Baroque horse magazine ~ issue 3

Page 59

o Passanha

Pedro going for a walk at the end of the day

ship 2010

So what began as a love grew into a life’s Two of his most renowned horses include work, and starting with just three mares, Taxativo and Zaire; Pedro’s stud has grown into one of the most well-known in Portugal. Taxativo’s list of acheivements is long including; “I started slowly, more then 30 years ago, with 3 mares from Dr. Guilherme Borba’s brand. Vice-Champion Medium Level – Portuguese Cup 2007 A few years after I was lucky enough to buy 3º place, Complementar Level – Portuguese Cup 2008 an extraordinary stallion that would change National Champion S George Level – not only the course of my stud but the course of the Lusitano breed in general. I’m talking Portuguese Cup 2009 about XAQUIRO (1980-2007), who has an Vice-Champion S George level outstanding record, with more than one Portuguese Cup 2010 Champion of the Portuguese Dressage hundred golden medals and ten titles of Champion of Champions in his descendants.” Championship 2010 While the very popular breeding stallion ZAIRE was awarded; Although Pedro seldom brings his horses into festival competitions, he was once part of the APSL directory board, but retired Champion of Portugal, Young horses, many years ago because he didn’t agree with 5 years 2009. Champion CDI 3*** Sevilha, 2009. certain decisions. Champion CDI (Arruda), 2010. Champion - Selection for the World From then on his horses were rarely exhibited Championship of Young Horses, 2010. except in dressage competitions, where his horses were chosen as Champion of Portugal Gold Medal Concurso Modelo e Andamento FIPSL 2010 in 1995, 1996, 1998 and 1999. 1ºPrize Dressage for Young Horses Nevertheless whenever his horses did appear FIPSL 2010 outside dressage they were always highly Male Champion of Lusitano Breed 2010 recognised, with three gold medals, three Champion of Champions of titles of Male Champion and two Champion Lusitano Breed 2010 of Champions. 59..

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