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School of life

School of life


“This button represents my final attempt to renovate a muchloved camel cashmere funnel-neck coat which I bought over 25 years ago. Having replaced all the original buttons, I’ve reluctantly accepted the fact that, after being shortened badly and suffering a vicious moth attack, it will be now be relegated to a more lowly status, as a Kent dog-walking coat.


“Never again to be seen again swinging through the smarter areas of central London, from now on my coat will be subjected to over-enthusiastic, muddy dogs and nosy horses wondering what I have in my pockets. What a fall from grace.”


“This little beauty looks as though it should be gracing the finger of Meghan Markle, doesn’t it? In actual fact it’s a button from a jacket bought for a song from a high-street chain store. My daughter chose the jacket for an important job interview.

“I used to work in the clothing industry and over the years have witnessed the relentless growth of fast fashion. Let’s hope that future generations will learn to appreciate craft and quality again.

“Still, I’m pleased to say that my daughter got the job.”


“This button belonged to my longline white bouclé collarless jacket with fabulous shoulder pads. I wore it for work between 1984 and 1992, often with matching clip earrings, an ankle-length black wool skirt with back split and black stockings. Those were the days!

The jacket was from Alexon, a brand that no longer exists, and I bought it from Beales in Bournemouth, which sadly closed last summer after 150 years.”


“This covered button was on a blouse passed on to me as a teenager by my godmother. She dressed very well, was rather sophisticated for the small town we lived in – smoking heavily and holidaying in Capri or the Riviera – but passed on clothes and jewellery to me which were quite unsuitable for my age and lifestyle and sadly were unappreciated by me.”

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