Mangakahia Sports & Community Complex NEWSLETTER February 2022 (09) 4346923 Like us on facebook https:/ mailto:
Centre News Welcome to a new year, which will continue to have some challenges but hopefully these will start to significantly reduce. Unfortunately the current Covid-19 restrictions are impacting on our events scheduled for the early part of the year. We have had to cancel the Mangakahia Summer Festival for 2022 but look forward to being able to hold this again in 2023. It is also uncertain when we can offer the monthly Country meals. However, there are a number of our other activities that will still be able to proceed and details are provided in our group updates and on their facebook pages. Stay safe everyone and will provide an update again in May.
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I partner with clients to build tailored investment portfolios based on their needs. Speak with Scott today 09 438 1988 | Craigs Investment Partners Limited is a NZX Participant Scott Chapman is an Investment Advisers at Craigs Investment Partners. Adviser Disclosure Statements are available on request and free of charge. Please visit
General Listings Aches Away! (helps pain) 027 4346635 JL & SJ Bazil Painters 434 6208 Kevin Trumper (Electrician) 027 4934572 The Hardwood Guys 434 8233 (wooden flooring)
We have a social night for locals on Thursdays from 5pm, starting 3rd February. Bar and food available. Covid rules apply. The Rock Bar & Grill
MANGAKAHIA GARDEN RAMBLE Our biennial garden ramble was held on 21st November and was an excellent day to wander and marvel at the many stunning gardens in our community. A huge thank you to our garden owners who graciously opened their homes and gardens for the enjoyment of all. Thank you also to the many volunteers who contributed their time to make this such a successful event
Welcome to Junior Rugby for 2022! The season may look slightly different this year depending on the traffic light system but we aim to provide an enjoyable season regardless. All going to plan, we will be opening registrations for the season beginning of March with our rally night to be held around mid / late March. New members welcome Keep an eye out on our Facebook page, Mangakahia Rugby, for more Contact George Radich information. zzzzzzzzzzzzzz
All queries to Kylie on 021 1227063
MANGAKAHIA GARDEN CLUB Our club meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month Any queries please contact Jenny 021 331836
MANGAKAHIA JUNIOR FOOTBALL CLUB We cater for boys and girls, aged 5 - 12, and all enquiries are welcome. Our season will be starting in early April and we look forward to another great year for our junior players. For further details please contact mangakahiasoccerclub@gmail. com
Dance Classes
Support Local ----- Get toned for summer
Les Mills routines - Qualified Instructor - Great Music
Tuesdays 4pm in the Complex upstairs lounge
All skill and fitness levels - you proceed at your own pace Equipment provided - just BYO water & towel
Contact: Sue on 021 881100
Classes run from February to December
Only $10 per person and $5 for students Ten-class concession card available for $80
All queries please contact: Jan on 027 4315416
MANGAKAHIA AREA SCHOOL UPDATE Welcome to the new year. For those I have not met yet, let me introduce myself. I am Allister Gilbert. After many years teaching in the North, including Opononi Area School, I retired from WBHS in 2020. I have been Acting Principal since September and will be the Principal until the end of Term 3 when a permanent appointment will start. There are many positive changes for the school in 2022, including a new school uniform. Merryn Robinson returns to teach Social Studies, Science and Environmental Studies. Martin North will be putting his considerable experience into teaching Technology. We have bought a Laser Cutter/Engraver to go along with the 3D printer to allow Martin to introduce digital manufacturing to the curriculum, this fits nicely with the introduction of Digital Photography to the Art programme. Michele Groome will be teaching Year 11 Science. Michele also teaches at He Matariki. The other exciting development is the Basketball Academy, with Kaea Samson, which will run through the Secondary School and be part of the NCEA exams. The Primary School also sees some very exciting work, with the introduction of the Structured Literacy programme from Year 0-8. This programme works very well for all ages and abilities and picks up on students who need a bit more help, and accelerates those who are doing well. Tania De Mars has been appointed to take the Year 0-3 class. Tania has a background in Early Childhood teaching and Primary teaching and will run a mixture of traditional teaching alongside Play Based Learning to meet individual student’s needs. The school structure will include the following classes Year 0-3; Year 4-6; Year 7-8. Separate Year 9, Year 10 and Year 11 classes and a combined Y12-13 class. All classes have small numbers of students, which means all students get good, effective teacher time. I must not forget the appointment of Huirua Tipene as Caretaker. Huirua has been good enough to look after our grounds over the summer as well as his previous school’s grounds. The Office is open for enrolments and uniform purchases 1-3 February. See our Facebook page if you want uniforms the week before. School is closed on Friday, 4th February, for a Staff Only Day. School starts for all students Tuesday 8th February. I hope 2022 treats you all well, I look forward to meeting many of you.
MANGAKAHIA SQUASH CLUB The first round of Squash starts 9th February. “Hot Squash” is a great way to burn off any excess from the festive season. If the New Years resolution was to - get fit, have more fun, be more social or to improve your wellbeing in any way, then Squash at Mangakahia is your answer. Contact Wayne or Hayley for more details and to get in the draw. Keep an eye on our FB page for updates and information including start dates for juniors later in term one. Hayley Taylor 021 2621674 Wayne Brown 021 853 551
26th March 2022 A fun, challenging event with X3 races to cater for all ages and ability. Check out the website for more information at
Be Connected - YOUR LOCAL PHONE DIRECTORY AFFILIATED CLUBS Mangakahia Sports Complex Mangakahia Gardening Club Mangakahia Group Fitness Club Mangakahia Junior Football Club Mangakahia Lions Club Mangakahia Rugby Club Mangakahia Squash Club EDUCATION Schools Kokopu Mangakahia Area Maungatapere Maunu Otaika Valley Pakotai Poroti Pre-Schools Maungatapere Playcentre Portland Kindergarten Titoki Playcentre
434 6923 021 331836 021 4315416 021 1295734 434 6864 021 1227063 021 2621674
434 6765 433 1702 434 6743 438 8060 432 2731 433 1727 434 6867
434 6451 432 2533 021 1587766
OTHER LOCAL CLUBS Mangakahia Dance Club Maungatapere Bowling Club Maungatapere Valley Aquatics Maunu Tennis Club Poroti Outdoors Club Tai Kwan Do Whatitiri Clay Target Club BUSINESS Aches Away! (helps pain) Graze - Whangarei Fine Foods JL & SJ Bazil Painters Kevin Trumper (Electrician) Maungatapere Transport The Hardwood Guys (Wooden Flooring) MARAE Korokota Maungarongo
021 881100 434 6392 434 7723 434 6898 434 6856 434 6340 09 9717900 027 4346635 027 7747293 434 6208 027 4934572 434 6722 or 434 6632 434 8233
021 501516 027 2704067
If your community group or business would like to be added to this page please phone Bexs on 021 472969 or email Business Advertising Rates (excl GST): $25 per year for single line listing or $25 per newsletter for display ad