“ Some people arrive
and make such a
on your life, you can barely remember what life was like without them.” -ANNA TAYLOR
captures what I believe Hope House Foundation does best and values most. The art of connection. The simple act of two souls, upon meeting, understanding each other. Connection that holds comfort, authenticity and longevity.
Within these pages you will meet people with disabilities and staff members who represent the diverse tapestry of this organization. This unique piece of art has been woven for decades, creating mutual respect and lasting relationships. It is a living, breathing testament to our belief in promoting common interests, shared support and equality. It is a story of trust and friendship built over years. It is the age-old notion of being in a place where your talents and gifts are appreciated, which in turn creates a feeling of self-worth, a sense that you truly belong, and that your humanity is recognized.
Feeling safe, understood, valued and listened to is something we all desire. It has nothing to do with whether or not you have a disability. Today, our world aches from many hurtful differences and conflicts. At Hope House, we cultivate a culture of unity. We are neither perfect nor infallible, but every day we do our best to be good, kind, humble and empathic toward each other, including our community members like you.
We remain grateful for the beautiful impact you have had on this agency and our mission. So much so, we too cannot remember a life without you.
Lynne Seagle Executive Director
Pam—19 years & Eunice—16 years It’s a friendship woven with paint splatters and glue, collages and too many paper towels to count. When Pam and Eunice met 16 years ago, they connected over a love of funky art and excellent milkshakes. Now they’re just like family— disagreeing with each other one minute, laughing together the next. Pam’s daughter thinks of Eunice as an honored friend, and the pictures they make together brighten their days. With bright lines and bold colors, their drawings are vibrant tokens of a wonderfully colorful friendship.
Pat—32 years & Kathie—15 years Follow the silver thread of laughter to the campfire at the edge of the lake, where Kathie and Pat are busy conspiring over s’mores. Giggling. When they go camping they prefer jokes to ghost stories, especially if the jokes involve the two of them—like Pat’s face when that John Deere tractor took off, or the time when Kathie added way too much glitter to that craft project for Pat’s apartment. After 15 years, this is how they are. Comfortable and happy, encouraging one another to stay fearless, find joy, and try absolutely anything once.
Lucinda—36 years & Terri Ann—33 years Pansies may look like delicate flowers, with their graceful petals and their lovely colors. But inside, there is tenacity. They thrive in cold, dark winters, and are generous with their bright blossoms even when blanketed by snow. For Terri Ann, they’re a reminder of Lucinda— not only because the two of them love planting flowers together, but also because they’re the perfect symbol of her friend’s kindness. For more than three decades, she’s seen Lucinda take care of others— baking bread for her friends, watering flowers that brighten the neighborhood, refilling the birdfeeders for hungry chickadees. And isn’t that what we all need? Friends with generous spirits, and a home where we can bloom.
More than 50% of our staff—and the people
we support—have chosen to stay with Hope House for more than 10 years.
participate in arts and crafts in the community
attend professional sporting events and cheer on their favorite teams
avidly collect coins, stamps and memorabilia
enjoy educational classes
enjoy camping trips
ing go fish
have fun attending live concerts
love to cuddle with a pet
The opportunity to live an ordinary life–
Blake & Tanecia—14 years When they first met, Tanecia was single and Blake was moving out of his childhood home. Now 14 years have passed, each one embroidered with milestones—from birthday parties and Tanecia’s wedding, to movie marathons and the baby shower he helped host for her. He’s taught her how to live boldly and with a purpose (and how to beat level 16 on Super Mario Brothers). She’s taught him how to hold her newborn daughter and how to get great deals when they go grocery shopping. Life will always hold challenges. But as Blake once belted out at a Demi Lovato concert, “there’s just one life to live, and there’s no time to wait.”
Jeannie—27 years & Nettie—24 years Fiesty. That’s how Jeannie describes herself. Nobody makes decisions for her— whether it’s where to put the sofa or what toppings to add to her Lindy’s hot dog. She’ll talk to anyone about anything and if you need an opinion, she’s your lady. Lately, she’s of the opinion that Nettie needs to get packing (specifically to Hawaii.) But not until Nettie retires, and even then, Jeannie expects to get lots of postcards. For now they’re both content in Norfolk, eating out at their favorite local diners or spending an afternoon at Jeannie’s house. They talk about family and the weather, Nettie’s church and Jeannie’s old boyfriend—a tapestry of conversation woven between two old friends.
Operating Support and Revenue
promotion from within
volunteers with a total of 1,641 hours and a total ROI of
give back to their community through volunteerism
People we support – longevity:
Total staff – longevity
5 years + = 24% 10 years + = 22% 15 years + = 13% 20 years + = 9% 25 years + = 4% 30 years + = 28%
5 years + = 42% 10 years + = 23% 15 years + = 17% 20 years + = 8% 25 years + = 5% 30 years + = 5%
of those supported actively participate in promoting change
95 20
is the oldest person supported is the youngest person supported
H O P E H O U S E F O U N DAT I O N AU D I T E D F I N A N C I A L S TAT E M E N T S JUNE 30, 2019
Current Assets
Cash and Cash Equivalents Other Current Assets Accounts Receivable Property and Equipment, net Investments Other Assets Total Assets
$1,229,954 $51,184 $1,140,696 $178,413 $3,513,009 $32,551 $6,145,807
Liabilities Support & Revenue
Contract Revenue (92%) $10,358,527 Contributions & Grants (4%) $450,300 Thift Store, net of expenses (1%) $71,168 United Way (0%) $31,499 Fundraising Events, net of expenses (1%) $102,433 Other Income (2%) $202,643 Total Support and Revenue $11,216,570
Liabilities, Current Liabilities, Long-Term Total Liabilities
$1,099,171 $0 $1,099,171
Net Assets
Unrestricted Donor Restricted Total Net Assets Total Liabilities and Net Assets
$4,932,920 $113,716 $5,046,636 $6,145,807
Based on the audited Statement of Activities Report, 92.8% of our funding is derived from contract revenue, which are primarily Medicaid Waivers. Our administration costs are 10% and fundraising costs are 3% of our total operating expense. 87% of the agency’s total operating expense is used to provide support to program services.
2 0 1 9
Anita Tonelson
Bill Walters
Cathy Sawyer
Ann Abrams
Billie Luckie and Bill Wroton
Change's City Spa & Jake's Place
Ann and Russell Onhaizer
BizConnect - My Business People, LLC
Cheryl Dronzek
Ann P. Stokes Landscape Architects
Blake and Caron Crouse
Cheryl Nuccio
Anna Morcom
Brad Schloss
Cheryl Palmatier
Abe McCormack
Anna Swartley
Brad Tuggle
Cheryl Weimer
Acclaimed Event Rentals
Ann-Darby Rush
Brandi Siegel
Chris Becker
Al Harris
Annette Anderson-Vick
Brandon Campbell
Chris Hardy
Alan Owens
Annette Guirlinger
Brandon Umberger
Christie Burcher
Alex Russo
Annette Haenel-Clemmons
Brenda and Stephen Rossi
Christina Enesey
Alexander Salzberg - in memory of Jimmy Legum
Anonymous (4)
Brennen Kingsbury
Christine Anderson
Anthony Bozza
Brian and Beth Roberts
Christine Billingsley
Alfonso and Sabrina Merlo
Anthony Torrieri
Brian Blanchard
Christine Quigley
Alice Golladay
AOC Salon
Brian Boes
Christopher Keyes
Alice Ruebusch
April Elizee
Brian Coleman
Chrysler Museum of Art
Alisa Cosenza
Architectural Graphics, Inc.
Brian Friedman
Cindy Diggs
Alison Creamer
Arlene Parnell Bowling
Brittany Bailey
Cindy Luu
Alison McCanon
Arnette A. Gallop
Brooke Munford
Cinema Cafe - Chesapeake
Alison McCrowell-Lietzenmay
Ashleigh Nicole Tullar
Brooks Johnson and Germaine Clair
City of Norfolk
Ally Ainsworth-Jackson
Ashley Barnett
Brown & Brown Insurance Agency of Norfolk
Claire Campbell
Alton and Marsha Jenkins - in memory Thelma Gray Keel
Ashley Hillery
Bruce and Suzie Holbrook
Clarence Freeman
Altay Uzun
Ashley Smetana
Bruce Campell
Claudette Woodhouse
Atlee and Carolyn Smith
Bryan and Patricia Grinnan
Claudia Cotton
Audrey Arthur
Bryan Fowler
Claudia Mackintosh
Aziza Chattman
Bryn Poland
Barbara Fandrich
Buggy Bathe Auto Wash
Barbara Klear
Byron and Amie Harrell
Claus Ihlemann and Robert Roman in honor of granddaughters Melyana and Sophia
Barbara Wetherington
California Pizza Kitchen
Ana Redstone
Barrie and Harold Smullian - in memory of Jimmy Legum
Capital Group Companies
Andrea Caretta
Benchtop Brewing Company, LLC
Andrea Leclair
Carin Cronin
Benjamin Neal
Angela and Peder Jungck
Carl B. and Bettye Sterzing
Beth Desadier
Angela Eller
Carl Johansen
Beth Jarock
Angela Mason
Carla Grassia
Betsy Kincaid
Angela von Hayek
Carlisle Wroton
Betsy Schatz
Angelica Michelle
Carol Williams
Bettie Minette Cooper
Angie Long
Caroline El-Kadi
Betty Sacks - in memory of Peggy Jordan
Angus Walser
Carroll Schwab
Betty Sellers
Anita Montello - in memory of Patsy Montello, Sr.
Casey Wilkerson-Rieken
Bill Goodbar
Catherine Belote
Bill Noell
Cathy Banks
A grant from the Louis Snyder Foundation Fund of the Hampton Roads Community Foundation A grant from the R. & C. Dickerson Family Fund of the Hampton Roads Community Foundation
Amanda Feutz Amanda Keesee Amatullah Muhammed Amber Thompson Amy and Irvin Upson Amy Christenson
Carey Raleigh
Clay Barr - In honor of Dr. Bruce Barr Clyde and Pamela Allison Coastal Chiropractic Cogans Pizza Collins & Company Commodore Theatre Commonwealth Brewing CO. LLC Connie Lucas Connie Wilson Corey Portalatin-Berrien Cory Wiles Courtney Doyle Courtney Elizabeth Courtney Points
19 Covington Contracting
Edward Jones Investments
Greg Stutzman
Jennifer Serina
Cristian Guerrero - in honor of Jose Andres
Edward Plunkett
Gwendolyn Walton
Jennifer Settar
Curtis Staples
Edward Povilaitis
Hal Vickery
Jennifer Spencer
Cynthia Saegar
Eileen Deutsch
Hank's Filling Station
Jennifer Wilson
Cynthia Taylor
EJ Toudt
Harold Laibstain
Jenny Hill
Dan Ngatia
Elena Montello
Harold Williams
Jerry and Deborah Meltsner
Daniel Aguiar
Elisabeth Indigo
Harry Drew-Wingfield
Jerry Morewitz
Daniel Edwards
Elizabeth Blackwell
Heath Studer
Jesse and Jill Woodruff King
Daniel Hudy
Elizabeth Chupik
Heather Lynn
Jesse Varner
Danielle Stern
Elizabeth Emmett
Heather Nixon
Jessica Rowzee
Danny Howell
Elizabeth Green
Heather Whited-Foster
Jill Lounsbery
Darryl and Pam Katrancha
Elizabeth Herlong
Helen G. Gifford Foundation
Jim Bush
Dave Berry
Elizabeth Marino
Helen Hanson
Jim Garrett
Dave Filipowski
Elizabeth Mize
Hilary Begleiter
Jim Morton
Dave Nye
Elizabeth Monroe
Hildi Nunn
Jim Spillane
David Almeleh
Elizabeth Warner
Holly Goetz
Jo Anne Davis
David and Dorothy Jones
Ellen Kolodney
Hook Law Center, P.C.
Jo Anne Harrell
David and Virginia Pritchett
Emily Perez
Hot House Yoga
David Dickenson
Eric Hause
Howard Rodman
Joan Freytag - in honor of Reverend Paul Drobin's retirement
David Kaye
Eric Milby
Hunter Gallacher
Joanna Patterson
David Ryan
Eric Taylor
Hunter and Davina Spencer
Jocelyn Faraca
David Snead
Eric Wilkinson
Ian Johnston
Jodie Woodward
Dawn Osborne
Erica Archie
Joe Lowrey
Dawn Peters
Erica Byrd
Ilene Cohen - in memory of James "Jimmy" Legum
Erica Lissette
Inga Wade
Joel Wolf
Erik Leach
Ironclad Technology Services
Joey Thatcher
Eugene Anderson
Irvin Harrell
John and Anne Standing
Eunice Payne
Issella Garrett
John and Ann-Marie Cochran
Debra Keeling
Everett and Nancy Martin
Jack Epstein
Decorum, Palace Shops & Palace Station
F. Sullivan Callahan, PLC
Jacki Paolella
John and Elisabeth Luke - in memory of Jose Andres Sanchez
Dena Hinton
Faith Conlon
Jacqueline Jones
John and Janet Read
Farin Alcasid
Jacquelyn and Thomas McAfee
John and Larisa Murphy
Fay L. Steele
Jacqui Maroughkas
John and Marcia Sulfaro
Felecia Henderson
Jada Schmidt
John and Martina Davis
DiAna White
Fern Rohrer
Jaime Benjamin
John and Ruth Martin
Diane Scarcelli
Food Lion
Jamal Williams
John Baiocco
Dick and Madelyn Reass
Founders Inn & Spa
James Ailstock
John Connors
Dione Barnes
Frank DeMascio
John DeSocio
Djanira Parker
Frank Sapienza
James and Angeles Shoultz - in memory of Jose Andres Sanchez
Don Benjamin
Franklin Gary Day
James and Dianna O'Brien
John Freeman
Donna Agresto-Seavy
Gabrielle Alexander
James and Sarah Morrison
John O'Keefe
Donna Garrett
Gail Williams
James and Sarah Schloss
John Redding
Donta Jones
Garden Gazebo, Inc.
James DeFonzo
Johns Brothers Security
Dorothy Clark
Gary Anderson
James Michal
Joleen McInnis
Dorothy Hutchinson - in memory of Kaye Mitchell
Gary M. Hecht Trust
James Palacio
Jon Doe Daniels
James Walker
Jonathan and Meredith Gray
Jan Wilcox
Jonathan Edwards Jonathan Hibbard
Deb Wilson Deborah Lutz Deborah Smith Debra Choice
Derek Kompare Diana L. Harris Diana Shue-Willis
Dot Snipes
Gary M. Hecht Trust - in honor of Leslie Hecht-Leavitt
Joe Salvey
John Dougan
Doug Alexander
George Banks
Janice J. Knighton
Douglas and Kathy Knack
George Rose
Jared and Fathom O'Flaherty
Jonathan Motley
Dr. Bruce Barr - in honor of Lynne Seagle and Irene Baros
Gerhard Hartl
Jason Luce
Jose Cartagena
Ghent Business Association
Dr. Edward and Anna Goldenberg
Joseph and Ann Guth - in honor of Sabra Guth
Dr. T. Winston and Eleanor Gouldin
Ghent Business Association - in memory of Margaret Conrad
Jean Polarolo - in memory of Jose Andres Sanchez Jean West Ward
Joseph Noble
Dr. Tom and Mollie McCune
Gina Dalmas
Jeanne Broom
Josh and Jen Harris
Gini Fabian
Jeannie Carr
Joshua and Erica Howell
Giovanni John Mortarino
Jeff Campbell
Eastern Virginia Pediatric Dentistry, P.L.C
Glenn and Sandra Tainter
Jeffrey and Juanita Kendall
Joyce Sawyer - in honor of Mr. and Mrs. D.E. Jones
Ed and Christel Lewis
Gloria Arthur
Jennifer Bonsiewich
Judy Bilicki
Ed Spivey
Gloria Wilson
Jennifer Emerson
Judy Pearce
Edmu Downey
Grace DiLisio
Jennifer Farr-Brewer
Julia Varnier
Edward and Anne Kramer
Gray and Sharon Puryear
Jennifer McDonald
Julianne Inglima
E.D. David Earl Dunn
Julie Gee
Kirsten Sadlier
Mark Dreyfus
Nancy and Anthony Bailey
Julie Jones
Kirsten Shaffer
Mark Fockler
Nancy Fahy
Julie Kelly
Kitchen Designworks, LLC
Mark Furlo
Nancy Greiner
Julie Mazel
Klaus Gaba
Mark Michel
Nancy Hill
Julie Morris
Mark Swingle
Nancy Johnson
Julius Miller
Kristina Hyatt
Nancy Parr
June Otis
Kristyn Allen
Marsha Lawrence - in memory of James William Legum
Jungle Golf of Virginia Beach
Krystle Wood
Martha Lake
Nancy Weiss
Justin Anderson
Kwanisha Gibson
Martha Spinks
Naro Cinema
Justin Barnes
Kyrie Shomaker
Marty Feldman
Natalie Schaubach
Justin Wyatt
Lakeshia Calhoun
Mary Alice Holmes
Nawahl Cruz
Justine Jackson
Lani Meinders-Horeczko
Mary DuBose
Nessa Johnston
Kailee and Trevor Wolterstorff
Laura DeVore
Mary E. Ryan
Nettie Wilkins
Kaitrin Mahar
Lauren Lavallee
Network for Good
Kamala Lannetti
Lauren Pace
Mary Jane Sufficool - in memory of Bart Sufficool
Karen Goldberg - in honor of the instructors at Corevelo Pilates and Cycling
Laurence and Shelley Stepp
Karen L. Farquer
Laurie Rhew
Karen Sullivan
Leigh Easdon
Karen Taylor
Leigh Gawrys
Karol Smith
Leigh Griggs
Kate Harnett
Leon Garber
Katherine Gordon Katherine Markle
Leslie Harris - in memory of Thelma Keel, in honor of Hazel Jenkins
Katherine Moore
Lewis Swartley
Matthew McKeon and Vince Zentner
Norfolk Commission on the Arts and Humanities
Katherine Peterson Thomas
Linda and Joe Burket
Mattie Telfair Adams
Norfolk Plumbing
Kathleen Brown
Linda Decquir
Maxine Davie
Norfolk Tides
Kathleen Connors-Boyters
Linda Pirkle
Maxine Minar
Norma Dorey
Kathleen Daugherty
Linda Travers
Maxine Shaw
Norma Farr
Kathleen Sharp
Lions Club of Norfolk Foundation
Meg Jay
Norma Ryan
Kathy and Rob Powell
Lisa Bostick
Megan Frenzel
Norman Patton
Kathy McMurray
Lisa Clark
Melinda Fenton
Norva Plastics
Katia Nigro
Lisa Halleck
Melinda Williams
Ocean Breeze Waterpark
Katie and Tim Anderson
Lisa Hamaker
Melissa West
O'Connor Brewing Company
Katie Graham
Lisa Sawicki
Melvin Pecka - in honor of Chris Eachus
Old Point National Bank
Katie Nuccio
Lisa Thibodeau
Meredith Larson
Olivia Childress
Kaufman & Canoles
Liz Emmett
Meril Amdursky
Omar's Carriage House
Kay Adams
Liz Joseph
Michael Berry
Otto Design + Marketing
Kayla Shannon
Lonell Yoder
Pallett Oil
Keith and Alexa Ricketts
Long's Jewelers
Michael Boyd - in honor of Knights of Pythias
Keith Gibeling
LoRain Kloskin
Keith Gillespie
Loretta Jones
Kelley Dubois
Lori Practico
Kelli Boone
Lori Schools
Kelly Cappetta
Lorie Newton
Kelly Gwin
Lucy Zemienieuski
Kelly Martin
Lulu Bell
Ken Anderson
Lynette Mason
Ken Janosko
Lynne Seagle
Ken Shewbridge
MacArthur Center
Kenneth E. Finck Donor Advised Fund
Madge Barnes
Kevin Allen
Maggie at Charity Neck Stables
Kevin and Kimberly Votava-White
Maggie Varela
Kevin Curry
Mallory Carr
Kevin Green
Marcus Porter
Kim McKinnis
Margaret Costa
Kim Profitt
Marge O'Connor
Kimberly Black
Maria Halliday
Kimberly Cherry
Mariko Denton
Kimberly Rose
Mario Merlo and Janet Davis-Merlo
Kirsten Gunn
Mark Davis
Laurie Luster
Mary Kate Fowler Mary Kelly Mary Moore Mary Purdin Mary Walter MassDevelopment Matt Wagner Matthew and Karen Fine Matthew Hartl
Michael Corrie Michael McCabe Michael Mize Michael Shaw Michael Spiker Michael Traxler Michelle Montilla Michelle Murphy-Rose Michelle Wilson - in honor of Yvonne and Isaac Snowden Mickey Evans Mickey Trautz Mike James Miller Oil/Miller Marts Monica Hardin Morgan Glasco Morris and Ellen Bell Muriel Evans Myrna Brock Myron Hawkins Nam and Ji Son Phan - in memory of Jose Andres Sanchez
Nancy Samler
Nicole Adams Nicole Dewey Nicole Naidyhorski Nicole Rojas Nita McInteer No Frill Grill Noelle Walsh Norfolk Admirals Norfolk Botanical Garden
Pamela Davis Pamela Reeves Pamela Rogers Pamela Walker Panda Restaurant Group Pat Barreto Patricia Andrade Patricia Innocenti Patricia Jordan and David Gunzerath Patricia Westcott Patrick McFadden Patrilla S. Arline Patti Scott Patti Shawn Paula Eisen Paula Traverse-Charlton Paycom Peggy Meder Pete Cummings Peter Fullinwider - in memory of Rowena Fullinwider Philip Drake
Suzette Corey
Travis and Corey Richie
Preston Christopher
Satish Adapa - in memory of Ramesh Adapa
Sylvia Bynum
Tri Cities Beverage Corporation
Rachael O'Donnell
Scott and Amy Guirlinger
Tamara Salmon
Tricia Coulson
Rachel Dyer
Scott and Christina Duncan
Tami Carder
Turk Turkoglu
Rachel Holmes
Scott and Cindy Mackey
Tanika Westry
Ty Elliott
Rachel Nicole
Scott and Suzanne Ripley - in memory of Alex Ripley
Tanya Hilton
Tyler Leinbach
Scott Waitzer - in memory of Jimmy Legum
Taryn Subeh
UBS Business Solutions US, LLC
Taylor Youmans
Union Bank and Trust
Tessa's Creations
United Way of South Hampton Roads
Teresa Hio
United Way of the National Capital Area
Terry Washington
Valerie Bradley
TFA Benefits
Verne't Hatcher
The Alan and Esther Fleder Foundation
Vicki Fitzgerald
The AmazonSmile Foundation
Vicki Larry
The Bank of America Foundation
Virginia Burtt
The Blocker Foundation
Virginia Living Museum
The Capital Group Companies Charitable Foundation
Virginia Opera
The Dalis Foundation
Virginia Stage Company
The Joshua P. and Elizabeth D. Darden Foundation
Virginia Symphony Walter and Marie Goldschmidt
Precious Barton
Rafael Roman Randall Smith Randy Rose Randy Wright Printing Company Randy Wyatt Ravette Blackstock Raymond and Lisa Marie Thornton in memory of Jose Andres Sanchez Rebecca White Reggie Burrus Republic National Distributing Company, LLC
Sean Collins Sebren Reed III Serena Tillett Shannon and Anton Pociask Shannon Coulson Shannon Laymon-Pecoraro Shannon Talbert Sharlay Wofford Sharlotte Baughman
Virginia Reville
Rhonda Saunders
Sharon McGlone
Richard and Jane Popkin - in honor of Corevelo Pilates and Cycling
Sharon Ratcliff
Richard and Joan Griffey
Shawn Bolling
Richard C. Mapp III
Shawn Fagan
The Kickball League of Baltimore/ Hampton Roads
Ricky Price
Sheila Williams
The Kyle Todd Public Service Foundation
Rita Davidson and Michael Spiker in memory of Jose Andres Sanchez
Sheja Stancel-Leary
The Law Office of Emily Mapp Brannon
RJ Laff
Shelton Dominici - in honor of Ann George Dunbar
The Little Neck Circle of the Kings Daughters
Robert and Carol Laibstain
Sherina Hibbler
Robert and Diane Hayes
The Marianne & Douglas Dickerson Foundation
Sherrie McCabe
Robert and Erle Marie Latimer
Sherry Edwards
The Norfolk Southern Foundation
Wells Fargo Foundation
Robert and Judith Bukala - in memory of Jose Andres Sanchez
Sherry Moltamore-Mallory
The Portsmouth Museums
Wendy Anthony
Shirley Adams Steven Yarnell - in memory of Jose Andres Sanchez
The Rising
Westin Virginia Beach Town Center
The Runnymede Corporation
Whitney and Richard Katz
Robert and Rose McCormick - in memory of Jose Andres Sanchez
Sigmon Taylor Photography
Will Buker
Robert Barry
Smartmouth Brewing Co.
The Todd and Betty Sue LePage Family Fund of The Community Foundation Serving Richmond and Central Virginia
Robert Bilicki
Sonia Beverly
Robert Cornelius
Southeast Virginia Community Foundation
Robert Rose
Southern Auto Group
Robin Haverty
Southern Bank
Robin Hecker
Southern Fiat
Robyn Thomas
St. George Brewing Company
Rodney Farris
Stacey Kellar
Rolando and Grace Mendoza
Stephanie and Cody Adams
Rudee Inlet Jet Ski
Stephanie Crumb
Russell Bankston
Stephanie Harris
Russell Cerro - memory of Catherine Toscano Kastenbaum and Lee Gerry Wertheimer
Stephanie Jeter
Robert and Patricia Harris
Ruthe Russell Saffron Indian Bistro Sagar Modi Salon Dulay LLC - in memory of Jose Andres Sanchez
Sharron Pacheco
Skin, A Medical Spa
Stephanie Nickerson Stephanie Ransom Stephanie Suter Stephanie Vaughan Stephen Prevatt Steve and Florence Cupschalk
Samantha Ashley
Steve and Jewel McKinney
Sandra Diggs
Steven Dillon
Sandy Erving
Steven Lawson
Sandy Pope
Susan and Scott Weaver
Sara Barreto
Susan and the late Tom Summerlin
Sarah Glaser
Susan Atkinson
Sarah McCoy
Susan Dillard
Sarah Zeiler
Susan Henderson
Satish Adapa
Susie Meekins
The Virginia Beer Company LLC The William E. and Anne D. Wood Fund Theresa Beeler Theresa Cake Thomas and Susan Zirpoli Thomas Gates - in honor of David Bishop Thomas Marsh Tierney Mitchell Tiffany Niles-Burt Tiffany Simpson Tiffy Howell Tim Marshfield Timothy and Lynne Moore Timothy O'Sullivan Tina Masters Tina Watson Toby Howell Todd Coleman Tom Barnes Tom Moss, III Tonya Whitman TowneBank Tracey Weijlard Tracey Willoughby Tracy and Mike Szewczyk Trameka Smalls
Vista Graphics Wanda Cornwell Wards Corner Lion's Club Warren Low Warren Russell Wayne and Diane Beaman
Will Sessoms William and Ann Gambrell William and Betty Waff William and Sandra Wright - in memory of Jose Andres Sanchez William Campell William Hudgins Yolanda Paul
JANET DAVIS Janet Davis Consulting Vice President
DIANA WHITE Assistant Vice President American Funds Secretary
WHITNEY KATZ Senior Lead Technologist Booz Allen Hamilton Treasurer
TOM MOSS Consultant, Group Benefit Agent Atlantic Benefit
Panache Interiors, Owner
Garden Gazebo, Owner
Chaplain, Architectural Graphics Inc.
Kaufman & Canoles, Partner and Chairman of the Employee Benefits Practice Group
DOROTHY CLARK Lakewood Tailoring
SARAH MCCOY General Counsel, Port of Virginia
IRVIN HARRELL Coordinator for Strategy & Marketing College of Health & Science
Controller - Decisions
Attorney, Hook Law Center
Manager, Technical Intergraph
JOSHUA HOWELL English Professor, College of The Albemarle
For more than 50 years, Hope House Foundation has supported adults with developmental and intellectual disabilities to help them live successfully in their own homes—and we were the first Virginia organization to do so exclusively. Our support allows individuals to live a life of choice and control rather than circumstance, and to live within the larger community to the highest degree possible.
8 0 1 B O U S H S T R E E T, S U I T E 3 0 2 | N O R F O L K , VA 2 3 5 1 0 | H O P E - H O U S E . O R G p . 757. 6 2 5 . 61 61 | f. 757. 6 2 5 .7 7 75