Performance & Quality Improvement 2019

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A cornerstone of Hope House’s philosophy and approach is creating a culture of improvement – an environment in which all agency staff are committed to bettering our processes, refining our services, and ultimately improving client outcomes. As part of this process, Hope House programs encompass a wide variety of data measures and metrics. Program goals and benchmarks are established and analyzed to assist and support the agency in its efforts to improve effectiveness. This report summarizes some of that data.

Where would you be without Hope House? *This question is posed to clients in a voluntary satisfaction questionnaire

"Homeless, hopeless, lost, suicidal."

"Continue to fall further away from the chance of a new life."

"Be dead for sure" "Been in an unsafe and violent environment."

"Honestly, I don't know."

2019 Agency-Wide Outcomes In order to measure the quality of all programs and services, Hope House utilizes a wide variety of qualitative and quantitative methods. At least annually, Hope House examines the results collected through these methods to plan, manage, and evaluate services, as well as to make any changes to the data it is collecting and measuring. Results are utilized to improve services, create new programming, or make changes to existing programming. Information regarding 2019 outcome results that are measured across the program at Hope House are shown below.


• 93% of clients reported they know more ways to plan for their safety. (1,187/1,281)


• 96% of clients indicated they know more about community resources. (695/727)


• 96% of clients stated they felt supported and/or respected by the staff person who helped them. (1,740/1,811)


• 92% of clients reported they know more about how to cope with the effects of domestic violence. (352/381)

2019 Summary of Major Accomplishments Expansion of Programming and Staff: Development Department: With funding received from the Hall Family Foundation, Hope House expanded the agency’s Development Department to include a full time Volunteer Coordinator who is responsible for volunteer recruitment and management as well as fundraising efforts that support agency operations. Permanent Housing Program: With funding secured from the US Department of Housing and Urban Development’s Continuum of Care (CoC) Grant Program, Hope House’s Permanent Housing Program began providing services for survivors on October 1, 2019.

Policy & Advocacy Hope House’s Chief Operating Officer and Director of Outreach Programs are members of the Jackson County Intimate Partner Violence Initiative (IPVI). IPVI was formed to include all Jackson County agencies to discuss and develop a process to better identify persistent offenders, hold them accountable, and create a master type of list to be used by all of Jackson County when charging and prosecuting cases. In addition to the countywide meetings, Hope House also participates in a similar committee designated for Eastern Jackson County law enforcement agencies.

Community Collaborations Jackson County Sheriff’s Department: Hope House’s Director of Outreach Programs and Outreach Programs Manager cofacilitated multiple trainings for 80 Jackson County Sheriff’s Office deputies. The Sheriff’s Department has implemented the Lethality Assessment Program, making them the eighth law enforcement agency in Eastern Jackson County to partner with Hope House. Additionally, they have also implemented callout procedures so officers can contact Hope House directly to request an Advocate respond to assist victims at the time an incident occurs. Hawthorne Place Apartments: Hope House has built a relationship with Hawthorne Place Apartments, an income-based housing complex located in Independence, MO. Hope House has an office in the apartment complex’s administrative building that serves as a place where Hope House staff are able to meet directly with survivors to offer support, case management, therapy services, and resource referrals. Hawthorne is also working with Hope House’s Transitional Housing Program to provide safe and affordable housing for survivors enrolled in the program who may have poor credit and/or leasing histories that hinder their ability to secure housing. In conjunction with the Independence Police Department, Hope House has implemented weekly revisits of the complex to connect with survivors who have pending domestic violence cases in Independence Municipal Court. Revisits ensure survivors are aware of any upcoming court dates, understand the court process, receive information on Hope House services, and can get answers to any questions they may have about the criminal justice system.

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