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ly applied as a neutralizing element and used in association

trast; orange–blue also is the most pronounced cold-warm

with chromatic hues.

contrast. Complementary contrast in reduced nuances is suitable for a balanced interior design; it precludes monotonous

Chromatic Contrast

spatial effect and color experience.

Chromatic contrast results from combining chromatic colors. It is most clearly apparent when three or more pure-hued, highly

Intensity Contrast

saturated colors come together. The less similar the hues are,

This describes the contrasting of colors with different satura-

the more pronounced and stronger the effect of the contrast is.

tion. Its effect is strongest when small amounts of pure color

The greatest possible dissimilarity, and therefore the most pro-

are placed as an accent between large areas of extended, mut-

nounced contrast, results from combinations that are located

ed colors.The individual color becomes an important element

far apart from each other on the color circle, such as yellow, red,

in the interaction between colors, and arouses particular at-

and blue. Chromatic contrasts using pure colors are very strik-

tention. In a spatial context, intensity contrast is a good in-

ing, vibrant, and powerful.They attract attention. In interior de-

strument for color dominance, subdominance, or accent. One

sign, especially in spaces where people spend large amounts of

particular form of intensity contrast is the nuance contrast

time, chromatic contrasts should be used sparingly, for exam-

mentioned above.

ple to place emphases. Overstimulation caused by too harsh a contrast has adverse effects on the organism.

Quantity Contrast Quantity contrast refers to the proportional relationship of

Complementary Contrast

colors and their interaction. Very different effects can be cre-

Complementary contrast can be seen where there is a rela-

ated if the proportions of colors in a combination are modi-

tionship between two colors that are as different as possible.

fied. For this reason, quantity contrast also plays an important

Each color has only one complement. The relationship be-

role in interior design. Color proportions in spaces contribute

tween complementary colors can be most clearly perceived in

decisively to the spatial impression and thus to spatial effect.

pure and highly saturated colors.They are located diametrically opposite one another on a color wheel and produce a neu-

Flicker Contrast

tral gray when mixed. Every complementary pair has its own

If intense colors with the same degree of brightness or dark-

special features. Yellow–violet for instance is not only a com-

ness are applied to a wall, a “flicker” contrast will often occur.

plementary contrast, but also the strongest light-dark con-

If we look at this for too long, a confusing overstimulation will

Intensity contrast


Flicker contrast


Quality contrast


Simultaneous contrast



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