Dalton Kasel Wins Round 1 of PBR Unleash The Beast Event in Wichita, Kansas, with a monster 90.75 point ride on Lap Dancer (Flying S/Dozier Cattle Co.). Photo courtesy of Todd Brewer / BullStock Media.

Dalton Kasel Wins Round 1 of PBR Unleash The Beast Event in Wichita, Kansas, with a monster 90.75 point ride on Lap Dancer (Flying S/Dozier Cattle Co.). Photo courtesy of Todd Brewer / BullStock Media.
On the Cover - Josh Frost is no longer the runner-up. After three consecutive years of finishing the National Finals Rodeo and being second in the World Standings, Frost won $265,824 at the 2024 NFR and finished the year as the World Champion Bull Rider.
Photo courtesy of the PRCA.
all advertisement or editorial for it’s content, clarity, and/or length. Viewpoints expressed in this publication are not necessarily those of Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine. No material may be reprinted or reproduced without first obtaining permission from the publisher and/or editor in chief. All advertisement, editorials, letters, and press releases are accepted with the understanding that the representative, advertiser, and/or advertising agency are authorized to publish the entire contents of submitted material. Not responsible for errors or omissions in any advertisement. Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine will not assume responsibility for any late publication due to the printer, the USPS, or an act of God. Under no circumstances will Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine be held liable for acts of privacy, plagiarism, copyright, or trademark infringements. Material submitted for publication becomes the property of Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine and will not be returned unless prior arrangements are made. USPS #022-617 Periodicals Postage Paid at Fort Worth, TX and additional offices. Postmaster: Send address changes to Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine, PO Box 34172, Fort Worth, TX 76162. ISSN1554-0162. Publication Number 022-617. ©All rights reserved. Humps N’ Horns® Bull Riding Magazine 2015
We have turned the page on another year and 2025 is now on the board. It doesn’t seem like it was too long ago that the year 2025 sounded like the far, distant future and something we would never reach. It’s interesting how time, and perspective, changes things.
The Wrangler National Finals Rodeo has wrapped up in Las Vegas and the 2024 World Champions have been crowned. When the NFR began, there were about five men who had a legitimate shot at the World Champion title.
When the dust settled after Round 10, Josh Frost was the 2024 World Champion and also the 2024 NFR Average Champion.
Frost outpaced all others by posting scores on seven out of ten bulls and won over $265,000 for the ten days for the NFR. For the year, Frost topped out at $476,886.94!
Congratulations to Josh Frost and all the 2024 World Champions. We hope you enjoy the January issue of Humps N Horns. We wish you and your family a healthy and prosperous new year.
Until next time,
Steer Wrestling
Team Roping Header
Team Roping Heeler
Saddle Bronc
Tie-Down Roping
Barrel Racing
Bull Riding
Dean Thompson
J.D. Struxness
Tyler Wade
Wesley Thorp
Ryder Wright
Riley Webb
Kassie Mowry
Josh Frost
Shad Mayfield
Dean Thompson
Steer Wrestling Cash Robb
Team Roping Header
Team Roping Heeler
Saddle Bronc
Tie-Down Roping
Barrel Racing
Bull Riding
Clint Summers
Jake Long
Wyatt Casper
Riley Webb
Andrea Busby
Josh Frost
I’ve got a little something on my mind that needs to be put out there.
We all have our way of thinking and so many think they know why people do or say what they do or say. You have no way of knowing exactly what I’m thinking, especially without a conversation and even then you probably still don’t know exactly what I’m thinking.
I’ve been criticized for talking about holding young bull riders back a bit. I’ll take the heat because the ones for the most part criticizing me never did anything substantial in the arena or possibly never even rode bulls. Bull Riding is the most dangerous thing on the planet and should be approached with that in mind. Too many come into the sport not understanding that. This is not negotiable at all. (Argue with all the champs if you must).
I care more about the sport of Bull Riding than most you’ll ever meet. I can think of one event more dangerous than Bull Riding. Kaycee Feild (the Greatest Modern Bareback Rider) never was allowed to (by his Dad, Lewis Feild) get on a Bareback Horse until he was 16/18. He just might have been on to something there!
Here is a quote from someone that would be nearly impossible to argue with, although I know some would do just that.
“Anytime there is a lack of confidence. The adrenaline rush will be negative.” - Joe Nameth
Testing someone (at the appropriate level) is important but constantly putting them in over their heads (especially in Bull
Riding) will kill their confidence. So it goes with any sport on the planet.
The champions in any sport have had to continue to test themselves while funding that balance of building confidence. In the sport of Bull Riding, hearing the whistle often is the biggest confidence builder.
Take this how you want to (some have accused me of trying to make a bunch of sissies) but confidence overrides talent in every sport on the planet. Strategically building confidence at a young age is always the best plan.
Looking backwards.
Cody Custer
By Delaney Barber, Rachel Clark, and Kalli Barber CAC Media Group
Las Vegas during rodeo week is like no other place on earth. The city is transformed with billboards and lights celebrating Western life and style. It always feels a little like coming home when you walk through the lobby of your favorite Vegas hotel and get ready for another year watching bull riders in the tan chutes of the Junior World Finals. And one of the riders coming out of those chutes for the very first time was 15-yearold Daxton Hudson. First-timer Hudson had a lot to say about this experience as well as the rest of his time in Las Vegas.
DB: Hi, Daxton, can you start off by giving our readers a little background about yourself?
DH: My name is Daxton Hudson, I am 15 and a freshman, and I live in Columbia Falls, Montana.
DB: How did you get started in bull riding?
DH: When I was younger, I used to go and watch rodeos and the bull riding was the only thing that really excited me. It is the only thing I ever really wanted to do.
KB: Did you grow up with rodeo in your family?
DH: My dad did it some when he was younger but I am the first bull rider. It isn’t something I grew up with.
KB:: How old were you when you first got started?
DH: I was 11 when I got on my first steer.
RC: That is later than what we hear from most of our riders, why did you wait?
DH: I didn’t grow up with it, so it wasn’t something I was around all the time. I took taekwondo lessons for ten years before I got started in rodeo.
RC: What was that transition like for you?
DH: My dad and I were talking one day and I told him I wanted to start riding bulls. I went to some small rodeos to start with and got on steers to start with but because I started so late, I outgrew the steers pretty fast and my dad decided I was ready to transition up to bulls.
RC: What was the process you went through to qualify to ride at the Junior World Finals?
DH: I was lucky enough to win the Rocky Mountain Region to qualify to ride out here in Las Vegas. That was a great experience. It was a lot of fun to get a buckle and punch my ticket to come out here to the Junior World Finals.
DB: And what do you think of Vegas now that you are here?
DH: It is pretty fun out here but definitely a little crazy. There are so many lights and so much going on all the time. It is a little overwhelming to see, but when I am riding, all of that goes away.
KB: Talk to us about the caliber of bulls you have been getting on out here.
DH: There are some good bulls out here. The bull I got on for the first day just hopped up and down the arena but my second-round bull was really good. He was bigger and faster. We have some good bulls at home, but not like these. They buck harder than some of the junior stock in Montana.
KB: What is one of the highlights of your rides out here so far?
DH: For the 2nd round today I got back on my rope too far and got myself off to the side, but I managed to keep my leg over and hang on. I didn’t let go even though I was sideways for part of the ride. It wasn’t pretty, but it got me a qualified score to come back to the short round.
RC: What are you planning to do differently going into the short round on Monday?
DH: Definitely make sure my ride is prettier than the one I had today. I know what I did today won’t get me where I want to go in the short round, so I need to make sure I stay up on my rope and don’t let myself get pulled off.
DB: With it being your first year out here, how are you adjusting to the environment behind the chutes?
DH: It has been good. I don’t know many of the guys out here but everyone has been helpful. Korbin Baldwin helped me pull my rope and people have been good about making sure I am where I need to be. I don’t feel like I am an outsider even though I don’t know very many guys riding out here aside from the ones from Montana.
DB: Are there a lot of pro guys who ride from Montana?
DH: The biggest name is probably Jess Lockwood. Montana doesn’t have a lot of professional bull riders in the same way as places like Texas and Oklahoma.
RC: Who are some of the guys you look up to in bull riding?
DH: Sage Kimzey and Ky Hamilton. I watch both of them on television a lot and compare how they ride.
RC: What are you looking for when you are watching these two because they ride differently from one another?
DH: Yes, they do. I try to take stuff from both of them. Sage keeps his rides pretty and Ky is gritty when he is on a bull. I think both of those styles are good and I have learned a lot in how they set their hips and where they put their free arm when they are riding.
KB: Which of those two do you think you are more like?
DH: Honestly I think I am a mix of both. I try to keep my moves smaller and more controlled like Sage but I definitely have the try like Ky. Today I should have fallen off my bull when I got over center, but I hung on until the whistle even though I was sideways. I feel like that is something Ky would do on his bulls. He would stay on no matter what.
RC: What are your future plans with bull riding?
DH: I would eventually like to get my pro card when I am old enough.
RC: What are some things you can learn from your experience in Las Vegas this year to help make that goal happen?
DH: I have to get better at not pushing on my rope to get to the front end of my bull and I also need to work on keeping my hips down, so I have better control.
RC: How do you get better at those things?
DH: I can do this by riding bareback horses to build my leg strength and balancing on a medicine ball. I am also involved in wrestling, which helps me stay in shape.
KB: To wrap up tonight, we want you to answer some fun questions, so our readers get to know you a little better. Tell us what you bought this year while you were at Cowboy Christmas.
DH: I bought way too much this year. I bought a couple of shirts, a new chain, a ring, a new vest and a bunch of other things. I don’t know how I’m going to get everything home.
KB: What is the best thing you had to eat in Vegas?
DH: Street tacos, they’re one of my favorite foods.
RC: We were having this conversation earlier about what walkup song should be playing before you ride, so tell us what your walk-up song would be before you get on your bull.
DH: My walk-up song would probably be Back in Black.
RC: That was one of the ones we had on our list today too.
Continued on Page 24
But do not do what they do, for they do not practice what they preach. (Matthew 23:3)
Have you ever noticed that, as a society, we tend to rate our importance by how “busy” we are?
A single person may tell others how many dates they’ve been on or how many dates are lined up for the week. A couple may list how many parties, weddings or housewarming invites they received that month. A married couple with children may broadcast how many soccer practices, play recitals or double bookings appear on the family schedule. Even within a church setting, it is possible to see volunteers or staff members committed to so many different areas that 100% commitment to just one area becomes impossible.
As a result we simply end up “going through the motions” without being intentional about the reason, significance, meaning or original calling to what we had committed to in our lives.
As a father of two young girls, I am constantly rationalizing some of our regular habits. As soon as I find myself in a smooth flow with our nightly bedtime routine, the innocent question “Why?” comes up regarding the need to brush our teeth. Take a bath. Put on pajamas.
While brushing teeth and good hygiene are extremely important and justifiable, when was the last time my daughters asked why we pray too much? Why we spend so much time taking food over to a neighbor simply as an act of kindness? When was the last time I had to answer “Why?” when it came to an act of eternal value?
Our well-intended dedications can quickly become distractions when it comes to a relationship with Jesus Christ.
Are the parties and weddings and housewarmings being attended simply due to the fact that anyone who’s anyone will be in attendance? Or, are they a means to impact specific people that God has placed in your lives to make a difference for Him?
Are the practices and double-bookings an excuse to stay busy as a couple so deeper relational issues can continue to be ignored? Or, are they the result of intentionally investing into your child to reveal God’s ultimate design and purpose for their life?
Is the over-commitment at church so others take notice and see how “holy” you are? Or, is it the one day a week where unselfish service can be provided in a safe environment?
My simple challenge is this: Take a moment and script out all the activities you have planned for the day, and determine whether or not they contribute to eternal values or personal values.
Take a moment to: “Be still, and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10).
Guest article submitted by a HNH reader.
• 1 lb ground beef
• 1 medium onion, diced
• 1 can diced tomatoes (14.5 oz)
• 1 can tomato sauce (8 oz)
• 1 can whole kernel corn (15 oz), drained
• 1 can pinto beans (15 oz), drained
• 1 can kidney beans (15 oz), drained
• 4 cups beef broth
• 1 packet taco seasoning
• 1 cup potatoes, diced
• Salt and pepper to taste
1. Brown the ground beef and diced onion in a skillet over medium heat. Drain the fat.
2. Add the cooked beef and onion mixture to the crockpot.
3. Stir in the diced tomatoes, tomato sauce, corn, pinto beans, kidney beans, beef broth, taco seasoning, and diced potatoes.
4. Cover and cook on low for 6-7 hours, or on high for 3-4 hours, until the potatoes are tender.
5. Season with salt and pepper to taste before serving.
Submitted by Faith M. - Sarasota, FL
Josh Frost officially got it done on Saturday night during Round 10 of the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo presented by Teton Ridge.
After three straight runner-up finishes, Frost held serve throughout the Finals and won his first PRCA Bull Riding World Championship.
“It feels great to officially be the world champ,” Frost said. “I knew there was a scenario where Cooper (James) could be the only rider and catch me. But we just stayed on and let it all hang out tonight.
“It’s pretty cool to come here, win the average and get that gold buckle. After three straight years of finishing second, it feels really good to come out on top.”
Frost finished the season with $476,887 to end the grueling stretch at the Thomas & Mack Center atop the PRCA | RAM World Standings.
He also won the average at 580 points on seven head and was the only bull rider to stay on more than five bulls.
“It’s about taking it one bull at a time,” Frost said. “I was trying to make the most out of each bull we had. A lot of work was put into the preparation and keeping my body healthy for this event. It paid off.”
Courtesy of the PRCA. PRCA ProRodeo photo by Click Thompson.
By Kelly B. Robbins
We congratulate 85 Big Bank, owned by Universal Pro Rodeos, for being voted the 2024 PRCA Bull of the Year! And congratulations to 99G Ricky Vaughn, owned by Powder River Rodeo LLC / D&H Cattle Company, who earned the honor of the Top Stock-Bucking Bull of the 2024 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo. These bucking bulls are two of the best bovine athletes in the PRCA. Both bulls enjoyed exceptional 2024 seasons in the PRCA, and both performed well in the 2024 PBR Unleash the Beast season and the 2024 Camping World Teams Series as well.
Big Bank was born in 2018 and raised by Pistol Robinson. As Big Bank started bucking, Pistol discovered that he was mediocre at best with the dummies. Pistol wisely held him out and let him grow until he became a rider age bull. He started bucking him with riders then and Big Bank proved that he was going to be a good bucker as he continued to get better with
each rider. Pistol offered him for sale in the 2022 T&J Bucking Stock Sale Elite Section in Texarkana, Arkansas. Universal Pro Rodeos bought him for $17,000.
In April 2022, in his first PRCA event for his new owners, Big Bank bucked off Stetson Wright in four seconds for a bull score of 44.50. He then went to the 2022 PBR World Finals in Fort Worth and bucked off Silvano Alves, Chase Dougherty, and Conner Halverson. Big Bank’s professional career began with a 4-0 record! He has now been to four PRCA NFRs and three PBR World Finals.
According to Probullstats.com, Big Bank has a career total of 56 outs, with 7 rides. He has an average ride score of 89.29, and an 87.5% buck-off percentage. He has bucked off many PRCA riders, including Tristen Hutchings, Jeter Lawrence, Tyler Villarreal and Scott Wells. PBR rookie phenom John Crimber
rode Big Bank for a whopping 95-point score at the 2024 PBR World Finals in Arlington, Texas in May 2024. That ride earned John the Brent Thurman / Lane Frost award for the highest ride score of the PBR World Finals. Big Bank’s bull score for that out was a career high of 46.5 points, and he currently ranks sixth in the PBR World Bull Standings with an average score of 45.18.
“It was truly an honor for all of us at Universal Pro Rodeos (Terry Williams, Dustin Delmas, Dustin Powell) for Big Bank to be voted the PRCA Bull of the Year,” declared co-owner Dustin Powell. “We had high hopes for him when we bought him in the T&J Bucking Stock auction in Texarkana, Arkansas. We knew that he hadn’t done real well bucking with the dummies. But he was a big, strong bull, and Terry, who favors
bigger bulls, saw a lot of potential in him.”
“It was a big surprise when the PRCA notified us that Big Bank was PRCA Bull of the Year,” Dustin said. “It’s a feeling like no other! Terry has been a stock contractor for a long time, and he has won just about every bull or contractor award you can win. But the PRCA Bull of the Year title has eluded him until now. Terry was very excited, and this is a completion for Universal Pro Rodeos.”
99G Ricky Vaughn was crowned the Top Bull of the 2024 NFR with an average score of 45.25 points on two outs! He took on Jeter Lawrence in Round 5, and had him eating dirt in 3.04 seconds, for a bull score of 45.50 points. Then he battled Chase
Dougherty in Round 10, besting him in just 2.97 seconds for a bull score of 45.00 points. Ricky Vaughn came in third place in the voting for 2024 PRCA Bull of the Year, behind #1 Big Bank and #2 247 Pegasus, owned by Pete Carr Pro Rodeo.
99G Ricky Vaughn was named after a pitcher in the movie “Major League”. Ricky Vaughn was called “Wild Thing” in the movie, and he wore the number 99. Owner HD Page said, “When he was a two-year-old, Ricky was a wild and crazy bucking bull! We just felt like that name fit. When he bucked his last time with a dummy as a two-year-old, he scored 94.50 points!”
Ricky Vaughn’s career competition earnings are $137,000. He is currently ranked seventh in the PBR World Bull Standings with an average score of 44.65. 2024 PBR World Champion Bull Rider, Cassio Dias, rode Ricky Vaughn in the 2024 PBR World Finals in Fort Worth in May, for 92.50 points and a bull score of 45 points. During November, at the beginning of the current PBR Unleash the Beast season, Ricky Vaughn tangled with John Crimber in Tucson, who rode him to the buzzer for a ride score of 92.50 points. Ricky Vaughn’s bull score was 45.
According to Probullstats.com, Ricky Vaughn has a career total of 62 outs, with 12 rides. His average ride score is 90.67, with an average buck-off percentage of 80.65 %. He has bucked off many PRCA riders like Jeter Lawrence, Roscoe Jarboe, Wesley Cooper and Chase Dougherty. In the PBR, he has bucked off Dalton Kasel, Eli Vastbinder, Derek Kolbaba, Cooper Davis, Silvano Alves and Caden Bunch, and many others.
Ricky Vaughn is literally a “walking bovine miracle.” In 2022, HD Page determined that he was going blind. It was discovered that he was suffering from an abscess on his pituitary gland. HD Page was informed that this rare condition was nearly 100% fatal, and suggested Ricky be put down. Page refused. He said, “These bulls are our family. I’m not going to put him down!” He urged the vets to continue to work on Ricky, who had become totally blind.
Dr. Streeter and Dr. Righi of the Boren Veterinary Medical Teaching Hospital at Oklahoma State University in Stillwater were willing to fight for Ricky, and Dr. Righi started working with Ricky and voice coaching him to do what he needed to do
to live. She gave him a treat when he responded, just like you would give a dog a treat. Ricky responded well and slowly got better and was able to go back home to the ranch to continue to recuperate. Eventually his sight returned, and he continued to improve until he was able to return to bucking full time.
“Ricky has the coolest demeanor,” HD shared. “He’s such an elite athlete! He just loves the game and he’s ready to go every time! He’s so honest and intentional and up and down. The
riders all know what he’s gonna do, because he does the same thing every time. They think they are ready for him, but very few can actually stay on him.”
So, bull riding fans everywhere, keep your eyes on 85 Big Bank and 99G Ricky Vaughn. These two amazing athletes will continue to buck in the PRCA, the PBR Unleash the Beast, and the PBR Camping World Team Series in the coming year.
KB: Last question, what is your favorite place to ride?
DH: Las Vegas definitely. Everything out here is great. The people are good, the chutes are really nice, and everything is just top-notch. We have wooden bucking chutes in our practice arena at home, so riding in these metal ones is awesome.
DB: We are glad you are having a good time out here in Las Vegas and hopefully you can qualify again next year. Thanks for talking with us, Daxton.
DH: Yes, Ma’am, thank you ladies for interviewing me.
For more information about junior bull riding, you can check out the National High School Finals Rodeo page or the Yeti Junior World Finals on Facebook. Be sure to look for a new rider featured in our Rider Rundown piece next month..
L to R: Delaney Barber, Rachel Clark, and Kalli Barber are all students at Central DeWitt High School in DeWitt, Iowa. These girls live on Iowa farms where they raise crops and livestock and are a part of the CAC Media Group.
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Our mission is to assist Western Athletes both while competing and after.
*-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night Information Subject to Change Without Notice
Jan 2 Fort Worth, TX PBR Touring Pro Division
Jan 3-4 Portland, OR PBR Velocity Tour
Jan 3-5 New York, NY PBR Unleash the Beast
Jan 4 Birmingham, AL PBR Velocity Tour
Jan 9 Fort Worth, TX PBR Touring Pro Division
Jan 9-11 Great Falls, MT
Jan 9-11 Harrisburg, PA
PRCA Montana Circuit Finals
PRCA First Frontier Circuit Finals
Jan 10-11 Des Moines, IA $52,500 Cinch World’s Toughest Rodeo
Jan 10-11 Chicago, IL PBR Unleash the Beast
Jan 10-11 Spokane, WA PBR Velocity Tour
Jan 10-11 North Charleston, SC PBR Velocity Tour
Jan 11 Saginaw, MI 630-386-5373 Professional Championship Bull Riders
Jan 13-15 Denver, CO PBR Velocity Tour
Jan 16 Fort Worth, TX PBR Touring Pro Division
Jan 17-18 Houston, TX PBR Unleash the Beast
Jan 17-18 Charleston, WV PBR Velocity Tour
Jan 18 Bakersfield, CA PBR Velocity Tour
Jan 21-22 Fort Worth, TX PBR Last Cowboy Standing
Jan 23 Fort Worth, TX Kid Rock’s Rock N Rodeo Qualifier
Jan 23 Fort Worth, TX PBR Touring Pro Division
Jan 24 Bradenton, FL
$3,000 1/6-13
727-359-2044 Elite Bullriders Association
Jan 24-25 Rainsville, AL PBR Touring Pro Division
Jan 24-25 Pittsburgh, PA PBR Unleash the Beast
Jan 24-25 Tulsa, OK PBR Velocity Tour
Jan 24-25 Grand Rapids, MI PBR Velocity Tour
Jan 26 Raleigh, NC
$52,500 Cinch World’s Toughest Rodeo
Jan 30 Fort Worth, TX PBR Touring Pro Division
Jan 31 Rapid City, SD PRCA Xtreme Bulls
Jan 31-Feb 1 Laredo, TX PBR Velocity Tour
Jan 31-Feb 1 St. Paul, MN Cinch World’s Toughest Rodeo
Jan 31-Feb 1 Greenville, SC PBR Velocity Tour
Jan 31-Feb 1 Verndale, MN
$8,000 1/20 5-8pm 651-248-2663 NFPB
Jan 31-Feb 1 Muskogee, OK Bull Riders Inc National Finals
Jan 31-Feb 2 Sacramento, CA PBR Unleash the Beast
Feb 6 Fort Worth, TX
PBR Touring Pro Division
Feb 7-8 Ottumwa, IA Bullriders of America Finals
Feb 7-8 Salt Lake City, UT
PBR Unleash the Beast
*-Added Money Amount Is For Each Night Information Subject to Change Without Notice
Feb 7-8 Youngstown, OH PBR Velocity Tour
Feb 7-8 Winston-Salem, NC
$52,500 Cinch World’s Toughest Rodeo
Feb 7-8 Reading, PA PBR Velocity Tour
Feb 13 Fort Worth, TX PBR Touring Pro Division
Feb 14 Dade City, FL
$2,500 2/3-10 6pm 727-359-2044 Elite Bullriders Association
Feb 14-15 Indianapolis, IN PBR Unleash the Beast
Feb 14-15 Everett, WA PBR Velocity Tour
Feb 14-15 Sedalia, MO
Feb 15 Kissimmee, FL
$1,000* 2/3 6pm 417-924-3591 NFPB
$4,500 2/3-10 Text 904-333-5910 Elite Bullriders Association
Feb 15 Memphis, TN PBR Velocity Tour
Feb 16 San Antonio, TX $35,000 PRCA Xtreme Bulls
Feb 20 Fort Worth, TX PBR Touring Pro Division
Feb 21 Wauchula, FL $1,500 Text 941-713-9396 Elite Bullriders Association
Feb 21-22 Reno, NV PBR Velocity Tour
Feb 22-23 Worcester, MA PBR Velocity Tour
Feb 22-23 Jacksonville, FL PBR Unleash the Beast
Feb 27 Fort Worth, TX PBR Touring Pro Division
Feb 27-Mar 1 Ocala, FL Elite Bullriders Association World Finals
Feb 28-Mar 1 Norfolk, VA PBR Velocity Tour
Feb 28-Mar 1 Bridgeport, CT PBR Velocity Tour
Jan 11 Henryetta, OK 918-331-8301 PYRA / WCMB / Lee’s Mini Buckers
Jan 11 New Caney , TX text 832-233-4625 TOYBR Southeast
Jan 17-18 Egan, LA 1/13 PYRA / DEL Cattle
Jan 25 Banning, CA 1/10-15 951-719-7886 IMBA / AK Bucking Bulls
Date Location Added $ Open Time Call-In # Assn/Event
Jan 31-Feb 1 Egan, LA 1/13 PYRA / DEL Cattle
Feb 8 Henryetta, OK 918-331-8301 PYRA / WCMB / Lee’s Mini Buckers
Feb 15 Natural Dam, AR PYRA / Silva Bucking Bulls
Feb 15 Banning, CA 951-719-7886 IMBA / AK Bucking Bulls
Feb 21 Wauchula, FL $500 Text 941-713-9396 Elite Bullriders Association (Mini Bulls)
Feb 22 TBD TOYBR Southeast
Jan 11 Houma, LA $10,000 8 Seconds to Glory-Bull Teams Event
Jan 17 Houston, TX ABBI / PBR UTB Classic
Jan 24 Tulsa, OK ABBI / PBR Velocity Classic
Jan 25 Rainsville, AL ABBI / Jenkins Maiden Derby Event #1
Jan 25-26 El Reno, OK ABBI / $1M Qualifier #3
Jan 31 Monthly Classic, CO ABBI / January Collective Classic
Feb 8 Texarkana, AR ABBI / ClaimABull
Feb 14 Indianapolis, IN ABBI / PBR UTB Classic
Feb 15 Ada, OK ABBI / Jenkins Maiden Derby Event #2
Feb 21-22 Oklahoma City, OK ABBI / $1M Qualifier #4
Feb 22 Texarkana, AR Now 815-401-6145 UBBI Sanctioned
Feb 22 Belton, TX www.bullteamsonly.com Bull Teams Only
Read our current and past issues online at
Do You Have a Livestock Layover or Practice Pen?
List it for FREE in the Classifieds. Call our office at 325-500-BULL (2855)
For More Information on listing your facilities
NEW MARKET, AL - EC Hunt, 5:30pm Sun., 256-683-8169
BATESVILLE, AR - James Bechdoldt, Anytime, Call First, 870-307-9923
CONWAY, AR - Mark Lindsey, Ride & Shine Cattle Company, Anytime, Call First, 501-730-4557
ELFRIDA, AZ - D Davis Bucking Bulls, 4pm Sat., Call First, 520-642-3737
LINCOLN, CA - B Bar Ranch, B Bar Indoor Arena, Rain or Shine, All Rough Stock, 916-206-4059
MARYSVILLE, CA - PacWest, 5pm Wed., Steers & Bulls, Call First, 530-751-6643
FRESNO, CA - Toro Bravo Arena, Thur. by appt., Call First, 559-577-2445
ELIZABETH, CO - Tuff Garcia, Tuff E Nuff, 6pm Mon., Rain or Shine, 970-846-0788
STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, CO - Tuff E Nuff, 6pm Wed., Apr-Nov., 970-846-6828/3354
ALDEN, IA - Circle C Rodeo, 6pm Wed., Rain or Shine, Call for alternate dates 641-373-3625
WOODBINE, IA - Tom & Kristina Kelley, every Sun. (weather permitting). Beginner - rank bulls. Call 712-5922493
KENDALLVILLE, IN - B Bar A Bucking Bulls, Heidi Speicher, 7pm Every Thur, Call First, 260-564-5864/Troy
JACKSONVILLE, IL - Lazy C Rodeo, 10am-3pm Sun., Rain or shine, Call First, 217-245-8280
JACKSONVILLE, NC - Aleck Barnard, Elite Cowboy Rodeo Assoc., Onslow Rodeo Arena, 6pm Every Other Sunday, Call First, 910-381-8597
CHANDLER, OK - JAM Bulls, 2pm Sun., 7pm Wed., Call First, 405-570-9010
SOPER/HUGO, OK - RBL Rodeo Bulls, Anytime with 4-6 hour notice, Rain or Shine, 307-461-1741
EAGLEVILLE, TN - BF Cattle Company, 2pm Sun., Jackpot, Call First, 615-336-4313
EMORY, TX - Oakes & Greene’s, 7pm Wed., 903-348-8630
LORENA, TX - Rocking S Ranch, Tue., Jackpot, Call First, 254-716-0779
MANSFIELD, TX - JC Knapp Ranch, 4pm Sun/6pm Wed., $5 at the gate to ride as many as you want, 817-223-3692
SIMMS, TX - Wilburn Bucking Bulls, 7pm Every Other Thur., 903-543-3025
PETROLIA, TX - Norris Dalton, 7pm Wed., 940-733-3020
DECATUR, TX - Cullen Calame, Denton Creek Farms, Call First, 940-393-3730
NOCONA, TX - 4x Arena, Call First, 501-944-1907
NOCONA, TX - Locke Bucking Bulls, Call First, 940-872-0733
WILLS POINT, TX - Austin Arena Bulls, Barrels, & Poles. $10 per ride/run or $25 for all you can ride. Bulls for all ages. 214-7265799
BATESVILLE, AR - James Bechdoldt, White River Rodeo, 870-307-9923
RAYMOND, IL - Randy Littrell, Shop Creek Cattle, 217-556-0551
MARYSVILLE, KS - Gary Hershey, 4H Bucking Bulls and Marysville Sale Barn, Call First, 785-292-4952
LAKE CHARLES, LA - Keith Strickland, Deep South Rodeo Genetics, 337-304-1493
SALEM, MO - Hwy 32 & 72, Salem Livestock Auction, 573-729-8880
HELENA, MT - Jim Horne, Bull Horne Ranch, 406-459-5706
FERNLEY, NV - Nathan Pudsey, Circle P Bucking Bulls, 775-750-2168
CLAYTON, NM - Justin Keeth, Lazy J 3 Bucking Bulls, 575-447-0877
BETHESDA, OH - 15 Miles off I-70, TCB Ranch, 304-281-4530
SOPER/HUGO, OK - RBL Rodeo Bulls, Anytime w/ 4-6 hours notice, 307-461-1741
BOX ELDER, SD - Gus “Duane” Aus, Lazy Heart O Ranch, 605-923-3426
BUCHANAN, TN - Parsons & Milam 731-642-8346
CLARKSVILLE, TX - Brian Agnew, BA Livestock, 903-669-9189
Your Ad Could Be Here! Call 325-500-2855 for more details
DUBLIN, TX - Mike Godfrey, Godfrey 4X Cattle, 817-235-2852
MANSFIELD, TX - JC Knapp Ranch, JC Knapp Rodeo, 817-223-3692
MIDLAND, TX - Ted Norton, Norton Bucking Bulls, 432-413-8433
DECATUR, TX - Cullen Calame, Denton Creek Farms, 940-393-3730
SIMMS, TX - Near I-30 Texarkana, Wilburn Bucking Bulls, 863-381-2799
CHEYENNE, WY - Floyd & Ann Thomas, TTnT Ranch, 307-778-8806
WINNERS RODEO SUPPLY - Gary Leffews Dare to Be Great DVD $45.00 or I am Hot DVD $35.00-free shipping. Also some remaining Hotman and Lostroh bullropes plus all other bullriding gear. Gold Buckle Rodeo Supply rodeo@wk.net 320-328-4000 Dealers wanted !!
RENOWNED HIGH QUALITY BULL ROPE DickCarrBullRopes.com, PO Box 18, Elk City, OK. 73648, 1-580-225-3208, Be Blessed.
Raymond Branch, Custom Braider Maker of World, NFR, & PBR Champion Bullropes Strictly custom-braided to your specifications. (928) 289-9611 www.mypqb.com
Whether on the ranch or on a drive
This cowboy needs his gun
To protect me from outlaws and critters Or to kill a deer on the run
My rifle is an old lever action
A Winchester ‘73
The scabbard is strapped to my saddle Which keeps it handy for me
It is truly a valued possession
Passed down through my family line I usually hit what I aim at Cause that rifle was made real fine
It’s a 44-40 centerfire
That has long been put to the test
Folks say that this model of rifle
Was the “Gun that won the West!”
I’ve heard stories about that old rifle
Passed down from fathers to sons
Like the time my great-great grandad
Killed a curly wolf with that gun
Alone in the woods when that wolf attacked
He was sure he was soon to be dead
But he jammed that old rifle into that wolf’s mouth And blew off the back of his head!
Now I’m not lookin’ for a pack of wolves
But there is one thing that I find
When my rifle is loaded and ready
It gives me great peace of mind
By Kelly B. Robbins