Inner Tapestry "Exploration" Summer 2015

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I actually had to write this ar8cle with pen and paper and even with that, every 8me I a7empted to write, one of my cats would lay down on it, immediately. My original ar8cle was actually on a different topic. It was not un8l I started wri8ng about this experience that they actually let me write. This ar8cle is Spirit driven. I am grateful for my wonderful editor who gave me an extension. Thank you! I was falling in a trap of focusing so much on giving that my feline family saw that I was becoming out of balance. I am very fortunate to have such an in tune group of individuals with me… and this is not the first 8me that they have come together to help me. Several years ago, my Mother, who was one of the closest people in my life, passed away in an accident. Everything happened so quickly. My brothers and I were in the hospital all night and when I came home in the morning, I did not know what to do next. I was in shock that someone so close to me was ripped from my everyday existence. I fully understood that she was in a safe and beau8ful place…. It was just that my landscape was forever changed. I went to bed and lay down. Immediately, my amazing cats came around me and snuggled so close to me that I was like a swaddled infant. One of them stayed at the foot of my bed keeping guard like a sen8nel. This is the first 8me they had ever done anything like this. They con8nued for several months and then, gradually, they started to take turns being there for me. How amazingly nurturing of them… and because of that I slept peacefully every night. Many 8mes people tell me that the cats in their lives are lying around all day doing nothing. I know that what they are doing much of that 8me is crea8ng energe8c balance in the home and for the family. So many of us are busy and bring energe8c imbalance home. They are amazing energy healers… even be7er than having a Reiki master coming into your home every day (which would be a wonderful blessing) because they have a keener sense of what you personally need. Many animals do this work. Cats just happen to look like they are sleeping when they are doing it.

Cleome This next story is about how a highly connected horse saved his human companion’s life in a most unexpected way. I have been given permission to share this very private story, as long as I do not use any names. This story unfolded in ways I never expected but was honored to be entrusted with. I was contacted by a family to see if I could help find out why a horse threw his human companion off of him, causing her to break many bones and be in a body cast for six months. The two had always been so close. This woman loved her horse companion, but was now afraid because they could not find any medical reason why he had acted this way, all of a sudden, on this par8cular day. I learned a couple of very big lessons when I met up with them… the first being that I should always make sure that the person in ques8on wants me there.


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