Annual Report 2017

Page 21

Stage 3: Genome-based selection of new high alpha varieties in collaboration with the hops and brewing industries Sponsored by:

Bayerische Landesanstalt für Landwirtschaft, Institut für Pflanzenbau und Pflanzenzüchtung (Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture, Institute for Crop Science and Plant Breeding)

Project leads:

Dr. M. H. Hagemann, Universität Hohenheim (project overall) Dr. E. Seigner (LfL)

Project staff:

AG Züchtungsforschung Hopfen (WG Hop Breeding Research) (IPZ 5c): A. Lutz, J. Kneidl, E. Seigner and breeding team AG Hopfenqualität/Hopfenanalytik (WG Hop Quality/ Hop Analytics (IPZ 5d): Dr. K. Kammhuber, C. Petzina, B. Wyschkon, M. Hainzlmaier und S. Weihrauch AG Genom-orientierte Züchtung (WG Genome-oriented Breeding) (IPZ 1d), Prof. Dr. V. Mohler AG Züchtungsforschung Hafer und Gerste (WG Breeding Research Oats and Barley) (IPZ 2c), Dr. T. Albrecht

Project partners:

Universität Hohenheim, Institut für Nutzpflanzenwissenschaften, FG Ertragsphysiologie der Sonderkulturen (Institute for Crop Science, FG Yield Physiology of Speciality Crops): Dr. M. H. Hagemann, Prof. Dr. J. Wünsche Institut für Pflanzenzüchtung, Saatgutforschung und Populationsgenetik (Institute for Plant Breeding, Seed Science and Population Genetics): Prof. Dr. G. Weber em. Gesellschaft für Hopfenforschung e.V.: W. König (Society of Hop Research) Hopfenverwertungsgenossenschaft HVG e.G.: Dr. E. Lehmair (Hop Sales Cooperative)

Scheduled to run:

begins 2019

Objective In marker-assisted breeding procedures the German hop breeding will have at their disposal an innovative tool designed as an addition to the conventional selection process. By combining conventional selection with the new genome-based technique, it becomes possible for new and robust, high yielding cultivars to be made available sooner and more efficiently to the hops and brewing industries. See 4.8 for more details and the latest information on implementation and findings.


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