Dd module01 journal studio17 yue yang 924567

Page 5

Week Two


Zaha Hadid Burnham Pavilion ‘s Isometric (SW)

I chose this isometric, because this view can show one of the entries and the interior form. I have learned that circulation is the movement or action of people in the situation. How can they move in this building? As for the threshold, i have learned that the threshold could be the connection between two spaces or more spaces. It could be an area to have a conversation or rest. The key concept of this precedent study might be the circulation and threshold. Specifically, how do people move in this building and how can the different spaces be connected are the main issues for me to consider. So, in my work, the dark grey colour shows the space of circulation and the threshold could be seen between the gate and center, or just the center, which depends on where you stand.


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