제8기 유엔 전문가 교육 결과보고서_The 8th Training at the UN Final Report

Page 171

Although we’d like to eradicate this problem immediately, we have to act in accordance with reality. Due to the fact that we cannot change people’s mindsets directly, we must initiate short-term solutions in order to mitigate the severity of this cause. Some short term solutions include providing educational support for multicultural families that will help them comprehend the language and culture of the country that they’re residing in. These programs are necessary because we have to comply with the current social standards of the country because Korea usually prefers to assimilate people rather than embracing new cultures. Therefore, more educational programs and more multicultural family centers should be instituted in order to provide them with their basic needs. Our ideal and ultimate goal would be to change the mindsets of Koreans who resent the residence of multicultural families in Korea, and raise a new generation of children with a clairvoyant and open mind. We would accomplish this goal by implementing content in Korean education that embraces multiculturalism so that people will learn to embrace the foreign culture. Now, I would like to move on to the process of how we plan to help multicultural families in South Korea. First, we would receive the majority of our funds from NGOs who promote cultural diversity, issue linguistic educational programs etc. The money would then be spent on funding multicultural family centers with the fundamental resources they need, and instituting more centers in necessary places. Once people in need receive aid from these centers, they would go on to find jobs and obtain work around the area. When the person finds work in society, they would continue on to invest their money into the economy which would then circulate throughout the social and economic system. Finally, I would like to address the question of how helping multicultural families will benefit South Korea. Since the multicultural family population who generally have a low income is increasing gradually in Korea, it is necessary to support them by instituting more strengthened customized services such as multicultural family centers and providing them with educational support. Because multicultural families are undeniably a part of our society, these people inherit the natural rights to be welcomed with education and opportunities for jobs. Therefore, by having numerous multicultural family centers and educational institutes for the multicultural families will help them find jobs as they will become more familiarized with the society. When these people find financial stability, it will definitely give them a fairer standard of living that they deserve. Low birth rates and workforce in Korea ultimately leaves the country with an inadequately populated workforce. The youth population is getting lower as time passes, and if this condition gets serious, the Korean workforce would decrease in no time. Therefore, not only for the


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