AboutUS by Hotspotorlando #12

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Hello again friends! This month I wanted to talk about the Orlando music scene and how we have grown when it comes to packaging our product. You don't need a big budget to look like you do. Making the music really is a small part of your overall business. When it comes to Websites, Album artwork, Promotional packages, and merchandise, we have the same advantages as the major labels.

product that can compete on the shelves along side the big boys. Orlando Indie artist have also become masters of social networking. I'm starting to see more and more artists with national exposure because of their many hours of self promoting online.

The picture is getting more clear everyday that major labels are starting to be a thing of the past. More artist are less concerned Most artist today in Orlando know how to with getting signed and more concerned not only record great, original music, they on setting up their own business and makalso know how to do graphics as well as ing a strong foundation for themselves. design their own websites. The do it yourself mentality is essential As usual I appreciate you all taking time when you are an artist with a limited bud- out to read about my thoughts on our get. music scene and keep watching our scene It's cheaper to do it yourself and with the grow and become a strong force in the help of having professional software at national music scene. our fingertips, we can pull off a polished

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.