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Innovation Europe: HPC failures, tolerate performance variability, and allow resources to

having very long lifetimes, on the order of decades, today's

be dynamically allocated among batch and interactive jobs.

abstractions will continue to evolve incrementally well beyond

Spotting anomalous behaviour may be viewed as a big data


problem, requiring techniques from data mining, clustering and As new technologies require major changes across the stack, a

structure detection.

vertical and multi-disciplinary funding approach is needed, from By 2030, disruptive technologies may have forced the introduction

applications and software systems through to new hardware

of new and currently unknown abstractions that are very different

architectures and potentially down to the enabling technologies.

from today. Such new programming abstractions may include domain-specific languages to separate scientific code from the

Download and read the EuroLab-4-HPC Long-Term Vision on

details of implementation, and provide greater opportunities for

High-Performance Computing from the EuroLab-4-HPC website

automatic optimization. Nevertheless, with scientific codebases

ateurolab4hpc.eu/roadmap to find out more.

BUSINESS IDEAS REBOOTED WITH HPC Through its Business Prototyping Projects (BPPs), Euro-Lab-4-HPC

• Who is the customer?

has been helping HPC research groups identify and evaluate

• What problem does the technology solve for them?

business cases for their research results. Teams consisting of the

• What should the offering be (product/service/intellectual

principal investigator, an entrepreneurial lead and a mentor with


industry experience are formed around each technology. Each

• How do we reach the customers with this offering?

team is then guided through a method of quickly and effectively

• How and how much should we charge for it?

identifying and testing business-related hypotheses, such as: To test the most critical business-related hypotheses, each team was supported with a grant of €25,000.

Flying high with real-time air-traffic management Alex Martí, Arnau Folch and Monica de Mier, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC) was

models and the lack of customer-based solu-

based solutions for air traffic management

awarded a EuroLab-4-HPC 2017 BPP grant to

tions to process the information prevents the


help bring its SORT-ATM (Solutions on Real

aviation industry from accessing this infor-

atmospheric natural hazards. The impact

Time for Air Traffic Management) technology

mation in a way which could enhance their

assessment is based on the calculations of a

to market.

decision-making during such events.

unique algorithm that employs in-house HPC

Atmospheric dispersion of hazardous sub-

SORT-ATM is a user-friendly HPC software

for flight plan configurations and schedule,

stances such as volcanic eruptions and sand-

application capable of providing customer-

aircraft specifics, forecasted weather condi-




atmospheric dispersion models, parameters

storms influences many economic markets,

tions and other relevant air traffic manage-

and poses a variety of problems to the avia-

ment and asset data from clients.

tion industry. For example, the presence of airborne volcanic ash at low and jet-cruise

The BPP grant has allowed us to learn about

atmospheric levels compromises the safety

the lean startup methodology and to inter-

of aircraft operations and forces re-routing of

view potential customers (and other external

aircraft to prevent encounters with volcanic

stakeholders) to get relevant insights. It has

ash clouds.

also allowed us to undertake thorough market analysis with the help of a consul-

The forecast of these catastrophic events

tancy company specialized in aviation.

relies on the development, implementation and execution of computationally intensive

Thanks to the BPP grant, the business idea is

atmospheric transport models in order to

now on the way to becoming a BSC spin-off

simulate the dispersal of each hazardous


substance. The need for HPC to run these


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