Ngā Hua o Roto

He Kōrero nā te Koromatua Message from the Mayor
As we kick off 2025, there’s plenty to celebrate in Lower Hutt. As always, it’s great to see a variety of events and stories in this edition of the What’s On guide. I hope you’re able to get out into the community and join in.
This summer, we’re launching the brand-new Motutawa Skatepark at Avalon Park.
Designed with input from our local skate community and funded by Waka Kotahi as part of Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi, this state-of-the-art facility features six skate zones catering to all skill levels.
The opening jam on Saturday, 8 February, is the perfect opportunity to showcase your tricks, learn from the pros, and enjoy the celebration. It’s a wonderful example of how collaboration creates spaces that truly reflect our community’s needs.
Looking ahead, we’re shaping Lower Hutt’s future through the Sustainable Growth Strategy 2025–2055 and the proposed District Plan.
As our city prepares to grow by 40,000 residents over the next 30 years, these plans outline how
we can ensure that growth is balanced with the protection of our environment, cultural identity, and quality of life. Public input is crucial, so I encourage you to have your say before consultation closes in early April.
Let’s continue building a Lower Hutt that we’re all proud to call home. Whether you’re skating at Avalon, celebrating Lunar New Year, or simply enjoying our parks and events, there’s something for everyone.
Campbell Barry Mayor of Lower Hutt
Ngā Kaupapa Whakahira
e Heke Mai Ana Announcements
Report a Problem
If you spot any issues or problems with any of our services, you can log a job using our online portal by going to hutt.city/rap
For urgent noise, pollution, sewer, water, stormwater and animal issues call us 24/7 on 04 570 6666
Waitangi Day closure
All Neighbourhood Hubs and Laings Road admin office will be closed on Monday 6 February for Waitangi Day.
Council Meetings
Want to keep up to date with what’s on at Council? Find out when the next Council meetings are, access meeting minutes and agendas or watch the live stream by heading to hutt.city/councilmeetings
Do you prefer online?
Get this booklet delivered to your email inbox at the start of every month, by going to hutt.city/whatsonemail
Yeah or Nah: Have your say 2025
From Monday 10 February to Friday 14 March, you’ll get the chance to have your say on heaps of stuff across Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai / Lower Hutt - AND be in to win a Swim & Gym membership!
Our 2025 Resident Satisfaction Survey will soon be open for your thoughts. We want to know what you think of Council’s community spaces, sports ground, parking, roads, bins - and even Council itself...
From 10 February, visit hutt.city/RSS2025 to have your say.
Alternatively, you can head down to your local Neighbourhood Hub and fill it in there – the team will be be happy to help you through it. The survey should take about 10-15 minutes to complete.
Want this survey delivered right to your inbox? Sign up to Hutt City Views at hutt.city/views and get connected.
Bookable is now live!
Bookable, Hutt City Council’s new online venue booking tool, makes it easier to create and manage your venue bookings.
Bookable allows you to browse all our venues and view their availability in a list or map view. You can now also pay your booking fees online.
Check out the new way to book venues, and register for a personal or organisation account by heading to huttcity.bookable.co.nz

We’re planning for the future of Lower Hutt Sustainable Growth Strategy & the District Plan
Have your say on our proposed District Plan and Sustainable Growth Strategy by 4 April 2025.
What’s happening?
We all want a sustainable city with a great environment and housing, business and employment opportunities for everyone who lives in Te Awa Kairangi ki Tai Lower Hutt.
With our city projected to grow by 40,000 more residents over the next 30 years, we need a strategy for how to accommodate this
growth, plus development and environmental rules to help us get there.
This all comes together through the Sustainable Growth Strategy 2025-2055 and the proposed District Plan, both open for public consultation until 4 April 2025.
Think of the Strategy as an outline for what our city will look like in future and the District Plan as the rulebook for how we make it happen. You can share your views on one or both.
Our District Plan
The District Plan is our rulebook for land use and development that helps us manage infrastructure constraints and natural hazards, respond to climate change and protect the environment and our historic and cultural taonga. It sets out what is permitted and where, and what needs resource consent.
Following public feedback on a draft in late 2023, the proposed District Plan is now open for submissions.
Find out more: hutt.city/dpreview
Make a submission: haveyoursay.huttcity.govt.nz
Get help making a submission: This is a statutory process so there’s a particular way to write your submission, but an independent “friend of submitters” can help you navigate the process. Contact Emily Bayliss, 021 0843 5559 or fos@baylissconsulting.co.nz
Got a question? Email district.plan@huttcity.govt.nz or phone 04 570 6666.
Our Sustainable Growth Strategy 2025-2055
Growth planning involves looking at all the aspects of our city from housing and transport to water infrastructure, businesses, and community spaces. It also considers our natural environment, climate challenges, and cultural identity.
Our draft Sustainable Growth Strategy brings together existing plans for transport, infrastructure, and open spaces, and aligns with the Long-Term Plan 2024-2034.
We’ve also had input from our Mana Whenua partners, central government agencies, Greater Wellington Regional Council, and Metlink to shape a future-ready city. Now we want to hear from you!
Does the Strategy meet the goal of creating a connected, resilient and inclusive city where everyone thrives?
Find out more and let us know your thoughts: hutt.city/growthstrategy
Got a question? Email haveyoursay@huttcity.govt.nz
Our next steps
5 February
Engagement opens on draft Sustainable Growth Strategy.
Consultation opens on proposed District Plan.
4 April
Engagement closes on the Sustainable Growth Strategy.
Consultation closes on proposed District Plan.
Sustainable Growth Strategy 2025-2055 adopted.
Late 2025 Hearings start on proposed District Plan.
Kōrero mai Have your say
Scan the QR code or visit hutt.city/haveyoursay

to submit on either the proposed District Plan, the Sustainable Growth Strategy - or both!
What else?
We’re also working on Tō Tātou Tāone 2055 | Our City 2055, a strategy that will have a city-wide vision and aspirations, providing direction for our city’s long-term efforts and investments.
It will reflect the voices of our residents, community organisations and businesses.
Find out how you can be involved at hutt.city/citystrategy
in’ to the Motutawa Skatepark opening jam!
There’s something for every level at the new skatepark at Motutawa Avalon Park – and its time to head down and show off your tricks.
The new skatepark was funded by NZ Transport Agency Waka Kotahi as part of Te Wai Takamori o Te Awa Kairangi and replaces the old one at Melling. It was designed with plenty of input from the local skate community and features six different skate zones, including a mini bowl, five quarter pipes, a mix of rails, curbs and pole jams, and a five-sided fun box with a ledge.
If you know exactly what all that means – or even if you don’t! - roll down and enjoy the celebration, which has been pulled together by the design team at Convic with help from WSA.
You’ll get to see a few pro skate demos, learn a few new moves, and maybe even grab a prize or giveaway of your own!

Opening Celebration
Motutawa Avalon Park
Saturday 8 February, 10am-2pm
Naenae College students’ poetry to feature in revamped Walter Mildenhall Park
The creative writing efforts of four Naenae College pupils will be displayed at prominent locations within the revamped Walter Mildenhall Park when it reopens next year.
The successful foursome, Alisha Tailor, Hana West, Jackson Davies and Keira Dempsey, won a competition which asked students to submit a poem, whakataukī or very short story on what they love about Naenae, a memory, the future of Naenae, thoughts about a Naenae local, or something interesting from the suburb’s past.
They were presented certificates at a special ceremony at Te Mako Community Centre.
Lower Hutt Mayor Campbell Barry says it’s fitting the words from the four young competition winners will adorn the park, which is next to the new Te Ngaengae Pool + Fitness facility.
“Walter Mildenhall Park is the third project, behind the new Te Mako Community Centre and Te Ngaengae Pool + Fitness centre, undertaken by Council to rejuvenate the heart of Naenae.
“We’ve worked alongside the local
community to incorporate their ideas into all the work we’ve done so they have state-of-the-art facilities that work for them, boost the local economy, and add colour and vibrancy to Naenae.”
The Whakatupu Ngaengae Community Advisory Group (CAG) worked alongside Council staff and the wider community on the design plans for the new park.
CAG Chair Lyn Bareta says ensuring young people had a voice in the final design was always of primary importance.
“They will have their poetry speak for them to future generations in a park that’s been designed with enormous input from the local community. What a great result.”
The creative writing competition concept was developed so ‘organically Naenae’ could be embedded within the park.
The community helped shape the design to ensure the park is

uniquely Naenae. Their priorities include:
Kai preparation - including a sheltered space with group seating, cooking, water, rubbish disposal and play areas
Different kinds of play areas including ones with natural elements, fenced areas, seating and basket swings
Areas for wheeled activities including skating, somewhere to kick a ball, plus more adventurous activities like climbing
Native and exotic trees for shade, climbing and kai, with colour and scent
Seating and quiet rest areas
Safety components including lighting and sight lines, wayfinding signage, wider paths, no steps and barriers between high and low energy areas
Use of natural materials.
Council has appointed Sierra Delta Civil Ltd as their preferred contractor to redevelop Walter Mildenhall Park. Work will start in the new year, with the park expected to open in late 2025.
Sierra Delta have committed to supporting the local economy and job market by using local resources and suppliers for materials whenever practicable. This support extends to paying above the living wage, as well as investing in people, training, tools, and processes.
They are also committed to reducing emissions and waste through the ownership of modern plant and equipment resources.
Want to learn more?
Head to hutt.city/poetry to see the winning entries.
Ngā Kaupapa Hirahira

The Christ Church
73 Eastern Hutt Road, Taitā Every day
Come and see a pop-up exhibition about the amazing history of this over-170 year old church (which has a ghost!). A tour of the Church is also available (koha). Please call 027 444 0081.
Card games with Brendon
Wainuiomata Neighbourhood Hub Mondays & Wednesdays, 3:30pm
Come in and play card games with Brendon!
Sketch Club
Naenae Neighbourhood Hub Tuesdays, 10am
Come along to Naenae Library for some creativity, companionship & conversations. All skill levels are welcome, whether you’re a complete newbie or a pro! Art materials are provided.
Te Rā o te Raukura
Te Whiti Park, Waiwhetū
Saturday 1 February, 10am-4pm
Te Rā o te Raukura 2025 is a whānau-oriented community cultural festival. Enjoy kapa haka, entertainment, food stalls, whānau activities, free health checks and learn about the Mātauranga and Hauora services in Te Awa Kairangi.
Hurricanes in Wainuiomata
William Jones Park, Wainuiomata Friday 7 February, 3pm
Hurricanes’ final pre-season match of 2025 against the Blues. See more info by going to rb.gy/rkfn2s
Xtreme Hip Hop with John
Dowse Square, Central Hutt 8 & 15 February, 1 March, 10am-11am
A free step dance fit group class. Registrations essential - email recsportplay@huttcity.govt.nz
Wellington Pasifika Festival
Waitangi Park, Wellington
Saturday 8 February, 12pm-6pm
Enjoy an award-winning line-up of multi-cultural performers, food, and culture.
农历新年 Lunar New Year
Lunar New Year and the Nightingale
Petone Neighbourhood Hub
Saturday 1 February, 2pm
Welcome in the Lunar New Year with the 2013 film The Nightingale 夜莺!
Teas and Recipes
Petone Neighbourhood Hub
Sunday 2 February, 2pm-4pm
Sip oolong tea and swap recipes to mark the beginning of the new year. For ages 16 and up.
Children’s Chinese New Year
War Memorial Library Saturday 8 February, 9:30am-2:30pm
Step into a magical Chinese New Year adventure. Join in activities, music, dance, crafts, games, instruments, food, gifts & much more!
Board Games
Petone Neighbourhood Hub Sunday 9 February, 2pm-4pm
Come in and play Hanabi and zodiac animal games! For ages 5 and up.
Petone Neighbourhood Hub 11 & 12 February, 3:30pm-4:30pm
Celebrate the new year with origami. For ages 7 and up.
Events continued on next page.

Free Pool Party
Wainuiomata Summer Pool
Saturday 8 February, 6pm-8pm
Bring the whānau down to a fun, family friendly pool party.
Love Wainuiomata, alongside amazing sponsors and volunteers will be closing off our “12 days of Christmas in the Nui” Festivities with a BANG!
Begonia Flower Show
Walter Nash Centre
Saturday 8 Feb, 12pm-4pm Sunday 9 February, 10am-3:30pm
Come and enjoy many beautiful flowers, featuring begonia, fuchsia, dahlia and orchids.
There will be lots of plants, crafts, and raffles for sale.
URAHIIT Dance Fitness Class
Dowse Square, Central Hutt Thursday 13 February, 6:30pm-7:30pm
Come along to experience traditional Cook Islands Ura dancing!
Head to fb.com/inanodance for more info.
Back to school
Back to School Artspot
Naenae Neighbourhood Hub Thursday 13 February, 3:30pm
Personalise your school books with a custom name tag or flex your creative muscles to make your very own origami or mini magnetic calendar!
Back to School Crafts
Petone Neighbourhood Hub 17-23 February, 3pm-5pm
Join us afterschool for themed crafting sessions.
Kaupapa Moana
Sea Week
Petone Neighbourhood Hub
Sunday 2 March, 11am-4pm
Be part of building a BIG moana scene. Sea it grow as everyone adds to it!
From Sea to Trees
Petone Neighbourhood Hub
3 & 4 March, 3pm-5pm
Come and help us create a mural celebrating the beauty of Aotearoa.
Petone Rotary Fair
Jackson Street, Petone
Saturday 15 February, 10am-4pm
The Petone Rotary Fair is the largest summer family and community event in the Hutt Valley.
Come along to see amazing crafts, art, plants, clothing and food from all corners of the world, alongside
Sharks in the Library!
Petone Neighbourhood Hub
Saturday 8 March, 3pm-4pm
Celebrate sharks and sea week with a shark themed hour of activities and crafts!
Wainuiomata Neighbourhood Hub
Tuesday 11 March, 11am
Enjoy stories and waiata about sea creatures.
Neighbourhood Hub
Tuesday 11 March, 3:30pm
Make some sea creatures for our display.
live music and fair ground rides.
By attending, you’ll be supporting Petone Rotary, which work tirelessly to strengthen our region through various community-focused initiatives.
Events continued on next page.

Hikoikoi Reserve, Petone
Saturday 15 February, 8:30am-12pm
A fun-filled family event - where mum or dad must team together with one of the kids and take on the XRACE course and 10 mystery challenges.
Head to xrace.co.nz for more info and to buy tickets.
Artisan Craft Market
Dowse Square, Central Hutt
Saturday 22 February & Saturday 29 March, 10am-3pm
A premium handmade event that showcases local artisans, and their meticulously crafted, high-quality products.
This is Living Festival
McEwan Park, Petone
Saturday 1 March, 1pm-10:30pm
Where the sun, sea and sound collide to create an unmissable festival experience.
Head to bit.ly/TIL25 for more info and to get tickets.
Afrika Bazaar
Hillary Court, Naenae
Saturday 8 March, 11am-5pm
Afrika Bazaar in collaboration with Hutt City Council and the African Community Council Wellington, is bringing you the vibrant essence of Afrikan foods and cultures directly to our communities.
Head to fb.com/anafrikanmarket for more info.
Wellington Pride Festival
7-23 March
The longest-running annual Pride celebration in Aotearoa, the Wellington Pride Festival is two full weeks of rainbow events made by and for the LGBTQIA*/MVPFAFF+ community.
For more info and to see what events are on, head to wellingtonpridefestival.com
Rainbow Beads
Petone Neighbourhood Hub Sunday 9 March, 3pm-5pm
Celebrate pride with lots of colour and beads. For ages 5 and up.
Pride Youth Ball
Lower Hutt Events Centre Saturday 15 March
Wellington Pride Festival Youth Ball is specially made for rangatahi ages 13 - 18.
For more info, head to wellingtonpridefestival.com
Horoeka Reserve
Horoeka Reserve, Stokes Valley
Sunday 9 March, 11am
It’s that time for our annual whānau day at Horoeka Reserve. Music, kai, story telling and a whole lot of time in the sun!
Make sure you bring your walking shoes, a sunhat, and your sunblock!
Extravaganza Fair
Avalon Park, Avalon 29-30 March, 9am-5pm
A community centred event with a creative and sustainable focus. Come along for a fun day out with a full weekend’s free entertainment.
Want more?
For more events, head to hutt.city/whatsonevents
What do do in the Hutt?
Hutt Valley NZ

Orongorongo Track
Remutaka Forest Park

Find more inspo on @huttvalleynz for better weekends!
Seashore Cabaret on Petone’s foreshore is a cafe with colourful tiled ceilings, vintage signage, industrial lighting and booths that look like rugged seaside bach walls.
On the food front, there’s a solid breakfast menu that caters to all dietary requirements, an impressive lineup of fresh cabinet food from the in-house bakery, and come lunchtime, there’s everything from fish tacos to burgers and more. The café opens late into the evening.
Housed in the Petone Rowing Club building, Seashore Cabaret definitely takes out the title for best view of the city. The café’s name comes from the space’s history – it once was a dance hall.
On weekends, the downstairs kiosk provides gelato, takeaway coffees and freshly made carnival doughnuts.
160 The Esplanade, Petone

Follow @huttvalleynz for better weekends