putd) •·• :and 1hb cloor <1fi111t·rt·s1. \1udying ;t f.ircign b11gu:1gc- w;i, l"X.IC tl)• wh:11l1:1)11u:n cd . :111d cXJ)h'1\i11 11in mu~i, i) .l W:t)' lo !>tml)• 1h..·ir1111itl llt' ,tntl ._h,11. u..1t·ri~1it lltl.l ll ln,.


Ill Music BasedM the Japanese Tri1d1t1on ReOec,ini;c)n I ht· tllfl"<COIIC' l·rt perfor m:111C1."$. one:m:1y notice 1h:u there· ,wrc b<,1h « m1cm1'.IOrnl)• Ja1):1 nt·i.,·works :inJ folk son$$•but none u:1i11g 1J".ldi1io n:1I Japanese:,·oc:ilii:ition. 'lll is is :afcat urc-of our choir. but ii m:.1 y Sl'Cm1)1lc:•i,i<lcdas t hl· J:ip;mesc:p.1n is l.1l'-king. Tmd ilional Jap:,nt•i;.,: \'OC-~li1;11ltu1 is not :t lk 11iblc()nc ablt• to i;o from :1low pitcli IC):, hii;h tone. R:uhc-r. ic h;a.s2 limill"-lrl·# l-1er. such as in a simple children's song usins one's natur.-1\'Okt', or :1 1r.1di1ion:il folk !.Olli!· AnJ HI ~ing chC'min otchodox •>1rk· en1:1 i!J. fepc.-.ut,Js1renuo us 1r.ai11ing, mui l :apit•n.:in g \'Ok<"is bnrn . In es~<·nte·. it is a C'(lmplc1<.-1, , diflt.'rC'nt\'OC:tli"l:tt ion from 1h~· Europe.111 s1yl<.· \,1,kh h:asc:r.... .atl-d clw hismt)' of chora l music, This is :i grt>~Ihuric r. h is :il,5 0a ch.arat"'. IC'ri~ti(' of the JJJ>Mll'SeIJllf.UJS<':u1ct c m l>l · fl"S1tic1i11&. Th..•r<fort•. whtn we sing Jall..llle"l·folk $On1t~- 1h t' \\ 'Ork is ;trr; u1~l~ h) )Uit thc u:1cti1 ion.1:I\"0<'.1li1.:11ion of Eurc,1)('.Ulmusic. T he J:11).111dcbn~u;a~c i( in our h (•.ir1 • and in our hl~ic,d, How<·vt·r lurmon}' cl ill not ..-ltis 1 in 1r.1Ji1ion:;1lJa11:111 , So 1ht·I...SOT will con,irmt· to pcrl~mn woiiu 1h:11c.,mbi.· pcrfonn t•dwith a forn1AI Eumpcan ;1pi,rn~d1 1,1 ''OC'J li1.ati(m, lu lOO\. fur .a 11c:rioJuf l"it;lu d.1)'$from 1t1,· l"nel or Jnl)' ft) y.1 Auttlhl, 1he· 71b \'(forltl S)•mr..-.)i11111 on ( :hor.-1Musk will Ix- hdd in tlh· Ori rn, ftir 1hl· fi D1 1i111._ •, 111um old (Jp i1:,I Kroh-..( )ur lwJrt, ..1r,· fillell wiif1 t•Xpt'\.l;lli,,n . l'ln· ~O•h.umi ver,;Jry ntJrkc~J .aSl!ll_tt. ' in our hisu.>r) ', .,ntl 1h,· IS( rr i) 11()\\ ' l'llll ·ting ;a ne·w:,;1::agl -. ·n,i~~)'mpl\)ium will most n· n.,inly I'll:· J t,tr,·,ui11,·t·111iw for 1h,• d1o ir'. \VJ,.wi11.,0111 in11 t· h ) chl"rish ilu· unh •ct$.1li1y 11(, h,,ml sinim~. rc,·d, •int:,l' nlip.h1cnnm 11 fm,n oihl ·r choir~ a~TO)\ 1lw wor ld . in j,)inin tt lw.11h , h...trhh:rnd ,,,,tt.·e•J> .

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