Voces comp zine #3

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Porque no soy Rihanna, the night I was left bruised no one made a big deal of it save a few people. Some told me I needed to leave, now. Others told me that yes it was a big deal pero that it didn’t mean the end of the relationship. Others said, plan mujer plan. Stay quiet and plan. I knew what it meant to me. I don’t know why I took a picture of the bruise left on one of my arms when I was thrown to the ground. Somewhere in the back of my head maybe I was planning to call the police. Perhaps it was for my own remembering, so that I wouldn’t forget. I still haven’t forgiven. The whispers were still there, they questions as to why I stayed for so long as if I had a world of options available to me and my two children y porque no me llamo Rihanna the story isn’t one on the front pages of revistas and on bochinche shows even though it isn’t just my story. It’s mine and Rihanna’s and millions, millions of others. Porque no eres Rihanna no one took pictures of you mujer that snowy March night even though I counted a dozen people who noticed the way he pushed you on the sidewalk and yelled obscenities in your face. Only three teenage girls and I stayed on the street slowly moving towards you figuring out if he was some stranger or someone you knew not that that should matter. The teenage girls and I would not leave you. We asked if you were ok and if we could do anything. You said yes to call 911. That he was drunk. The two of you moved towards the closing doors of the fast food restaurant where again people watched pero did nothing porque you weren’t Rihanna no one took a picture. I stood in between you and him as he he spit how you were his wifey. I told him that was no way to treat wifey. In the end you decided that you didn’t want to wait for the police that you wanted to go home with him and you did

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A la mujer the other nite on 63rd Drive and the team of chicas who stepped up

and the teenage girls and I watched quietly motionless in the street hoping and praying it would all be ok for you. Pero porque no somos Rihanna no one talks about the bigger picture just the tv picture until now hopefully

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