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A body of scientific research is demonstrating that increased protein provided at about 1 gram per pound of lean body mass (29 percent of resting metabolic rate) provides better control of hunger and maintains lean body mass better than the usually recommended amount of protein which is about 15 percent of total calorie intake. In addition to research at UCLA which forms the basis for the ShapeWorks program, recent studies in Australia and in Colorado demonstrate that increased protein may be especially useful for promoting weight loss in the pre-diabetic insulin resistant obese individual. Herbalife is currently doing studies in Brazil, Germany, and Korea. Fitness is part of Herbalife, because exercise helps to maintain healthy body weight. During weight loss, exercise has a minimal effect on speeding up weight loss. However, it is one of the most important habits to help you keep your weight off for the long term. Here are the pillars of our nutrition program including fitness:

Pillars of our Program I.

Lose Fat/Retain Muscle while you Increase Energy and Control Hunger – ShapeWorks,, PPP, Green Tea, Herbal ShapeWorks Tea, Multivitamins II. Increase Your Energy – Liftoff, Niteworks III. Protect Your Cells by Balancing Nutrition – Herbalifeline,, Green Tea, Aloe Herbalifeline Concentrate IV. Get and Stay Fit

Many Americans take in too little protein and have a sedentary lifestyle. resulting in loss of muscle and increase in fat or sarcopenic obesity. Attempts at rapid weight loss by eating less of their favorite foods results in deficiencies of multiple nutrients usually including protein. When In this common condition, lean tissue is deficient and the percent body fat is high (>30 percent) despite a normal Body Mass Index (BMI). Similarly, weight lifters can be overweight with a high BMI, but have a normal percent body fat. Their increased weight is due to increased muscle tissue, and they require increased protein based on their lean mass both to control hunger and maintain muscle.

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