Three Minds

Page 72

For the next ten days the Enterprise nosed her way through the old system, stopping here and there to make scientific studies. The rendezvous with the Arunta had gone smoothly and several new crewmembers had come aboard. Beverly was delighted to find a new diagnostic computer was transported aboard to be fitted to all the biobeds. With greater sensitivity, the new system would enhance Sickbay pleasing the Doctor inordinately. She had the computers up and running two days after receiving them and pestered several crewmembers to be patients so she could test them. The situation soon became common knowledge and information swept the lower decks so quickly that Beverly soon had no takers. In desperation she went to the Bridge. Finding Jean-Luc in his Ready Room, she settled into Will’s usual seat and leaned over the Command chair to whisper in his ear. “Will I have a favour to ask. I want…” The big man stroked his beard and chuckled. “I bet you have and the answer’s no. I do not want to be a test bunny!” The outraged Doctor sat up and took a swipe at his shoulder. “How the hell do you know?” With a delighted laugh Will replied, “It’s all over the ship! Everyone’s talking about it…Doctor Crusher wants test bunnies. I really don’t think you’re going to get anyone.” By now becoming irritated, Beverly huffed. “Oh for God’s sake! I just need a representative of each species aboard. It’s harmless, painless…it just takes a little while…” The First Officer leaned over and said wryly, “I heard it takes over two hours.” Now angry, the Doctor glared. “Well I have to calibrate and specify…there are readouts and schematics…dammit Will!” Just then Jean-Luc strode out of his office. He stopped as Will and Beverly vacated their chairs then sat quietly, easily sensing Beverly’s angst. “Doctor Crusher? What seems to be the problem?” “Captain. I am having a little trouble gaining volunteers to test my new diagnostic biobed computers.” “Ah yes, the new computers…I’ve heard. Somehow Doctor I don’t think you’ll be getting your volunteers if what I understand is true.” With hands on hips in an almost insubordinate display, Beverly tossed her hair back and met her CO head on. “And just what is that Sir?” With a small smile, Jean-Luc shrugged. “That it takes several hours. I don’t think…” ”It takes two hours tops!”


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