UnBox Caravan - The Craft Edition

Page 59

2 : CRAFT & IoT

V – The bacteria that the fridge produces in the water is very harmful for your throat... P – The clay pot actually creates a difference from outside to inside, that is just enough J – That is about the using of craft objects, what about the making of craft objects? P – Making of craft objects – I mean, if we’re looking in terms of occupational health it also depends upon how and which craft and how they’re practicing it. Practicing papier mâché in a very closed space in Kashmir in extreme winter will mean you are engaged in that activity and since you are not engaged in anything else, that can be a useful distraction. Most crafts don’t exist in isolation, because people do something else alongside – i.e. they’re farmers and they’re also craftsmen. In the villages when they cannot farm, they practice crafts, like the example I gave of Kashmir. In the summers they go out and sell and in the winters, they are inside and making these objects. So it has different elements – it could be extremely meditative as a solo, slow, concentrated process. But if done to service a supply alone and if there is a big demand for it, it becomes occupationally dangerous. But at the same time the adaptability of people who are making things and adopting multiple postures through their day- it is much healthier. In terms of the postures whilst making things – they make things with their whole body. J – Because it is such an embodied thing P – Yes


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