Blue Print for Promoting AMSD

Page 42

AMSD Blueprint


2. Current State


This section briefly examines the current programs and roles and responsibilities of various key agencies, as well as key stakeholders’ interests and then attempts to identify where there may be gaps in central government efforts to improve services. It is based on the presumption that the DEPDAGRI is the appropriate “owner” of a program to improve service delivery using the AMSD strategies and the Directorate General for General Government Affairs (DG-PUM) and its Directorate for De-concentration and Cooperation, and especially the Sub-Directorate for Public Service Delivery (Sudit PUP) within it is the appropriate implementer.


Current Programs to Help PEMDA Improve Services

Starting with the current situation, the Blueprint first identifies the important trends influencing the central government efforts to improve service delivery. Future activities are difficult to plan without taking into account the current situation, and therefore “gaps” which activities need to close. For the record, Appendix C identifies a selection of current programs, mainly of core departments – MENPAN, BAPPENAS, Finance and Home Affairs. The following are thought to be particularly significant among these “core agency institutional strengthening” programs: 1. Projects such as CIDA’s Governance Reform Support Project, GTZ’s ASSD and GLG, USAID’s LGSP and DRDP and various AusAid projects that focus on improving central governments ability to help improve the core administrative processes of PEMDA; 2. Update of the “Accountability System for Government Institutions (SAKIP) is improving Keppres 7/1999, which requires all government organizations - central, provincial and local - to produce an annual accountability report. As the effort is now lead by MoF and is being tied to PP 8/2006, this version is expected to have more impact than the last; 3. Update of Law 17/2003: This law provides the foundation for all efforts to introduce performance based budgeting. Without that, achieving the “autonomy for accountability” trade-off at the heart of AMSD becomes difficult; 4. On-going efforts to introduce Minimum Service Standards (SPM) by DG-OTDA of DEPDAGRI with support from GTZ-ASSD and USAID-LGSP that will provide standards against which service delivery can be judged for basic services; 5. Introduction of “service contracts” and ICT based complaint handling systems by DGPUM, with USAID backing; 6. Introduction of a methodology for “Service Improvement Action Planning” (SIAP) by DG-PUM with USAID – LGSP backing;

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