Shifting Paradigms in Healthcare

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Module 4 Systemic (non-Linear) Analysis Method (SAM) This method is based on several concepts drawn from complexity science; some of these have been highlighted in earlier modules. It is not necessary to become a student of complexity science to apply SAM. The subsections in this Module will equip you with the ability to learn from an event by applying SAM. The approach is not formulaic or “menu-driven”. Nevertheless, there are some broad categories of activities that will be discussed to help guide you in learning about SAM and in your applications of the method in specific instances. The steps that should be considered in each case are the following: îî Identifying and engaging the participants îî Building a narrative understanding îî Mapping the event; developing a chronology îî Identifying relevant Human Factors issues îî Generating recommendations (or not) In any given case the application of SAM will proceed in an iterative [back-andforth] fashion—the progression of the investigation will not follow these steps in

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