26th IAMA International Conference 'Shake It Off'

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26th IAMA International Conference



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Arete Teemets Presented by the PLMF Music Trust Programme Handel Cleopatra’s aria ‘Da tempeste’ from Giulio Cesare Rossini Armida’s aria ‘D’amore al dolce impero’ from Armida

Thursday 7th April, 16:45

Estonian soprano Arete Teemets studied singing at the Estonian Music Academy with Nadia Kurem and at the Conservatorio di Musica Santa Cecilia with Rebecca Berg. In 2010, Teemets received First Prize in the sacred music category of the Santa Chiara Classical Singing Competition, and the following year took Third Prize at the International Opera Singers Competition in Spoleto. She went on to win the 2014 Concours Flame in Paris and was a Richard Wagner Society Bayreuth Stipendiat recipient in 2015. Arete Teemets has performed with the Belgian Baroque ensemble Ausonia at Festival de l’Abbaye de Saint-Michel en Thiérache and the Festival de Musique Ancienne de Ribeauvillé in France. Her operatic engagements have included the Teatro Lirico Sperimentale di Spoleto and Estonian National Opera as well a gala concert with the celebrated Italian baritone Renato Bruson to mark the 50th anniversary of his stage debut. In 2012, she gave a solo concert at Estonia’s largest opera festival, Saaremaa Opera Days. This season, she performs the title role of Puccini’s Suor Angelica and the Governess in Britten’s The Turn of the Screw. Her repertoire includes Mozart’s Sandrina (La finta giardiniera), Rossini’s Fanny (La cambiale di matrimonio) and Puccini’s Kate Pinkerton (Madama Butterfly), plus soprano solos from oratorios such as Vivaldi’s Gloria and Magnificat, J S Bach’s St John Passion and Coffee Cantata, Charpentier’s Te Deum and Mozart’s Missa Brevis in G major. Arete Teemets has participated in masterclasses by Gabriella Tucci, Renato Bruson, Elisabeth Norberg Schulz, Ines Salazar, Joanna Kozlovska and Karan Armstrong. In 2013, she was a student at the Accademia Rossiniana in Pesaro under conductor Alberto Zedda. www.areteteemets.ee Arete Teemets will be accompanied by pianist Piia Paemurru

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23/03/2016 08:58

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