First hotel magazine #25

Page 178

Hotel Magazine no. 25

Det som Forestillingen om Gud eller om sin evige Salighed skal bevirke hos et Menneske er, at han omdanner hele sin Existents i Forhold dertil, hvilken Omdannelse er Afdøen fra Umiddelbarheden. Dette skeer langsomt, men saa vil han endeligen føle sig absolut fangen i den absolute Forestilling om Gud, thi den absolute Forestilling om Gud er ikke: at have den absolute Forestilling en passant, men er: i ethvert Øieblik at have den absolute Forestilling. Dette er Umiddelbarhedens Standsning og Tilintetgjørelsens Dødsdom. Afsluttende uvidenskabelig Efterskrift 1846


What the conception of ​​God or of his eternal salvation is to effect in a person is that he transforms his entire existence in relation thereto, the transformation of which signifies the withering of immediacy. This happens incrementally, but then he will finally feel absolutely bound in the absolute conception of God, for the absolute conception of God is not to have the absolute idea en passant, but in every instant to have the absolute conception. This is the end of immediacy and the death sentence of destruction. Concluding Unscientific Postscript 1846

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