Test bank for consumer behaviour buying having and being canadian 7th edition by solomon ibsn 978013

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81) Marisa has just sat through three class lectures at school, and now heads to a fourth, due to start in ten minutes. She found that halfway through her third class, she was having a hard time paying attention. This was most probably due to: A) sleep deficits. B) active filtering. C) attention economy. D) sensory overload. Answer: D Type: MC Page Ref: 47 Skill: Application Objective: L2-06 Understand that a variety of factors can influence what stimuli consumers will pay attention to. 82) In a beer ad on TV showing a couple going off to a country cottage, Melinda only paid attention to the sports car. This tendency is known as: A) perceptual selectivity. B) consumer screening. C) attention focusing adaptation. D) stimulus de-escalation. Answer: A Type: MC Page Ref: 48 Skill: Application Objective: L2-06 Understand that a variety of factors can influence what stimuli consumers will pay attention to. 83) When a local store first changed its window display, Beverly noticed it at once. As she passed it day after day, she no longer paid attention because it had become so familiar. Beverly had: A) experienced adaptation. B) formed a stimulus habit. C) attention dysfunction. D) stimulus rejection. Answer: A Type: MC Page Ref: 49 Skill: Application Objective: L2-06 Understand that a variety of factors can influence what stimuli consumers will pay attention to.

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