The Expat's Guide to Brabant

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Exchanging a driver’s license Some internationals are able to exchange their driver’s license for a Dutch one: ● Expats who have the 30% tax facility status (nationality does not matter). ● Citizens of the countries of the EU or EFTA. ● Driver's licences issued in some other countries can also be exchanged. For more information, visit For most of the above-mentioned countries, the driver’s license will be valid for 10 years. But before it elapses, it is required to exchange the license for a Dutch one.

Driving exam Those who do not fit in the above categories are legally allowed to use their foreign driver’s license for 185 days after arrival, then they must pass the regular Dutch theory and driving tests. ● It is possible to take both the theory and driving tests in English. ● Dutch driver’s licenses are generally issued for 10 years.

Formalities ● Exchange your driver’s license for a Dutch one (if applicable). ● Return foreign driver’s license via home country. (Be sure to make a copy!) ● Note expiration dates of all permits and licenses, and make sure you reapply on time!


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