Nongqai vol 8 no 5

Page 38

The name of Rorke's Drift led to the much-loved film starring Stanley Baker (left) who played Lieutenant John Chard It was on January 22 1879, on the Natal border with Zululand, in South Africa, that the tiny British garrison of 140 men - many of them sick and wounded - fought for at least 12 hours to repel repeated attacks by up to 4,000 Zulu warriors. The defence was rewarded by Queen Victoria's government with no fewer than 11 Victoria Crosses. The name of Rorke's Drift led to the much-loved film starring Stanley Baker and Michael Caine. The movie, which is still celebrated more than 50 years after it was made, saw Baker play Lieutenant John Chard, while Caine played his right-hand man, Lieutenant Goville Bromhead. After fighting day and night the Zulus eventually retreated after 351 of the men died and 500 were wounded. It was part of the wider Anglo - Zulu war took place during 1879. The conflict began because the Zulu kingdom presented an obstacle to British imperial ambitions in southern Africa. The British invasion of Zululand began on January 11 1879, with the British objective being an eventual federation in Africa. The battle of Isandhlwana erupted on the 22nd of January 1879, 11 days after the British started their invasion. 20,000 Zulu warriors attacked 1,800 British, colonial and native troops and 400 civilians. The Zulus, who had more numbers, overwhelmed the British, killing over 1,300 troops, while around 1,000 Zulu soldiers were killed. The battle of Rorke's Drift started almost immediately after, ending on the 23rd. The Battle of Ulundi on the 4th of July 1879 effectively ended the Zulu-Anglo war, with the defeat of the Zulu forces by the British when over 5,200 British and African soldiers razed the capital of Zululand after defeating the main Zulu army. The war ultimately ended with a British victory, and Zulu independence. As the battle developed Lt Chard made a note of where Robson was placed. He wrote: '...the Zulus were wrecking the camp and my wagon in spite of the efforts of my batman, Driver Robson, who had directed his particular attention to keeping the Zulus off this wagon in which were, as he described it, our things.' 38

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