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兰州皇冠假日酒店 2013-2014 年度亚洲十佳会议会展酒店 Crowne Plaza Lanzhou Top 10 Best Conference & Exhibition Hotel of Asia

Eric-Jan van Haastrecht General Manager 总经理 作为甘肃省首家国际高端品牌酒店,兰州皇冠假日酒店力争做行业的引领者,并致力 于成为西北地区最好的会议会展酒店;同时致力于成为员工, 客人及业主首选的客人挚爱 杰出酒店。

As the 1st international upscale hotel in Gansu province, Crowne Plaza Lanzhou aims to lead the market to become the best MICE hotel in the Northwest of China,and to become a Great Hotel Guests Love and the number 1 hotel in Gansu province for our guests, colleagues and owners. 兰州皇冠假日酒店是甘肃省兰州市的首个也是目前唯一的一个最高端的国际 品牌酒店。酒店建筑气势恢宏,装饰灵动而秀美,其优雅唯美的姿态,平和而富 有内涵的气韵,尽显尊贵典范。拥有 440 间客房,29 套豪华套房及 1 套总统套房。 另外拥有 1500 平方米的会议及宴会场地、高档的餐饮及酒吧、高端私密的皇冠俱 乐部、室内恒温泳池、健身中心、瑜伽室、水疗、KTV 等完善的休闲娱乐设施 , 打造了一个国际化、多功能的尊贵会聚之所。

As the first international five star hotel in Gansu Province in Gansu Crowne Plaza Lanzhou is upscale

扫我吧 !

in style and service with 440-room, 29 executive suites and 1 presidential suite. There are 1,500 square meters of flexible meetings and events space, stylish restaurant and bars, luxury and private Crowne Club, and a wide range of recreational facilities including indoor swimming pool, fitness center, Yoga, Spa etc.


雄厚实力 金城明珠 打造全新 MICE 目的地 Unique Experience New MICE Destination

多元的会议酒店、甘肃大剧院、会议场馆,先进的会议数字设备,满足您所有的会议需求。 甘肃会展中心建筑群项目是甘肃省建国以来规模最大、功能最全、设施最完善、建筑智能化水平最高的民用 公共建筑项目,包括甘肃国际会展中心、甘肃大剧院、兰州皇冠假日酒店,位于黄河北岸,其综合性、全方位的会 展项目配套设施赋予甘肃会展中心建筑群项目得天独厚的承接省内外各类规模与规格的会议展览文化活动需求。 甘肃国际会议展览中心——展览中心总建筑面积 6.4 万平方米,拥有国际标准展位 1200 个,室外展场 10000 平方米, 停车位 1000 多个。会议中心拥有 1500 座大会堂、300 座剧院式报告厅、200 座多功能厅、视频会议厅及 120 座国际会 议厅各 1 个,50-70 座会议厅 14 个,设有新闻发布、贵宾会见、贵宾休息等设施,可同时满足 3000 人会议活动。 甘肃大剧院——1500 座大剧场、300 座小剧场及艺术培训中心各 1 个,设有有会见厅、化妆间、排练厅等配套 服务设施。

As the part of the Gansu International Convention and Exhibition Center, Crowne Plaza Lanzhou close to the Gansu International Convention and Exhibition Center, Gansu Grand Theatre, and located in the south of the Yellow River. Gansu Grand Theatre is the symbol of cultural and galleries of art in Gansu, including opera, ballet performances, drama, music performance. Gansu International Convention and exhibition center contains Exhibition Center and Conference Center. Exhibition Center total construction area of 64,000 square meter (44,000 square meters on the ground, underground 20,000 square meters), building height of 30.2 m. The only modern exhibition venue in the Gansu Province. Conference Center has 1,500-seated Hall, 300-seated theater-style auditorium, 200-seated multipurpose function, one video conference room and 120-seated international conference hall, and fourteen 50-70 seated conference Hall, as well as one press conference room, VIP room, VIP lounge and other facilities, which can meet 3,000 people attending the meeting together. 地址 : 中国甘肃省兰州市城关区北滨河东路 1 号

No.1 North Binhe East Road, Chengguan District, Lanzhou, Gansu Province, 730046, P. R. China 电话 Tel: 931 871 1111

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