Hotspots! November 17, 2016

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Prism PrismToronto Torontoand andBlack Black& &Blue BlueMontreal Montrealto toname name aafew. few. Alain Alain also also has has residencies residencies in in NYC's NYC's hottest hottest gay gay Saturday Saturday party party VIVA, VIVA, Score Score in in Miami, Miami, Hydrate Hydrate in in Chicago, Chicago, Los Los Angeles AngelesMomentum Momentumand andat atApollon Apollon Nightclub Nightclub in in his his hometown. hometown. His His hard hard work work and and determination determination has has contributed contributed to to his his 2014 2014 Just Just Circuit Circuit “Dj “Dj of of the the Year” Year” award, award, pushing pushing him him into into even evenhigher highergrounds. grounds.

DJ DJAlex AlexLo Lo Alex Alex Lo Lo isis an an international internationalartist artistand andone oneof ofthe the biggest biggestnames namesin inMexico´s Mexico´sHouse Housemusic musicscene. scene.He He isis also also the the resident resident DJ DJ at at Karmabeat Karmabeat and and Arena Arena Festival Festivalin inMexico. Mexico.He Hewill willspin spinlive livefor forWhite WhiteParty Party at at the the White White Splash Splash Pool Pool Party Party at at the the National National Hotel Hotelon onSaturday SaturdayNovember November26. 26. His His DJ DJ journey journey began began in in amateur amateur fashion fashion playing playing in in private private events. events. ItIt was was in in 2011 2011 when when he he got got the the attention attention of of karmabeat, karmabeat, Mexico's Mexico's leading leading circuit circuit party party brands, brands, and and joined joined their their resident resident lineup lineup along alongwith withothers otherslike likeIsaac IsaacEscalante. Escalante.That That shuttled shuttledhis hiscarrier carrierto tonew newheights heightsallowing allowinghim himto to spin spin in in many many clubs clubs within within his his home home country country including includingLiving, Living,Mexico's Mexico'sbiggest biggestclub! club! His His Dancefloor Dancefloor talent, talent, in in very very short short time, time, has has given given him him aa privileged privileged status, status, having having shared shared the the DJ DJ booth booth with with such such amazing amazing talents talents like like Isaac Isaac Escalante, Escalante, Offer Offer Nissim, Nissim, Manuel Manuel de de Diego, Diego, Chris Chris Cox, Cox, Filipe Filipe Guerra, Guerra, Stephan Stephan Grondin, Grondin, Nacho Nacho Chapado, Chapado,Ana AnaPaula Paula& &Oscar OscarVelázquez. Velázquez.

enough enough to to hear hear Felix Felix Da Da Housecat Housecat DJ DJ an an amazing amazing house house set set that that changed changed his his life. life. Walking Walking into into the the club, club, there there was was an an unexplainable unexplainable energy energy inin the the air. air. The The music music was was aa solid solid kick kick to to the thesoul soulwith withfunky funkyfresh fresh bass basslines lineslike likeaadisco disconight nightat atStudio Studio54. 54. Originally Originally from from the the east east coast, coast, Monteiro Monteiro has hasover over15 15years yearsof ofexperience experienceas asaaDJ. DJ.Based Based out outof ofLA, LA,he hehas hastraveled traveledthe thecountry countryplaying playing numerous numerous events. events. He He toured toured for for Manolo Manolo Blahnik Blahnikfor forSex Sexand andthe theCity Citymovie moviepromo promoand and spun spun for for tons tons of of events events like like the the designers designers D2Squared D2Squared during during fashion fashion week weekininNYC. NYC.He He specializes specializes in in house house music music mixed mixed with with Latin Latin and andtribal tribalinfluences, influences,dirty dirtydrum drumloops, loops,deep deep dark dark and and funky funky rhythms rhythms laced laced with with sexy sexy vocals. vocals. Monteiro Monteirowill willbe bethe theDJ DJat atThe TheWhite WhiteParty Party on onSaturday Saturdaynight night(11/26) (11/26)ininits itsnew newlocation location on onthe thesands sandsof ofMiami MiamiBeach. Beach.

DJ DJPaulo Paulo During During the the past past few few years years this this truly truly international international DJ DJ (originally (originally from from Portugal) Portugal) has has planted planted himself himself firmly firmly among amongthe theranks ranks of ofheadlining headliningDJs, DJs,performing performingat atsome someof ofthe the world's world'slargest largestand andmost mostprestigious prestigiousparties: parties: Black Blackand andBlue BlueMontreal, Montreal,New NewYork's York'sSaint Saintat at Large LargeBlack BlackParty, Party,just justto toname nameaafew. few. PAULO's PAULO'scredits creditsinclude includeofficial officialremixes remixesof of Madonna's Madonna's "Living "Living for for Love", Love", Lady Lady Gaga's Gaga's “Bad “Bad Romance”, Romance”, Christina Christina Aguilera's Aguilera's 'Not 'Not Myself Myself Tonight' Tonight' (#1 (#1 Billboard), Billboard), Chaka Chaka Kahn Kahn and and Mary Mary JJ Blige's Blige's 'Disrespectful' 'Disrespectful' (#1 (#1 on on Billboard). Billboard). Co-founder Co-founder of of Pure Pure Music Music Productions, Productions, Pa Pauulloo hhaass bbuui il ltt oonnee of of tthhee hhoottte tesstt independent independentrecord recordlabels; labels;providing providingtop-10 top-10 progressive progressive tracks tracks on on Beatport Beatport and and various various digital digitaldownload downloadsites. sites.Paulo's Paulo'sremixes, remixes,edits edits and and mash-ups mash-ups or or as as he he calls calls them: them: “a “a little little DJ DJDerek DerekMonteiro Monteiro something somethingIIthrew threwtogether” together”are arecoveted covetedby by In In the the mid mid 90's 90's Derek Derek Monteiro Monteiro was was fortunate fortunate fans fansand andDJs DJsalike. alike.

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