HKSEC 2011 Grand Final Booklet

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2011/10/15 CoDESIGN合夥人余志光先生(左)及林偉雄先生(右),分別 引用其公司過往的設計案例,深入淺出地講述溝通設計的 重要性,及分享CoDESIGN如何走上社會設計之路。

「社會創新與社企機遇」及 「由設計出發」工作坊

Making use of real cases from their own company, Mr. Eddy Yu (left) and Mr. Hung Lam (right), Partners of CoDESIGN, explain the

CIVIL EDUCATION AND DESIGN THINKING WORKSHOP 全場爆滿,首度於挑戰賽截止報名前舉辦的大型工作坊,旨在燃起對社會創 新及關心社會的年青人的熱情,為他們開闊視野,提供兩岸三地的社企經驗 及理論視角,亦同時讓他們領略設計思考對社企或對社會能所發揮的作用。

significance of communicative designs. They also tell the audience how CoDESIGN has embarked on social design business. 運用了視像會議,余志光先生及林偉雄先生與當時臨盤在即的區区肥皂 創辦人葉子僑女士,與在場的眾嘉賓分享不同類型社企品牌的創作經過。 香港中文大學公民社會研究中心主任陳健民教授(左)及研究統籌 阮耀啟博士(右),引用兩岸三地社企實例,闡釋社會創新的重要性。 Prof. K.M. Chan (left) and Dr. Terence Yuen (right) from Centre for Civil Society Studies of the CUHK explain the importance

Mr. Eddy Yu and Mr. Hung Lam, along with Ms. Bella Ip, the Founder of So...Soap! who was in her final stage of pregnancy and so participated through videoconferencing, share with the other guest speakers how they created the brands of different social ventures.

of social innovation with examples of social ventures.

The Civil Education and Design Thinking Workshop was full well before HKSEC’s enrollment deadline. The objective of the workshop was to raise participants’ awareness of social problems and to enhance their creativity. The speakers of the workshop shared with participants some social venture cases in Mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan. They also offered tips on how great designs worked for a social venture and the society.


業務簡介撰寫訓練及社會創新大師大衛柏恩斯坦傑出講堂 BUSINESS SUMMARY WRITING WORKSHOP AND A DISTINGUISHED LECTURE BY DAVID BORNSTEIN – THE GURU OF SOCIAL INNOVATION 社會創新大師到港演講,香港社會企業挑戰賽項目總監於敎授撰寫業務簡介工作坊後,親自帶領參加者到亞洲國際 博覽館出席大衛柏恩斯坦傑出講堂,學習如何運用創意思維,改變世界。 The Guru of Social Innovation, Mr. David Bornstein, made his presence in Hong Kong last year. After hosting the Business Summary Writing Workshop, Mr. Mingles Tsoi, Project Director of HKSEC, took contestants to join the lecture of Mr. Bornstein at AsiaWorld-Expo.



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