港專 2012-2013 全日制專上課程 課程概覽

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52 學生心聲

Students Sharing 學生心聲


何結儀 工商管理高級文憑(中國商業)一年級 「學校為我們安排到國內實習,還有參觀當地企業及大專院校, 加強我們對國家的認識。去年,我有機會参加「 「北京工作實習 計劃」 」,深入了解內地企業管理及市場發展,令我獲益良多。 這些經驗都有助提升我未來升學及就業的競爭優勢。」

HO Kit yee Higher Diploma in Business Administration (China Business), Year 1 “HKCT runs an internship programme for students to work in mainland China. It also organises visits to mainland companies and higher education institutions. The idea is to strengthen our knowledge in mainland China. Last year, I joined the Beijing internship programme, which enabled me to get an in-depth understanding of company management and market development in the mainland. I have learned a lot indeed, and the experience will make me more competent for further studies and my future career.”

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