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Public Relations Minutes S18 Weekly Meeting #1 01/29/18

Meeting Commenced Attendance Attended

6:34 PM

Senator Rosaria Rielly

Senator Charles Greenberg

Associate Julia Esposito

Chairwoman Imani Hinson

Absent Senator Jewell Stewart (excused)

Associate Margaux Davis (excused)

1. Ice Breaker 2. Ideas for PR this Semester a. Finals week survivor kits i. More or bigger or both b. Something for midterms i. Handing out granola bars or some type of snack c. Facetime with SGA i. Having food at table d. Work with spirit on promotional tools for Lacrosse or sports teams in general e. Order giveaways 3. Involvement fair a. Folding pamphlets to give out b. Senator Reilly will make sure they make it to the event 4. Facetime Schedule Meeting Adjourned

6:53 PM

Respectfully Submitted, Public Relations Chairwoman Imani Hinson

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