El Observador 15

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Jennifer L. Jacobson JACOBSON COMMUNICATION With an estimated 1.5 million nonprofits in the United States alone, nonprofits help with everything from ending local hunger, advocating literacy, and even saving dogs from inhumane conditions in dog mills. Yet for all their diversity, nonprofits share many of the same needs. Here are eight useful tech tools that nonprofits can use to stay organized, funded, and in the public eye. 1. NonProfitEasy - Database ManagementWebsite:: http:// www.nonprofiteasy.com NonProfitEasy is an all-inone data management software solution that helps small to mid-sized nonprofits manage their operational logistics. From CRM and database management, to events, donor engagement, and even fundraising, NonProfitEasy offers a one-stop, affordable, integrated software solution to help nonprofits focus on their passion— not their paperwork.

EL OBSERVADOR | www.el-observador.com

- Fully integrated core modules - Specialized add-on modules - Custom reporting - Use only the features you need, when you need them - Comprehensive technical and online support -Training webinars - Optional and affordable phone support 2. Google for Nonprofits - Donation Payment, Docs, Website Building, and Monitoring Website: http://www.google. com/nonprofits/onlinebasics/

Features Include:

• Donation Payment - Google Wallet streamlines the online donation process by allowing donors to use a single login and enjoy enhanced security for their personal data. • Shared Online Docs - Shared online documents, like Google Spreadsheets, can help everyone contribute effectively to a grant proposal or budget report. Google Forms let you easily get data from team members, volunteers and clients.

a close eye on your website traffic. You can get a clear picture of your website’s effectiveness through charts and reports which you can easily share with the rest of your team. AdWords - Get Your Business Online gives you hundreds of fresh website templates to choose from. Google Sites can also help you establish your web presence quickly and effectively. Google Adwords can help you improve the likelihood that someone finds your organization online, because your ads are eligible to show up next to Google search results. • Video & Map Sharing - Set up a channel on YouTube to show your nonprofit in action. Using Google Earth, you can map your nonprofit’s efforts across the globe, helping people understand how and where your organization works. 3. PayPal Giving Fund (formerly MissionFish) - Nonprofit fundraisingWebsite: https:// www.paypalgivingfund.org/ index.html


• Website Building & Tracking - Use Google Analytics to keep

PayPal Giving Fund is an independent 501(c)(3) nonprofit


la eficiencia de combustible superior a cualquier cosa que se ha hecho hasta ahora.

trazado para permitir que el piloto viva allí durante una semana, explicó Piccard.

“Fueron 12 años de cálculos, de simulaciones, de construcción y de pruebas, también de sueños, para hacer realidad este avión, el más revolucionario de hoy”, afirmó Piccard, iniciador y presidente del proyecto Solar Impulse.

Los pilotos podrán acostarse y hacer sus necesidades fisiológicas en un asiento de inodoro convertible, y además de ofrecer mayor comodidad, el Si2 tienen características para mejorar el ahorro de energía.

Solar Impulse 2 (Si2), el segundo prototipo de avión solar, fue presentado hoy en Suiza, con miras a dar la vuelta al mundo a partir de marzo del 2015, gracias a su autonomía que le permitirá volar hasta cinco días con sus noches inninterrumpidos. Ante una audiencia de 500 personas y cientos de periodistas, los pilotos suizos Bertrand Piccard y André Borschberg presentaron el Si2 en la base aérea militar de Payerne, cinco años y ocho récords mundiales después de revelar el primer prototipo. El nuevo vehículo aéreo es más grande que su predecesor, mide 72 metros de largo y pesa sólo 2 mil 300 toneladas, lo que le permite tener el rendimiento aerodinámico y

El Si2 está equipado con tecnologías diversas e innovadoras para ahorrar peso, por ejemplo el ala fue completamente construida con fibra de carbono, y viajar más rápido, a un máximo de 90 kilómetros por hora (km/h), contra los 65 km/h del Solar Impulse I. El diseño de este avión también cambió, ahora cuenta con una cabina más grande de 3.8 metros cúbicos, en cuyo interior cada detalle fue

El avión será capaz de recoger y almacenar la energía suficiente aún volando a través de las nubes, gracias a sus 17 mil 248 células solares, que alimentarán de energía a las cuatro hélices de la aeronave. También recolectará y almacenará energía adicional en sus baterías de polímero de litio, refirió Borschberg y afirmó que los vuelos de prueba comenzarán el próximo mes sobre Suiza. El vuelo alrededor del mundo está programado para co-

organization that provides businesses with a safe and easy way for their customers to support their favorite causes. The PayPal Giving Fund gives nonprofits access to innovative fundraising opportunities that provide new sources of support for their work. PayPal Giving Fund makes giving safe, easy, and reliable by: • Ensuring that 100% of every donation reaches the donor’s chosen nonprofit. • Certifying that nonprofit participants are tax-deductible and meet international standards restricting hate, violence and intolerance. • Managing the tax benefits of giving. 4. Basecamp - Internal Task Management SystemWebsite: https://basecamp.com

APRIL 11-17, 2014

Basecamp works on multiple platforms, including Safari (Mac, iPhone/iPad), Chrome (Mac, PC, iPhone/iPad, Android), Firefox (Mac, PC), and IE 9+ (PC, Surface). Basecamp also integrates effortlessly with email. Official apps are available for the iPhone in the App Store and Android on Google Play.

Pages from one secure, webbased dashboard. Advanced functionality includes tools for audience engagement, team collaboration, account security and comprehensive analytics for end-to-end measurement and reporting. 7. Scribd - PDF Sharing Tool Website: http://www.scribd. com/

5. WeVideo - Cloud-based video editor (web and mobile) Website: http://www.wevideo. com/

Scribd is an easy-to-use PDF sharing tool. Just upload your high-quality PDFs to Scribd and share them with the world. From one-pagers to full eBooks, Scribd helps you share it all.

WeVideo is a cloud-based, social, video-editing platform that helps everyone from beginners to experts make great- looking videos complete with custom themes, pre-made titles, and a library of professional music and stock-video.

Primarily through word-ofmouth alone, Basecamp has become the world’s #1 project management tool, helping teams stay organized and ontask. It’s easy-to-use and reliable, with a 15 year history. As a company, Basecamp is profitable, debt-free, and privately owned so they answer to their customers and no one else.

6. Hootsuite - Social publishing/monitoring platform Website: http://hootsuite.com/

menzar en marzo de 2015, y los pilotos se turnarán para conducir cinco días, turnos sin parar, comenzando en un país aún sin definir del Golfo Pérsico, a fin de aprovechar el fuerte sol en esa región.

de Estados Unidos, atravesar ese país, pasar el Atlántico y regresar al punto de partida, ya sea por el sur de Europa o por el norte de África.

El plan es volar sobre el Mar Arábigo para Asia, cruzar el continente hacia el Océano Pacífico, llegar a la costa oeste

HootSuite is a social media relationship management platform for businesses and organizations to collaboratively execute campaigns across social networks such as Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Google+

“Con ocho récords mundiales, el Solar Impulse 1, el primer avión solar capaz de volar por la noche, conectar dos continentes y atravesar Estados Unidos, hemos demos-

8. SimpleBooklet - Interactive Web-Booklet Making ToolWebsite: http://simplebooklet. com/ Convert your existing marketing brochure or build a new web booklet from scratch with SimpleBooklet’s code-free, drag and drop design tools. Add lead generating features such as contact forms, telephone lookups, and directions. Every live booklet can generate measurable new business interactions.

trado que las tecnologías limpias y las energías renovables permiten lograr lo imposible”, sostuvo Piccard. “Esto ahora va aún más lejos. El Solar Impulse 2 tiene una autonomía casi perpetua, por esto es que la vuelta alrededor del mundo va a ser una aventura humana y tecnológica”, añadió Borschberg.

Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.