The Harding Dam Water Treatment Plant was constructed to supply potable water to the towns of Dampier, Karratha, Cape Lampert, Point Samson, Roeburn and other surrounding areas.
Water Infrastructure Group undertook design and construction of the civil, mechanical and electrical works for the new 60 Megalitre per day Microfiltration Water Treatment Plant. The plant uses chemical dosing to assist the Microfiltration system in treating the water.
Design and construction of the civil, mechanical and electrical works for the following: •
Raw Water pump and control valves station
Gaseous Chemical Disinfection Dosing Facilities
Gaseous Ammoniation Dosing Facilities
Fluorosilicic Acid Dosing Facilities
Sulphuric Acid Dosing Facilities
Sodium Hydroxide Dosing Facilities
Poly-Aluminium Chloride Dosing Facilities
Citric Acid Dosing Facilities
Clean in Place Membrane Cleaning System
Polyelectrolyte System Dosing Facilities
Water Corporation
Harding River Dam Western Australia
$17.5 million
Reject Water Clarifier and Sludge Lagoons
Process, Potable & Fire Water Services
Chemical Dosing & Microfiltration Buildings
Siemens PLC and SCADA system
The Water Treatment Plant is supplied by the Harding River Dam. Depending on the water level in the dam, it is supplied to the WTP through 2 methods:•
During high dam levels, the dam head supplies water to the WTP through hydrostatic pressure. The WTP uses a control valve to regulate the WTP flow.
During low dam levels, the WTP uses pumps to supply water. The WTP regulates the flow through the WTP via the pump speed.
The WTP uses chemical dosing to augment the Microfiltration system. Such as:•
Sulphuric acid dosing for pH correction prior to flocculation.
Poly-Aluminium Chloride dosing for flocculant dosing.
A Flocculation tank for forming of Flocc. particles prior to micro-filtration.
A 5 train (5 current, 6 future) Microfiltration system.
Membrane Cleaning systems using Citric acid and Chlorine dosing.
Gaseous Chlorine and Ammonia dosing for disinfection via chloramination.
Fluoridation through Fluorosilicic acid dosing.
Water Quality analyser for online water quality data recording and alarms.
Reject water clarifier for treating the reject water.
Sludge Lagoons for drying of the reject sludge