Gianguan Auction Mar2018 Catalog

Page 72


明 宣德 青花三叠花卉八棱烛台 烛台为八方式,束腰形,分为上,中,下三层。上层为烛插,下层为台 座,台座上绘青花纹一周,中层为连柱,形状如酒盅倒扣,通体绘青花花 卉纹为饰,明代盛行八方烛台,造型美观大方,具有很高的艺术观赏价 值。沿口有青花书写“大明宣德年制”楷书横款。

Ming, Blue and White Octagonal Floral Altar Candle Holder

Constructed in three sections and decorated with blossoms borne on scrolling stems, emblems bands, and geometric borders. Ming Dynasty, Six Character Xuande Mark. Height: 7 in (17.8 cm) $3,000 - $20,000


清 乾隆 翡翠玉雕仙女散花立像 翡翠玉质莹润,仙女造型优美飘逸,双手捧着倾侧 花篮,花舞花落,衣带飘飘。此散花仙女刻工精妙 绝伦,为能工巧匠稀有之作。

Qing Dynasty, A Jadeite Figure of a Female Immoral


The figure is shown standing with her hands holding a weaved basket. Dressed In long robe with a celestial scarf billows behind the shoulders. She has delicate features with hair pulled up to a high topknot. The semi-translucent jadeite stone is well polished. With fitted stand. Height: 10⅜ in (26.4 cm) Weight: 1,354 g $3,000 - $50,000


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