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where to go. Depression will put a thirst in you. It will cause you to say, “LORD, I have to get out of this. I can’t stand this. I don’t care what it takes. I’m thirsty for you, GOD. I need you to show up in my life.” Do you ever feel like you are drowning, but you can’t drown? You aren’t quite water-logged, but you can’t keep your head above water either. That’s how it is to be depressed. The devil doesn’t cause depression. When you allow the circumstances in life to drive you away from GOD, when you quit praising him, and when you quit going to church, you become open to this spirit. Too often this is how we react under pressure; the very place we need to be is the place we avoid.

FEAR OR FAITH Fear says: “I’m afraid of what tomorrow will bring.” Faith says: “I know God, who holds tomorrow!” Fear calls out: “Crime!” Faith says: “God will protect and keep us” Fear says: “What’s going to happen to our children?” Faith says: “God will keep them under his wings!” Fear says: “How am I going to pay, how will I be able to afford?” Faith says: “God will provide!” Fear takes us captive while faith sets free. Fear discourage while faith encourages. Fear gives birth to hopelessness while faith restores hope. Fear brings sadness, faith rejoices in the Lord. Fear causes us to feel useless while faith gives meaning and purpose to our lives. Fear causes sickness while faith brings healing. Fear leads to death while faith gives life.

TERRIBLE MISTAKE In a number of places JESUS intentionally challenged his listeners to test him. Even today he welcomes those who want to question his claims and character as long as they are willing to follow through on what they discover. JESUS’ challenge clarifies the two most frequent reasons that people miss when encountering him: 1) they never accept his challenge to test him, or 2) they test him but are not willing to believe what they discover. Have you made either of these mistakes? Are you rejecting the truth when it should be accepted? The answer is in John 8:4247.

CHILDREN AND ANGELS Our concern for children must match GOD’s treatment of them. Angels are assigned to watch over them, and as you know Angels have direct access to GOD. Children should not be ignored, taken lightly, or aborted; they should be loved and cared for with the love of GOD our Father. We should allow children to approach us easily in spite our far too busy schedules. Furthermore, we come in contact with children who need CHRIST at home, at school, in church, and in the neighbourhood. Steer them toward CHRIST by your example, your words, and your acts of kindness. Show them that CHRIST is alive in you, that he is real and that he loves them more than anything else in this world.

PRAYER PRIORITY Whatever your role in GOD’s work, pray today for more helpers. Believers are not always to work alone. GOD wants us to pray, recruit, and equip others to join us as we explore opportunities to serve JESUS. Some people, as soon as they understand the gospel, want to go and convert people immediately. JESUS gave a different approach: begin by mobilizing people to pray. Before praying for unsaved people, pray that other concerned disciples will join you in reaching out to them. GOD will lead you to an important responsibility, but prayer comes first.

SPEAK UP We today have every reason to believe because we have the full record of JESUS’ miracles, death, and resurrection. We also have the evidence of what the gospel has done in people’s lives through the centuries. That said, although many people (believers) talk about CHRIST in church, cell groups, and among themselves; when it comes to making a public statement about their faith, they are often embarrassed. JESUS says in Matthew 10:32 that he will acknowledge us before GOD if we acknowledge him before others (unbelievers). Be courageous! Speak up for CHRIST! You have nothing to be ashamed of; he died for you and he saved you! DEPRESSION Depression sometimes feels as if you are being chased by something. You are so tired of running from what you are afraid of that you don’t know


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