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The Road Home Travis Gilbert, Policy and Research Officer at Homelessness Australia, reviews some of the positive steps the Australian Government is taking to reduce homelessness and looks at what else needs to happen to make their ambitious targets a reality.

In December 2008, Homelessness Australia

family violence is the biggest cause of homelessness.

welcomed the release of the first ever White Paper on

It is therefore disappointing that more funding was

homelessness, The Road Home. The White Paper set the

not allocated to projects that address this cause of

ambitious goal of halving homelessness by 2020.


Since the release of the White Paper, there have been a

We know that 40 per cent of people who are homeless

number of developments. At a national level, plans are

as adults were first homeless as young people, and

underway for the development of a new data collection

stopping this transition into adult homelessness will go a

system, and a national homelessness research strategy is

long way towards meeting the 2020 targets. The White

being produced. Each Australian state and territory has

Paper expands the models to support young people in

developed an Implementation Plan to determine how

state care to move on to independent living. Currently,

it will allocate the funding they receive. New initiatives,

one in three young people who leave care will be

programs and services announced in these plans will no

homeless within 12 months.

doubt play an important role in reducing homelessness over the next decade.

Responding to the needs of children experiencing or

Although we welcome the significant funding

with more than 12,000 children, aged 12 and under,

commitments made under the White Paper, we are

currently homeless each night. A number of initiatives

concerned that almost all funding has been allocated

were announced in the Implementation Plans to

to new programs and services, with many not coming

increase such support for children but we can and must

onboard until the middle of this year. Existing specialist

do more.

at risk of homelessness must become a national priority

homelessness services, however, have not received a notable increase in funding. If Australia is to meet the

Homelessness is a complex social problem and in a

target of halving homelessness by 2020 then funding

country as prosperous as Australia it is incumbent on us

allocated to specialist homelessness services will need

to work towards ending it. The road home may not be

to increase significantly.

straight forward but, with the right support, the vision set

Focused support

out in the White Paper can become a reality.

Meeting the 2020 targets will require a considerable and

To find out more about Homelessness Australia

specific focus on women, young people and children.

visit: You can

In Australia approximately 45 per cent of people

download a copy of The Road Home’ white paper at:

who are homeless are women, and domestic and WWW.HOMELESS.ORG.UK


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