“Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.” -Warren Buffett D e a r Holy Fami l y S u p p o r t e r , I th i nk of the abo v e q u o t e w h e n I r e f l e c t o n t h e p r o g r e s s m a de at Holy Family C a t h olic Schoo l F o u n d a t i o n s i n c e i t s i n c e p t i o n i n 1 9 9 1 . D r i ven by impassioned le a d ers and supp o r t e r s , o u r F ou n d a t i o n w a s c r e a t e d b y a c o mmunity who wished to p rovide educa t i o n a l o p p o r t un i t y t o c h i l d r e n w h o w o u l d o therwise not have it. W h e n the schoo l w a s a t g r a v e r i s k o f c l o s i n g , t h e c o m m u n i ty fought tirelessly to k e e p it alive. Bec a u s e o f t h e i r e f f o r t s , a l m o s t t h r e e d e c a d e s later nearly 250 Holy F a m ily students e v e r y y e a r c on t i n u e t o r e c e i v e t h e g i f t o f a quality Catholic e d u c ation. A s y ou review ou r f i r s t a n n u a l r e p o r t , I h o p e i t i s c l e a r h o w large a role our c o m munity play s i n t h e s u c c e s s o f o u r S c h o o l . I n f a c t , t h e support from the c o m munity thro u g h t h e F o u n d a t i o n c o m p r i s e s o n e - q u a r t e r (25%) of the School’s o v e r all budget - m o r e t h a n a n y o t h e r s o u r c e . B e c a use of this, m i s s ion to mee t s h a d e. We must e n c o urage us to
I f e e l i t i s o u r o b l i g a t i o n t o c o n t i n u e f u r t h ering the Foundation’s t h e n e e d s o f o u r d i v e r s e s t u d e n t s . W e c a n not rest easy in the p l a n t m o r e t r e e s a s I k n o w o u r f o u n d i n g c o mmunity leaders would do.
S c h o ols face inc r e a s i n g c h a l l en g e s i n t h e y e a r s a h e a d w i t h higher costs, lower e n r o llments, and g r e a t e r t e a c he r t u r n o v e r . W e , a g a i n , l o o k t o our community for h e l p . The dollar s r a i s e d f r o m th e c o m m u n i t y t h r o u g h H o l y F amily Catholic School F o u n dation direc t l y s u p p o r t a nd i m p a c t t h e o u t c o m e s o f i t s students. A s t udent can be o f f e r e d a b r ig h t e r f u t u r e f r o m a d e c i s i o n m ade today. We hope y o u consider m a k i n g a c o n t r i b u t i o n u s i n g t h e e n c l o s e d e n v elope to help us plant m o re trees for m o r e e d u c a t i o na l o p p o r t u n i t y . W e a r e v e r y g rateful for your s u p p ort.
What starts with community, ends in opportunity. T h a n k you,
S t e v e Whitty B o a rd Chair
h t i w s t r What sta
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03 04 05 06 07 08 10 11 15
Mission Statement and Goals
2020 Initiatives Teacher Pay Comparison • Teacher Spotlight Holy Family by the Numbers • Student Spotlight
A Culture of Giving Back
In Memoriam
Foundation Activities • Ways to Contribute
Financial Impact
Our Donors
Upcoming Events Alumni Spotlight • Board of Directors
MISSION STATEMENT We exist to encourage, solicit, and manage funds that provide Holy Family Catholic School (HFCS) with sufficient resources necessary to ensure an exemplary education designed to meet the needs of its students.
GOALS 1. To design and implement strategies which generate funds and friends for Holy Family Catholic School. 2. To inform the public about the uniqueness of Holy Family Catholic School. 3. To establish guidelines and investment policies which ensure fiscal responsibility. 4. To build an endowment that provides for financial security for the future of Holy Family Catholic School. 5. To collaborate and communicate with other groups who share the vision of Holy Family Catholic School.
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Increasing teacher salaries
One of our top priorities by 2021 is to increase teacher salaries to a competitive level in line with Dowling Catholic High School. Holy Family currently lags behind Dowling and the Des Moines public school district in teacher starting pay comparisons (see chart). Increasing teacher pay is a key component to student success. With more competitive pay, teacher performance improves and they are less likely to leave for better paying jobs. This, in turn, impacts student outcomes.
teacher pay comparison
TEACHER SPOTLIGHT Josefa Valdes, English Language Learners (ELL) Teacher, is in her 5th year teaching at Holy Family. Describe your role as an ELL Teacher. I collaborate with classroom teachers to design and implement ELL lessons that will support students’ learning and are specifically focused on reinforcing students’ language skills. I also assist with interpreting during parent teacher conferences or whenever it is needed. What are three qualities you possess that make you a great teacher? Being humble, flexible and positive. What attracted you to the school? I was working on my Master’s degree at Drake and chose to complete a job observation at Holy Family, as an international student myself. After graduation, there happened to be an opening for an ELL teacher at Holy Family. I have always been impressed with the welcoming spirit of everyone in the building, and the incredible desires of students to try their best. What is your teaching motto? Teaching is more than having our students achieve academic goals; it is about building strong relationships on a solid faith foundation and giving them plenty of opportunities to develop themselves as lifelong learners. What do you love most about teaching? I love the interaction with students from all ages and backgrounds. They are eager to learn and to show how they can do their best.
HOLY FAMILY BY THE NUMBERS 235 students attended Holy Family Catholic School (HFCS) during the 2018-19 school year from 12 countries around the world including: Vietnam, Laos, South Sudan, Sudan, Eritrea, Ghana, Kenya, Egypt, Mexico, El Salvador, Columbia, and Myanmar
“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.� -Nelson Mandela 95% of students speak English as a second language Students speak English, Spanish, Dinka, Shulluck, Arabic, Burmes, Koran, Zomi, Vietnamese, and Laotian.
85% of lunch was free or reduced per year
Proficiency Scores 89.5% Reading 86.6% Math 86% Science
Around 35 school masses per year
100% of students graduated from HFCS in 2018 24 of 25 went to Dowling Catholic High School
A CULTURE OF GIVING BACK At Holy Family, we believe that it is important to use our time, talent, and treasure to help those around us. Here are a few of the ways our students are making the world a better place:
Raised money for the Nigerian Seminary Fund, hurricane victims, and individuals/families in need. Created blessing bags containing socks, hats, and toiletries. Collected personal hygiene items, baby supplies, and cleaning items for Catholic Charities during Advent. Packaged food for Meals from the Heartland. Made blankets for children who have experienced traumatic events. Held "clean up" days for the area surrounding the school.
Our students consistently go above and beyond to give back. We are very proud of the difference they are making in our school, our neighborhood, and our city!
“If I have seen further it is only by standing on the shoulders of giants.” -Isaac Newton
IN MEMORIAM In 2018-2019, the Holy Family community lost two remarkable individuals who were instrumental in the school’s origination in 1980 – Reverend Gordon Gittins and Sister Shirley Crisler. We appreciate and honor their steadfast contributions and know their legacy lives on. Reverand Gordon J. Gittins, 77, died April 17, 2019 at Bishop Drumm Retirement Center in Johnston, Iowa. He graduated from Guthrie Center High School, after a year at Iowa State University he attended Conception Seminary in Missouri and Mount Saint Bernard Seminary in Dubuque, Iowa. He was ordained to the priesthood on June 2, 1968 at St. Ambrose Cathedral in Des Moines. He also obtained a Master’s degree in history from Drake University. He began as an Assistant Pastor at Visitation Parish and then at St. Joseph in Des Moines. After becoming Pastor of St. Patrick in Imogene he joined the faculty at St. Albert High School in Council Bluffs. While there he served as Pastor of St. Columbanus at Weston and chaplain of the Iowa School for the Deaf in Council Bluffs. He returned as Pastor of Visitation Parish, where he originally had the idea to merge Visitation and three other parishes into one school, which would become Holy Family School in 1980. After this, we went then onto Pastor of St. Clare, Clarinda, St. Joseph, Villisca and Sacred Heart, Bedford. He moved to St. Michael in Harlan and then served as Pastoral Care for St. Mary, Anita, St. John, Adair and St. Joseph, Casey. He served as Parochial Vicar at St. Anthony and then retired in 2008. Father Gittins was always very involved in the community wherever he was assigned. He loved visiting with people and had an enormous interest in all that life had to offer. He knew all about movies, music, history, theology, and politics and was always ready to engage people in conversation. He was always willing to help out even in difficult assignments.
Sister Shirley Crisler passed away at Bishop Drumm Care Center in Johnston, IA on August 10, 2018. Shirley was born February 16, 1926, to Clinton and Marie (Allen) Crisler, in Aurora, IL. She graduated from Madonna in 1944 and then worked as a secretary until she entered the Springfield Dominicans in September 1946. Shirley earned a BA with a major in English, and a Master’s in Education with a major in Administration both from DePaul University in Chicago. Shirley taught in schools in Illinois, Minnesota, and Iowa. Shirley served as co-principal at Sacred Heart in Des Moines and as principal at Visitation in Des Moines. It was during her time as Principal of Visitation that Shirley helped ensure the early success of Holy Family School and its merger with three other participating parishes. She then went on to St. Joseph’s in Kansas City, MO, and Seton Catholic in Ottumwa, IA. After retiring as principal, she continued to teach GED classes until her full retirement at age 80. Early in her life, Shirley was influenced greatly by her grandparents and Sr. Helen Rose, her 8th grade teacher. Sr. Helen Rose was to become a life-long friend and mentor. Shirley also became good friends with Bishop Dingman and went on to co-author his autobiography with Sr. Mira Mosle, BVM. Shirley was instrumental in getting guidance counselors into the Catholic schools and it was during this time she met Sr. Barbara Marshall, who became her longtime friend.
FOUNDATION ACTIVITIES BARN BASH Each year in the Fall, the Foundation hosts its annual Barn Bash fundraiser. This hallmark event started at the old Stine Barn many years ago and the tradition continues in the School's W.A. Krause Student Center. The casual atmosphere, fun games, and live auction make for an energizing event. We welcome between 150-200 attendees every year. If you haven't been to a Barn Bash yet, we hope you join us in 2020! GOLF OUTING The Foundation hosts a golf outing to support its fundraising efforts every summer. The event includes a round of golf, fun hole competitions, a dinner banquet, and plenty of camaraderie. In June 2019, Holy Family supporters played at The Legacy Golf Club in Norwalk. We will return to Legacy on June 15, 2020, so mark your calendars now! ADOPT A STUDENT The Adopt A Student program is an effective financial aid program that provides critical funds to parents for student tuition. Due to consistent response to this program, a Catholic education has become a reality for many families who would otherwise not be able to afford it. ANNUAL APPEAL The Annual Appeal is a yearly letter sent to our community asking for general operating funds for Holy Family Catholic School. This is a critical year-end campaign that enables our staff and administration to best serve students.
WAYS TO CONTRIBUTE AMAZON SMILE Do you shop on Amazon? You can support the School each time you spend. Go to www.smile.amazon.com and select “Holy Family Catholic School.� Amazon will make a 0.5% donation to HFCS with every eligible purchase. Start now to ensure all of your holiday shopping supports your favorite cause! PLANNED GIVING Did you know supporters over age 70 can contribute to Holy Family Foundation directly from their IRAs? Or that certain gifts to Holy Family Foundation may be eligible for a 25% state tax credit? Consider the Foundation in your estate plans for a legacy that will last for years to come! HONORARY OR MEMORIAL GIFTS Make a donation in honor or in memory of a friend or loved one. These gifts are a great way to express your feelings while supporting a worthy cause. VOLUNTEER In addition to financial donors, we greatly appreciate those who can provide the gift of time. There are many ways to volunteer at Holy Family Catholic School. Please contact the School's Volunteer Coordinator Morgan Mauro at mmauro@hfcsdm.org to learn more. If you are interested in learning more about ways to contribute or get involved with Holy Family Catholic Foundation, please contact Sarah Wiser at hfcsfoundation@gmail.com.
“An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.” -Benjamin Franklin
FINANCIAL IMPACT OUR SUPPORT IS CRITICAL Support from Holy Family Catholic School Foundation comprises one-quarter of the overall budget for Holy Family Catholic School.
Parish Support (5 Parishes)
Foundation t Suppor
Tuition, Fees, & Registrations
Catholic Tuition Organization
Pre-K and Childcare Programs
13% Other
g Fundraisin Support
Barn Bash Adopt A Student Annual Appeal Newsletter/Other Golf Outing
*FY 2018 -2019
24% 15% 13% 8% 6%
YOUR DONATIONS MATTER Of the annual support provided by the Foundation, twothirds is from annual fundraising activities.
Endowment Income
GIFTS $10,000 AND ABOVE Lois Berens Paul and Teri Bognanno Doug and Mary Bruce Chrysalis Foundation Patty and Jim Cownie
Kelly Family Foundation Ed and Joey McIlhon Moskal Family R.W. and Mary Nelson Steve and Anne Quinlan
R&R Realty Group Foundation Paul and Claudia Schickler Michele and Steve Whitty Larry and Kathi Zimpleman
Jon and Barb Hrabe Jerry's Homes Inc. Ed and Sue Kenny Marilou Krumm Steve and Cathy Lacy Robert and Rita Murray
Elizabeth Nelson Bill Noth Joel and Amy Pearson Larry and Dianne Reelitz Patrick and Michelle Rounds Isabel Echazu and Luis Valdes
Dennis Hogan Holiday Inn Express at Drake University Julianna Kasper Todd and Lindsay Lee Daniel and Bridget Manning Luanne Manno Mark McCormick Gerry and Mary Lou Neugent Tim and Kelli Oswald Dennis and Janis Porto
Stanford and Carol Reinisch Foundation Mark and Mary Roth Florence Roth Dean and Annette Roth LouAnn Sandburg Gary and Brenda Schuldt Dane and Christina Shelton Viking Foundation of Lincoln Jeffrey Yurgae
GIFTS $9,999 - $5,000 Terry and Chris Branstad James and Mary Ann Campney Christian Comito Don and Marilyn Duwelius Chuck and Janet Haas Don and Janet Holms
GIFTS $4,999 - $2,000 Annette Bair Jim and Lesa Blasco Businessolver Thomas Carpenter Joseph and Margaret Ann Comito Philip and Amy Doud Bruce Gerleman Dwight Gilbride Gilcrest Jewett Lumber Co. Steve & Rachel Hauschildt
HONOR AND MEMORIAL GIFTS Betty Volk Adolf Sandy Allen Kristen Ann Barron Jim Berens Margaret Berry Susan Coco Joseph Davis Mick and Darlene (Schnoebelen) Donahue Mary Grochala Msgr. Joseph Hanson Ann Canavan Hart
Bryce Holland Fr. James Kiernan Sr. Barbara Marshall Joey and Ed McIlhon Daniel McIlhon Michael Moskal Berney Nassif Lew Neville Frank, Mary, and Amber Nogel Fr. Frank Palmer Bishop Richard Pates Fr. Tom Pfeffer
Steve Rocha Florence Roth Pat Rounds Greg and Karen Sanders Bobby Scheidler Darwin and Madeline Stanley Dolores Thomas Betty Volk Weichman Family Robert Wike
OUR DONORS GIFTS $1,999 - $500 Assembled Products Inc. Bob Brown Jane Boyd Joseph & Janet Brick Foundation Victoria Campbell Capital City Fruit Co. Susan Carlson Catholic Women's League John and Kathleen Clarey Don and Mary Coffin Kenneth and Mary Conry David Craig Sharon Dee DM Kelly and Company Kevin and Teresa Driscoll Tim and Teresa Dunbar Rosalie and Charles Dunham Eide Bailly LLP Jim and Dagni Falvey Kevin and Suzanne Farley Kathleen Finkenauer Marty and Kristen Flaherty A. William and Cynthia Fleischacker Jim and Pat Floersch Frank Carroll Farms Scott Frost James and Jan Gerlach Gilbert & Cook Inc. Kathryn Griffin Fr. Ken Gross Ron and Angel Grubb Thomas and Colette Haldi Margaret Ann Heger Tom Houghton Image Solutions Iowa State Bank Dan and Nicolette Keough Nancy Krause Krause Gentle Foundation Mark and Wendy Kriegshauer Joseph Lane, Sr.
Paul and Sally Latta Mary Ann Leporte Terry and Joyce Lillis Kathleen Lillis Keith and Patricia Luchtel Stephen and Mary Mahoney John and Grace McGuire Linda McIlhon John and Teri McIlhon Sean and Julie McMurray Morgan Stanley Alejandro Munoz Christopher and Linda Nelson Gary Nogel Jim and Jeanne O'Halloran Fr. Stephen Orr Most Rev. Richard Pates Andrew and Libby Patton PMMIC Insurance Thomas and Vickie Posisil Precision Test and Balance Joseph Price Brian Rakers Renaissance Group LLC Larry and Sophie Richards Ron and Kathleen Ricker Bill and Bridget Riley Rounds & Associates Mark Rupprecht Dan Ryan and Michelle Auen Ryan Mary Scarpino Jeff and Lisa Schwarte Deanna Sellner Dennis Rhodes and MaryKay Shanley Douglas and Marilyn Sharp Marcella Sheaff Kevin and Amie Shires Thomas and Julie Slater David and Jennifer Smith Straub Foundation Jim Streck Kevin Sullivan
Arlene Sweeney Joe and Leslie Teeling Mike and Mary Thilges Geoffrey Thomas Kirk and Elaine Thomas Mark and Karen Thomas Mary Trost Chris Trout Therese Vaughan Brian and Melynda Walsh Martin and Katie Walsh Dorothy Walter Wild Rose Entertainment Michael and Linda Witte Tom and Kyrie Wong
OUR DONORS GIFTS UP TO $500 A.J. and Ashley Anderson Thomas and Pamela Baker Sharon Bandstra Dianne Banning Leonardo Baquero Xavier Barron Mark and Sandra Beckwith Fr. Lawrence Beeson David and Patti Bell Virginia Bettle Todd and Joan Bindel Charles and Mary Jean Bischof Ray Blase Jeoffrey and Ann Block Brandon Bohlman David and Pamela Boone Colleen Breheny Christa Bright George Brucks Lou Ann Burkle Staci Burr Frank and Nancy Cable Sr. Anne Callahan Jerry Carpenter Joe and Bobbie Carpenter Lyle and Jeanne Carpenter Maria Casey Patrick Casey Zach and Kristin Clemens Patrick and Marlene Clerkin Leonard and Dolores Cockman Joseph Coco Lenora Coe Kendra Colbert-Parsons David Collier Aimee Beckman Collier Brendan and Christine Comito John and Barbara Cortesio William Cox Rodger and Tracy Curnow Dustyn Curran Sharon Dante Deloris Davis
Donald and Carol Davis James and Helen DeBartolo Tim and Barbara Dempsey Carney Derksen David Dickson Dave and Jane Dirks Doll Distributing LLC David and Ruth Dominy Jill Dopheide Philip Dorweiler John and Judith Dwyer James and Celeste Egger Stephen and Kay Elliott Mary Feist Donald and Kelley Fifer Julie Fingerhut Sr. Jude Fitzpatrick Diana Fleischacker Connor and Pam Flynn Holly Flynn Mary Free Jeanine Freeman John and Bridget Fulitano John and Jane Gaffney Francis and Patricia Garrity Elsie Gass Tom George Ann Gerdom John and Lindsay Gilbert Michael Gill James Glaser Bill and Marilyn Gorham Steven and Heidi Grace Thomas Graf Richard Grassman Paula Grasso John and Mary Grochala Bob Hallgren Richard and Margaret Ann Harmeyer Sara Harris Norton and Kathy Hatlie James and Sarah Hayes
George Heddinger Richard and Jean Heger Scott and Mendy Heidesch Dale and Jo Helling Michael Hess Connie Heuton Ross and Jeanne Hillsman Thomas and Jennifer Hilton Georgiana Hoerster Mary Jo Hoffmans Gerald and Rosemary Holland Mike and Laura Holms David Holt James and Sheila Hourigan William & Kathy Hunnicutt Richard and Linda Hurd Kristin Hurd Charles Ill Patty Iseminger Michelle McGovern and Jack Janda Thomas and Rita Johnson Joe Joyce Adam Kaduce Phyllis Kellogg John Kelly Patrick and Jennifer Kelly Michael Kennedy Peter and Kris Kiernan George Kinley Fr. Eugene Koch Kohles Mechanical Inc. Charles and Christine Korte Thomas and Miranda Kouri John and Faye Kunz Bernard Kurtz Mike and Jane LaMair John and Sandra Langin Legacy Golf Club Gary and Katherine Liess James and Theresa Liewer Robert Lippold Donald Logli
OUR DONORS GIFTS UP TO $500 Dave and Jennifer Lorbiecki Mary Ann Ludwig Fr. John Ludwig Sara Lukan John and Rita Luther Margaret Maloney Brad and Mary Manatt Robert and Linda Manning Rudolph and Ann Marcinko Stephen and Sharon Marlow John and Rhonda Marshall Kathy and Bill Mathews William McCabe Dan and Cindy McCleary Mike McCleary Patricia McCormick Patricia McFarland Pat McGoldrick Misty McIlhon Mary McManus Mary Brown Mehalovich Theresa Menough Janet Merry Judith Mertens Lee and Deborah Moran Paul and Eva Moritz MR Construction Barb and Joe Mullahey Robert and Janice Myers Daniel and Bridget Nassif Derek and Christine Nelson Scott and Barb Nessa Dan and Marilyn Neville Wayne and Mary Beth Newkirk Noah's Ristorante Paul and Nancy Nurczyk Glenn and Mary Oberlin Darin Origer Mary Rose Ortmann Carma Overmyer Bruce and Linda Oxenford Michael and Michelle Pagliai Rev. David Polich
Joe and Judy Price Diane Proctor Thomas Purcell Randi Radosevich Bobbie Riddle Arnold Ripperger Lena Rocha William and Mary Rogers Tony and Michelle Rogers Robert and Jessica Rogers Traci Rogo Beth Ann Rohwedder Jeanne Rooney-Graves Steven Rottler Joe Russo Charles Ruth Harry and Kathryn Sandstrom Patricia Sarcone Theresa Sawyer Sam Scheidler Larry and Janice Scott Marcia Sears Jeffery and Leanna Sevitts John and Annette Shaughnessy Adam and Anne Shires Ann Shuman Chris Smith Julian State David and Teresa Steffen Alvin Strnad Rodney and Eileen Swoboda Mary Tomlinson Stephen Toothman Jana Vandam Debbie Vandekamp Kyle and Sasha Veenstra Leonard Vidmar Linda Vorrath Jack and Ann Wahlig Dennis Walker Paul and Linda Walter Robert Walter Jim and Joanna Wanninger
Marita Welch Tammy Wentzel David and Ann Whitaker S.M. and J.H. Wickham Margaret Wild Alan and Jennifer Wille Brandt and Beth Williamson Michael and Sarah Wiser L.J. and Catherine Witte Melissa Wolf Janet Woolway Stephanie Wright-Hart YEStaurants Shaochen Yu
12/16/2019: Christmas Concert (6:30pm) 12/19/2019: Winter Break begins 01/05/2020: Students return to school 01/26/2020: Catholic Schools Week 01/31/2020: Family Fun Night/Open House
Holy Family will host its First Annual Art Show in the spring of 2020. We would love to have you join us as we celebrate the talent of our students. More details coming soon!
02/13/2020: Math Night 02/26/2020: Ash Wednesday Mass 06/12/2020: Last Day of school 06/15/2020: Annual Golf Event 07/31/2020: Classes resume
ALUMNI SPOTLIGHT Somkith “Chris” Boutdavong graduated from Holy Family Catholic School in 2002. Learn what he’s been up to since! What did you do after Holy Family? I graduated from Dowling High School in 2002. I then went on to Iowa State University for hotel/restaurant management and transferred to the Iowa Culinary Institute. After college, I was a head cook at Dowling for 4 years before moving to Santa Monica, CA to help open a Japanese restaurant as an Executive Chef. I returned to Des Moines where I now serve as the Dietary Manager at On With Life in Ankeny. How has your Holy Family education helped you? Holy Family has given me a Christcentered education. It has, and still does to this very day, shape who I am as a person. Looking back on your time on Holy Family, for what are you most grateful? The friendships I developed throughout my 10 years there from Pre-K through 8th grade. I still keep in contact with my guidance counselor who guided and coached me as a student.
WHAT STARTS WITH COMMUNITY, ENDS IN OPPORTUNITY. @holyfamilycatholicschooldsm P.O. BOX 8437, Des Moines, IA 50301 hfcsfoundation@gmail.com . 515.262.7466